
Sunday, October 9, 2011

The sniper over our Rooftop : Snipers over the AUC building

After that photo surfaced last week showing the budget of Snipers unit crystal clear in the media , there was another amazing revelation that proved there are snipers and the big irony nobody revealed except the ministry of interior itself !!
We found out in the official website of ministry of interior , in the section of police academy that the training center of Central Security Forces includes a courses for Snipers unit.
The website of police academy 
The snipers unit comes the fourth among the CSF units according to the website.
There is no doubt that the academy webpages have not been updated and thus that smoking gun was left like that. It also seems that Eissawy does not know the training courses currently presented in the academy !!
That revelation by mistake forced the ministry of interior to speak to to media through unnamed security source claiming that the only mission of the Snipers unit in the CSF training center is to raise the standards of the officers and to train them on all sorts of weapons. That unnamed source goes and says that the officers who were trained in this unit did not shoot the protesters. “Yeah they came from outer space !!”
Well I dedicate that video from Hossam Hamawlay from January 28th at Tahrir square for snipers over the rooftop of the AUC old building “I think it is the building of the AUC bookshop ” 
January 28th : Snipers over the AUC building
I shivered while I was watching this video. Now despite it is unclear from the video to see clearly who was shooting the protesters when it comes to the uniform but according to the one who filming it was the police that firing the protesters.
The AUC denied that it allowed snipers or police to use its building against the protesters in March 2011 following the government’s fact finding committee reached out that the police stood on the top of the building in the square including the AUC to shoot the protesters.
Update : 
It turned out the AUC security personal admitted that the security forces entered the campus by force.


  1. عزيزتي للاسف لاافهم لماذا الاصرار من جميع الاطراف انه لايوجد للداخليه قناصه وانهم لم يضربوا الثوار وان العمليه اجندات واجانب وووطيب ليه ان عملت ماتخاف وان خفت ماتعمل ولا هو افتري وبس خايفين من الناس في الدنياومش بتفكرواغير انكم ترهبوا الناس انتم علي سابله اهل فرعون ان شاء الله ينتقم من الظلمه داغير ذلكم في الدنيا وفضيحتكم في الاخره والناس اللي بتقول مفيش قناصه للداخليه ايه الحال دلوقتي ان كنت تعلم فالمشيبه عظيمه وان كنت لاتعلم فالمصيبه أعظم وولله الامر من قبل من بعد

  2. Actually, the term "ferka" means a course not a unit. This web page indicates that there is a sniper course not a snipers unit. The term is used in the army too with the same meaning. I believe there are snipers in the police, simply for facing terrorism situations, at least. But this page is not an evidence of that.


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