
Monday, September 17, 2012

#Syria Revolts : A horror That #YouTube Could not tolerate !!

This is a scene you can imagine only in horror films , sadistic horror films you can see headless corpses of children and you think it does not happen that someone will cut a child in two half in real life. Unfortunately it does happen in real life, in Syria !! These graphic photos below after the break are from Idlib after the shelling of a helicopter in some village earlier today for a headless child who was wearing beautiful dress. “Extremely graphic”

YouTube removed the video which documents a war crime because of its terrible horrible content that violates their terms.

Here is the video in another channel , it seems that it was reported or spotted by YouTube censors yet !! It is extremely graphic.
Yesterday a little girl , a Christian girl from Harasta , Reef Dimshaq called Adele was killed by the snipers of El Assad after returning from church.

Despite as you can see the snipers and slayers of El Assad regime do not differentiate between Sunni or Christian ,I have to say the more Sunni kids are being slaughtered in cold blood , the more the future of minorities specifically the Shiite and Alwites will be in danger. The minorities have to take a stand now against El Assad otherwise we will have another Balkan scenario. You can hear it in the videos , El Assad played sectarianism perfectly !!


  1. A poem from Mohja Kahf:

    Her legs plump in tights under a dainty skirt,
    —little girls are such fun for mothers to dress—
    she lies splayed on the floor,
    a mass of red flesh and nerves spilling from her neck.
    Four dead children and two dead adults crowd the video
    of a home in rubble from shelling by a regime bent
    on rooting out rebellion.
    I do. Not. Look. at the photo
    of the little girl decapitated,
    but she is there when I shut my eyes.
    I beg it to be a lie. Photoshopped by a liar
    who thinks lying helps the revolution.
    Then I am told that tonight, in Kafr Uwayed village,
    a father is rattling up one street and down another,
    shrieking, “Has anyone seen my daughter’s head?
    Have you seen her head? My little girl’s head, if anyone
    has seen it, if you find it, please, return her head to me.”
    It’s a tradition in Syrian villages, the shout
    in public places for lost children, one of the last freedoms
    of civic speech not erased in forty-nine years
    of absolute rule. Never before has it been used
    to find lost body parts of dead children.
    That we should live to hear such sentences.
    That we should live—
    Around the globe, the people talk of geopolitics.
    There are many talking heads,
    but none of them are the head we want, the one
    that should matter above all endgames. I want
    to live in that world, where the little girl’s head matters,
    matters more than movies, more than politics,
    more than religion, more than anything,
    where what is missing above that tangle of bloodied nerves,
    is the gap that stops every sentence, every gunshot, is unthinkable.
    Have you found the little girl’s head, have you shut
    your mouth and stopped your steps, to help,
    to bless, to hold in your heart at least one thought for its finding.
    Have you. Have you. Have you. Have you—

  2. Not only in Syria. I can remember seeing images of beheaded babies during Algerias civil war

  3. I can only wonder when it will all end. What will be the tipping point when someone says "enough is enough"? Have we become so cruel that even a life of a child has become meaningless?

  4. Such a travesty, man's inhumanity to man. It never seems to get better, only worse over time.

  5. When YouTube takes a video away, they call it "Shocking & Disgusting". Mankind needs to see "shocking & disgusting", because that is what mankind wroughts. :(

  6. One thing was interesting yesterday in the news.
    BBC World very senior reporter Lise Ducet reported from Damascus.
    For the first time we actually had an unbiased report from a Western media !

    The BBC reporter said live on TV in her interview that Damascus was almost totally quiet with only a little smoke rising from one area. This is in direct oppostion to what Al Jazeera and other media was saying and I have to say I believe Lise Ducet as she reported accurately on the Egyptian revolution etc and is well respected. She also showed video of the Syrians from yesterdays 'attack by Assad forces on the residential area that was on all the news channels condemning Assad. HER report showed the men of the destroyed building and this is what they were SAYING.
    "the rebels came to his area and put anti aircraft guns on the roof of the apartments they were living in. The residents fought the rebels and said their apartments would become targets if the army saw anti aircraft missile launchers on the roofs, the rebels fought the residents and put the missile launchers on the roofs of these peoples buildings, the result we all saw yesterday was the building were targeted!!!!! The men interviewed said that they would fight the rebels who are destroying their country and deliberately making civilians targets to get International sympathy!!!!!! The men there whose houses had been destroyed promised to fight these foreign rebels who are destroying Syria and after being against Assad are now united to support him now after seeing the rebels are making the people targets and the ones who do not support or allow them to use their apartments as bases and missile RPG launch sites are EXECUTED!!!!!! THIS IS FROM a very respected BBC reporter!!!!!!!

  7. This is what you get when you let government off the leach
    for to long.
    The alawites are asking to be exterminated.

  8. So you think that when people see shocking & disgusting events, that they will learn from them? no my friend wake up, mankind will never learn, mankind will learn no more from this than they did from WW1, WW2,Korea, Vietnam, The Middle Eastern wars the Balkans, Iraq, Libya or Syria or any other wars, during the last century the majority of killings were done to the civilians, this century will be worst, I feel ashamed.

  9. You're a moron, Assad does not kill Christians. He visits the monasteries every year, unlike in Egypt. The only ones murdering Christians are the takfiri gulf-sponsored rats, and this will not end until the wahabis stop, or someone makes them. May Assad slaughter them all.

  10. P.S. It is misinformation like this that is most dangerous, all over the Middle East, including Egypt. How's the MB now? Same scum.

  11. The same photograph has now been used to suggest that it was ISIL that just did this to Christian children.

  12. My Hate/Love relation with photography goes back to a 5 year!...I never owned any camera until i was 20, but sometimes, and secretly used or just clicked others* whenever not looking,even sometimes..empty,no ILFORD/AGFA/Kodak/Gevaert film rolls in them??..I had a very happy childhood,only one snag,a so called family friend that used to visit us, once a while, with his photo-portfolio of SHOTS of dead or worst corpse of people murdered or committed suicide?? if i recall rightly, he used to work as a crime reporter for some Beirut based/daily paper or possibly employed in National Security Crimes dept.,or maybe worked for both?/All i remember his photos that used to give me nightmares,Grown ups tried to stop me seeing them,but my CHILD^s CURIOSITY..found its cunning ways to see and PANIC my little self!..Maybe that^s how i used to call my class-mates in 1962/63 silly names such as Sadistic idiots,especially when some HORROR movies, classed as>> Only for OVER 18s??i wondered how come some individuals pay their pocket-money to get scared/shocked & terrified..,for me, All that was insane!! In 1958 during Lebanese >MINI< Civil WAR??..papers used to print some events* snaps..but not that bad..By1975...during Lebanon^s >MAXI< 15 years long civil war... as the Media War commenced as well TOO,between our 2 T.V stations then,Channels 7+9 and 11 Al MASHREQ ,and the over 100 papers/magazines...most belonging to fighting factions and parties,to IMPRESS and have IMPACT on such events,began to show Black & White..some even in full colour...Shot/Snipped/even Slaughtered victims of the war..As the French->SECAM/ PAL<-British color T.V sets invaded our lounges in 1977..believe me when i say that some Print-houses used to ran out of RED/or Blood colour..and tried to cancel some tragic photos of victims,and print some in black & white/...TODAY??over 500 T.V channels/1000^s of publications..and all in H.D colours..became as if daily ritual/ or routine..bodies scattered in blood all over some places in our planet,and as if we were watching some vampire/Horor movies.. But still some theatres ,still use that old aged under 18s ban rule,as they,once,classified Betamax /VHS Videos in the 1980/90S followed then by DVDs...which all such certifications considered now-days*,a Child^s Play?? comparing to what we all witness on the News,,printed or broadcasted.., Even those black & white photos that caused my nightmares in 1952/3 considered as of >SOFTphotography< for one reason it was JUST to overcome my fears...I guess!!....SMILE/PLEASE!regards from: Is-HAK BARSOUMIAN/LONDON

  13. (2)Photography/....As i did mention in my previous comment/(above)..i loved it<(photography) just to overcome my childhood FEARS??,,Also mentioned that my own camera i possessed was a present given to me in 1967,during my 1st visit to London/G.Britain,by my LATE/UNFORGETTABLE cousin Mrs.ANAHID & HER Polish origin spouse LATE/DEAREST & my Brother-in-Law Mr.ANATOLE LAROWSKI?? GOD BLESS both of them/ it was an Kodak-INSTAMATIC, they were THE LATEST in market , practical and compact and pocket time,but in dim lighting we used that external ice-cube shaped 4flashes for each 4 shots??Thanks to both BOTH of them,i returned back to Beirut with lots of London in the background snaps to SHOW OFF myself among my relations/neighbours/mates in those by-gone was Flattering & Intriguing matter,,Even though that has been followed by much renowned brands such as ROLLEIFLEX/PENTAX-S/CANON-S/POLAROID-S etc., etc. Also some Tele-zoomed Made in Russia ones ,cheap in price,low in value But without guarantees?? As we say:> MAL HOBBO ILLA LIL-HABIBI AL AWALLI..or> FIRST LOVE/be it good or bad/remains forever...Unforgettable!!ONLY once let me down when in 1970s THE LATE/GREAT Palestinian poet Mr.MAHMOUD DARWISH was an honourable guest visiting an Armenian Cultural Circle club/Mar MIKHAYEL district of Beirut..when i endured a slight problem with the Cubical-FLASH section..Alas,an opportunity i regrettably..MISSED a souvenir that would have made me..Proud!!..maybe caused by my excitement + and nervousness + shyness!! ..As a matter of fact i shot/by my cameras that is,...weddings..birthdays..parties..landmarks in Lebanon/Turkey/Cyprus/London(Thank you MIGHTY GOD).+.T.V reports such as STUDIO EL FANN 1974, then Amateur hopefuls/today^s *STARS* also lovely people i met in those days..Friends & Foes likewise!! the way mentioning ST.EL FANN 74 I^ve got one portrait that makes me really proud ,every-time i come across it,of a 17year old new-comer to the singing world GREAT VOICE OF THE LAST 4 DECADES in The Arab World Mrs.MAGDA EL ROUMI + Mr.WALID TAWFIQ ,it was real Honour & Pleasure working with both BIG SUPERSTARS since, and the those whom were present around the canat>7 Studio/at Tallet el Khayyat, also with many other Armenian/Arab photo-journalists..too!!..Also some nice ones of Madam SUHEIR ZAKI/Egyptian film star + most professional Oriental dance phenomenon of the 1960/70s,while after greeting 2 infamous U.S. politicians Pres.Richard NIXON & His Advisor Mr. Henry honourable guests of THE Late Pres,Anwar El SADAT in Egypt?! SHE was invited to dance at /The BLOW-UP/ night club/behind>> The PHOENICIA* most renowned Beirut-i Hotel, also i did that photo-session in 1974Classical Theatre< Ms.AMINA RIZK & the Wonderful cast with them..A LOSS can not be Compensated or Replaced..with any other Treasure!!..So,that thought me one thing & that was/>> when we take up a task/mission of our own choice..we must be ready to take its sweetness/bitterness also sometimes the sourness,, ups & downs.. in Astride!../Regards :IS.BARSOUMIAN/LONDON


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