
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Protest that everybody ignored

All the media focused on the sad unfortunate circus at the US embassy in Cairo last night , all the media focused on the protests by Hazmamoon and their brothers and yet they ignored a very important protest that took peacefully and was actually much more important than all the other protests.
A group of several Egyptian Christian movements led by the famous revolutionary Kolena Mena Daniel Movement protested against the insulting film in Tahrir square for several hours. The amazing Mary Daniel , the sister of the late activist who was killed in Maspero clashes from nearly a year ago was there leading the protest.
Mary Daniel 

The Copts 38

The Egyptian Orthodox church of Alexandria was first to condemn the film and its makers. Already I can not tell how many tweets I received from Christians in Egypt and outside it against the insulting film and its makers , it was overwhelming. The Christians in Egypt and States are against the film and attacking Morris Sadek still no one is paying attention or care to listen to them.
Here is a video clip showing the Copts 38 group protesting against the film.

The media is speaking about Mohamed El Zawahiri ,about Ben Laden slogans and flags as well chants and they will forget these small yet significant protests. 


  1. @Zeinobia "The Christians in Egypt and States are against the film and attacking Morris Sadek still no one is paying attention or care to listen to them."

    They are not necessarily offended by the film. They worry such a film might encourage Muslims to kill them. That would explain these Coptic Christian anti-film demonstrations. They are exhibiting not the righteous indignation you admire, but fear for their lives, perhaps.

  2. Attack inspired by Iran owing to lack of balance of power of Shia in Middle East post "Arab Spring" and Syrian demise.

  3. I have not seen the film, nor do I wish to see it. Anyone who would go out of their way like these people have done to insult the beliefs of others, are not worthy of my time. The beliefs of all religions should be respected.

    I support the right of people to protest or demonstrate as long as it is done peacefully. But there is simply no excuse for violence.

    1. "The beliefs of all religions should be respected" Why?


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