
Monday, October 24, 2011

#Prisoners swap : Illan Grapel for 25 Egyptians

And so Israeli US citizen Illan Grapel is going to be exchanged for 25 Egyptians including 3 minors in 2 days.
The announcement came from Tel Aviv through Ofir Gendelman’s twitter account in Arabic and in English.

#Breaking: #Egypt will release Ilan Grapel. Israel has accepted the Egyptian request to release 25 Egyptian prisoners, 3 of who are minors.Mon Oct 24 17:10:31 via web
It is worth to remember that the agreement needs the approval of the security cabinet. “Please read the Wikipedia’s entry about security cabinet of Israel”
Of course there is an anger in Egypt because there were talks at first about 81 Egyptians in the Israeli prisons and people naturally will compare it . Needless to say I expected that the number will be decreased from couple of days ago when I read that the Egyptian government is revising all the cases of Egyptians imprisoned in Israel. Gendelman made it clear that the Egyptians that will be exchanged are not involved violent activities , of course you need to define these violent activities.
Grapel was accused of espionage and arrested in last June 2011
Ouda Tarabin is not included in the deal , so either the Israeli government is not interested in him “after all he is not real Israeli citizen” or the Egyptian intelligence is keeping him for a real important swap.
By the way the two men besides Shalit in this photo below are El Gaabry who is one the commanders in the militant branch of Hamas while the man on the right wearing jeans is from the GIS. Some newspaper wrote the name of the GIS officer from couple of days but I forgot , all what they said about him that he used to work in our embassy in Tel Aviv from couple of years ago.
El Gaabry on the left of Shalit 
There is no news yet about the American offer in Grapel’s deal.
Waiting to hear what Grapel is going to say in the Israeli and American media.

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