
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

And Charlie Rose meets our new elected president

And Morsi has become the third Egyptian president Charlie Rose speaks with since President Sadat !! Yesterday Charlie Rose interviewed Morsi in New York City and they spoke for nearly an hour about Egypt, Syria, Egyptian American relations, Muslims and Egyptian army.
Here is a part of the interview on YouTube. It is already dubbed in English.
You can watch the whole show here
Now my remarks :
  • Charlie Rose has always appeared young compared to Mubarak , now he appears compared to Morsi.
  • I feel that Rose is trying to explore the man sitting in front of him instead of Mubarak. Already did you know that Charlie Rose interviewed Mubarak for about 9 times more than any living President I can remember !? 
  • His questions were good despite I feel that this was not in depth interview as more an introductory interview with the new president of Egypt.
  • Some of Morsi's answers were good and some were not clear.
  • Historically the Muslim brotherhood did not participate officially on 25 January 2011 , the members were representing themselves whether senior members like Abdel Moneim Abu El Fotouh or the MB youth.
  • I did not get what Morsi said about Shiite. Already it was one hell of a question from our dear Charlie.
  • Another tricky question was his 9/11 one , already there is some doubt about the Muslim brotherhood’s position from the operation and those who made it. Former member Abdel Moneim Abu El Fotouh did not believe that it was only Al Qaeda handmade.

It is a busy trip for Morsi as he has been meeting  leaders from around the globe , not less than 15 president and prime minister he is not going to meet like the British PM and French President.
Yesterday Morsi met with a group of US faith leaders from Muslim , Christian and Judaism at our Egyptian Consulate in New York.Our Consul Zada has deactivated his twitter account as it seems so we know nothing about the visit and its progress
Thanks to the amazing Dalia Mogahed we know more about that meeting with US faith leaders as she gave us more details .

1 comment:

  1. I previously sent a comment as to the concern most Egyptians should have about the motives of the IMF trying to get inside their economy. Egypt is unique, not very many countries have 90@ of their citizens refusing to trust or deal with banks of any name. The IMF would like nothing better than to tap that wealth for bank to gain fees, mortgages, and loan interest and most of all create debt. Just a concern, but most countries would envy Egyptians creating business growth and their money transactions outside the prevue of bankers. Given their complete indifference to anything or one they have financial destroyed.


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