
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Interviews with Morsi

Yesterday was busy loaded one for Egyptians when it comes to his interviews. For the first time the Egyptian National TV aired and interview with the elected president yesterday. It was his first TV interview after being elected as a president.

To be honest I did not watch it completely as I found it so boring , this is not the Interview you would wait and enjoy nor it is the big first interview for the first democratic elected president on TV !!
Poor choice of question and pre-arranged answers in the most awful way. Promises ,promises , promises. Poor choice for the interviewer Mohamed Soliman whom we do not know his name , some unknown news reader in Nile News.
I know if I were our from the presidential media team , I would choose big name in TV hosting to conduct this important interview. Of course MB boys will say that the president is trying to give a chance to the youth !!
The big irony is that the Nile News members are furious that the presidency chose that dude as he is known to be a pro-Mubarak supporter who used to attack the revolution and the revolutionaries day and night. Some sources say that the channel suggested that there will be a news anchor lady co-interviewing the president but presidency refused to have any ladies !!!
FYI Muslim brotherhood cheerleaders promoted for that interview as the interview with most charismatic president !!!!
Also New York Times published an interview with him in Cairo also yesterday. Again it was his first press interview since being elected as a president. Strangely he spoke to the foreign press before the Egyptian press. Again he mentions “Hooters” , anyhow again I am not impressed may be because there is nothing new about what he said .
I am already depressed , may be because I can not take it anymore from MB propaganda about how how great Morsi is !! I had enough from MB propaganda that Morsi is the greatest man to rule Egypt and that Egypt was nothing before him.
Morsi mentioned Barbara Walters , I wonder if she will interview him and he will agree to be interviewed by an woman. 


  1. It pretty pathetic that popular blogger like you thinks that morsi refused to have a woman interviewer!!!

    Did you re-read you lines before writing it?!!

    morsi appointed woman assistant (dr. bakinam) long time ago!

    1. You know what is more pathetic is how you assume that "I think" , Mr. Youssef this information's source comes from inside Nile News itself.

    2. ButZeinobia , Morsi is probably affraid to be surprised by 'non head-covered' newslady that may make him excited and loose control over the interview. Didn't you learn enough from MBBS!?

  2. Zeinobia
    you said this
    "It was his first TV interview after being elected as a president."

    then contradicted yourself a few lines later
    "nor it is the big first interview for the first democratic elected president on TV !!"

    which is it? first or not first?

    "I know if I were our from the presidential media team , I would choose big name in TV hosting to conduct this important interview."

    my dear he has 4 years left to do interviews, why you feel the need to condemn every move he makes? Mubarak and his cronies must be loving all your negative comments

    "The big irony is that the Nile News members are furious that the presidency chose that dude as he is known to be a pro-Mubarak supporter who used to attack the revolution and the revolutionaries day and night."

    And many smart people would consider that a very good move. What better than an opponent and supporter of Mubarak to be the man to do the interview! It's not to hard to figure out why that was a good move is it?

    "Some sources say that the channel suggested that there will be a news anchor lady co-interviewing the president but presidency refused to have any ladies !!!"

    Who are the sources?. Egyptians love rumour so enough of this culture! State facts and leave rumour to the farmers in the fields.

    "FYI Muslim brotherhood cheerleaders promoted for that interview as the interview with most charismatic president !!!!"
    I watched it and I have to say I prefered his interview than watching the trash of the Americans presidential candidates with all their promises and lies. I would much prefer 2 hours of Morsi to 2 minutes of Romney or Cameron or Merkel or Obama.

    "Also New York Times published an interview with him in Cairo also yesterday. Again it was his first press interview since being elected as a president. Strangely he spoke to the foreign press before the Egyptian press."
    Simply not true

    "I am already depressed , may be because I can not take it anymore from MB propaganda about how how great Morsi is !!"

    You are playing right into Mubaraks hands. Morsi took over a country on it's knees. He managed despite all the criticism of you and Sandmonkey etc to secure loans and contracts, he made peace with Ethiopia, made that gesture with Iran, secured 18 billion from Qatar, billions for China, Turkey, Italy, EU etc etc etc. I tell you what I am sick of.
    The constant pettiness of bloggers who ignore the good things he has managed in such a short time in office which are the REAL issues to waste time condemning him in posts like this.
    Zeinobia you are playing into the hands of Egypts enemies and that is not very patriotic at all. You may not like Morsi or the MB but be mature and sensible and think before you post. It's time now for Egyptians to get out of this culture of blaming everyone else. I for one would never have voted Mosri BUT I am mature enough to realise that right now the country has to be behind him 100% so that we can fix this broken country and it's people who have lived so long on rumor and denial.

    "Morsi mentioned Barbara Walters , I wonder if she will interview him and he will agree to be interviewed by an woman."

    If all you are worrying about is Barbara Walters then sadly you just got sucked into the US media propaganda machine.

  3. The real issue now is who controls the media in Egypt. In the U.S. we know the corporations control it. Every day it's another slam to Obama even though he's trying to fix the damage that Bush created.

    Keep in mind that it is still early in Morsi's presidency. I'm sure he's getting the feel for the job. This is a new day for Egypt after many years of dictatorship.

  4. 80 million people in Egypt and you had to elect Mr. Charisma?????

  5. I can't believe this very lengthy and extremely boring response that was written by that anon. Line by line, we were exposed to lots of nonsense that include, for no reason, a comparison of  Mursi's interview with those of Romney, Obama, Cameron, Merkel, and the Catholic Pop. Please send you bill directly to Mr. Mursi's accountant. He will pay you from those billions that were sent by Qatar.

    In the mean time, try to find something useful, but real, that Mursi said he will do, or hope to do, to get us out of this mess. And please, don't tell us again, how happy are the Mubarak's by any real criticism,  or how intelligent it is to reward those who stood against the revolution, by giving them the honor of that first interview.

  6. While I agree that the American media is in the hands of corporations. I disagree that they slam Obama. Most Americans think they're in the tank for him which is why we've turned to the social media.

    Best Regards,


    PS Not an American by birth but am now a citizen.


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