
Thursday, September 13, 2012

#USembassy : Searching and finding Sam Bacile

US media is searching for the man behind the insulting home made cheap film that has turned the Middle East and Islamic World as it seems upside. At first in Egypt we thought crazy racist Morris Sadek was standing behind the film along with the infamous Terry Jones but it turned out that Sadek was just bluffing.

“I wrote its introduction only” Sadek claimed yesterday in pride to all the Egyptian TV channels, Websites and newspapers that spoke to him adding that he did not insult Islam or Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” and that he only mentioned facts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sadly enough Sadek has become the infamous star of media in Egypt yesterday after being nobody. Already people tend to forget that the Egyptian citizenship of that awful hateful guy was stripped from him in 2010 !!

Ironically the public prosecutor in Egypt has put the name of Sadek and Terry Jones along other radical Egyptian Christians on the Waiting blacklist in Egypt so they would be arrested when they arrived to Egypt !! As if they will come to Egypt !!

According to international agencies and newspapers mainly “AP”  and “Wall Street Journal” the producer of that film is 56 years old American Israeli citizen whose name is “Sam Bacile”. That person spoke on the phone with AP and Wall Street Journal from some unknown place hiding from the wrath of Muslims. Through the phone Bacile claimed that he had raised $5 million from about 100 Jewish donors and had shot a two-hour movie in California last year. It is worth to mention that Sadek gave AP his phone’s number.

You can imagine how this info received in the media , to be honest some found it a relief to put the blame on some Israeli and some considered it as a conspiracy by Israel to turn Muslims and Christians against each other.

Now amazingly one in Israel knew the guy , he is unknown in filmmaking industry there according to the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs whose spokesperson described Bacile as unspeakable idiot regardless of who he is. The mystery continued and news agencies found no public records for Sam Bacile.

One of the consultants of that shifty film is from the famous right wing extremist Steve Klein who is linked to radical militia movement that refuses everybody in the States. Klein spoke to AP and told the famous agency that Bacile was not Israeli or Jewish revealing that Bacile is Arab American Christian.

Now after quick search we found Nakoula Basseley Nakoula , a 56 years Coptic Christian in California was the producer of that stupid film. We found also that he is already convicted of Financial crimes and he got many  alias including Nicola Bacily. Bacily is too close to Bacile yet the man refused to admit that he directed that crappy film despite the AP found strong evidence connects him with Bacile persona.

So Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is Sam Bacile. If he is so coward , why he produced and directed that film !?? He is not Israeli , he is Egyptian American Christian convicted loser.

Now side notes :


  1. I should mention parenthetically that on this May 24, 2011 El Naschie Watch post, before anyone had heard of Sadek, I wrote about him.

  2. I can't believe the Egyptian media still refers to Morris Sadek for anything. Why can't people understand that he is a lunatic who has zero support among American Copts? He represents no one in the Coptic community and his "North American Coptic Alliance" is not a real organization, has zero members, and its very lame website is simply a blog for Sadek to post his own idiotic statements. The Egyptian media must stop portraying Sadek as representative of American Copts.

  3. Good report ! but I remember that Egyptian citizenship of that awful hateful guy was stripped in 2011 not 2010?
    Check the last AP updates as well, might be useful.

    Thanks :)

  4. I am an American and I am trying to read as much as I can from all side to try and figure out what people around the world are thinking about what happened at the Embassy in Cairo. Most Americans are tolerant to all people's, races and religions and at the same time respect the right for each inidividual to express their opinion, no matter how vile it may be, as we have the right to free speech here. With that in mind, why is it that innocent people were killed yesterday over something someone else did? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that no human is without fault. So then, why should anyone have the right to hurt or kill another when they themselves have probably broken a religious law. I guess I will be left to ponder this for the rest of my days.

  5. Here's a theory: (

  6. You speak of possible authors of the video as idiots, extremists, cowards and racists while it`s Muslims who are killing and physically attacking people because of a video or a cartoon.

  7. Westerners Christians and Jews do not go out and kill innocent Muslims after watching radical Muslim clerics and fanatics on MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute).
    This incident was planned and manipulated to incite hatred and good Muslims should not fall for it before they analyze and understand all the facts.

  8. Sam Basile appointed head of Gaming giant Aruze

    One of the diplomats killed in Libya was a prominent gamer!!!


    1. There are lots of gamers, so what. Also, Aruz Gaming America has no connection with the Iceland-based CCP Games who own EVE Online.

  9. The whole thing is classic intelligence operation by the evil guys. The media will coordinate releases to frame a stooge. The fall guy will die or commit suicide. The lie will be perpetuated until it becomes a fact. It happened before 11 years ago and it will happen again.

  10. Who cares about the "real" identity of the film maker? Any fool with a 100$ camera and a bunch of nitwit friends could have made this film.
    The real meaning of this is that any fool with a 100$ camera can cause destruction of human lives and property, and damage the relations between the Arab countries and the Western countries. Does it sound reasonable to anyone?

  11. sono d'accordo con il post precedente al mio. Teniamo anche presente che video così potreppero anche essere creati ad arte per fomentare disordini.
    Io non ucciderei mai qualcuno per ciò che dice, che si tratti di religione o un qualsivoglia altro argomento.

  12. I care very much that he real identity is known, for the Fallout from his film, all done in much secrecy,is throughout the world, and blood lies in his karmic soul! Now we hear he told people he was Egyptian, and also speaks Arabic, according to those who worked with him on the film. They had no clue that the film was about the Prophet, they were not told this. Yes he could even be AlQ for all we know at this time. I hope the Govt. finds out and finds out fast. I'll post a few links next that speaks of this man and what they've been able to find out thus far. American's tolerance, is not as great as postulated above. Far from it.

  13. Who is this so-called Film maker with the mysterious background? Could be be working for Israel or for Al Quaida? These are two theories being thought about today in the U.S. It certainly seems to be a timed event, timed carefully with the Benghazi armed militia. Sounds like a Charles Manson "Helter-Skelter" plan to me.

  14. Here's the best reporting so far on the guys who made the film, from the great Max Blumenthal:

  15. "christian"?? really? Who believes this?! Oh.. I forgot most US citizens are oblivious to Christianity, so they don't see the satanic zionist infiltration and their sinister criminal goings on, they don't see the "big picture".

    To "Deb" in Arizona, are you THAT ignorant that you really think this is a "religious" thing? No, it's been a trick for some time- to break up and balkanize the Arab nations- also to turn public sentiment against Arabs, AND Christians- by Israeli agent provocateurs. Muslims really could care less about a cartoon, or a badly produced home made film, this was a planned event. I would go so far as to venture to say that the instigators and rebellious crowd in Libya were all paid rebels, or spies. Did you listen to what Hillary Clinton said in her address last night on television concerning the Libyan tragedy? She said it was NOT Libyans, nor the Libyan govt that was part of the attack. Gee, wonder who she WAS referring to? Our administration is SICK and tired of the constant troublemaking, murderous and dis GUSTing acts of some Israeli cry babies and war mongers. They are constantly egging on, bothering, harassing our president and cabinet about going to war with Iran. They will NOT let up until they are completely annihilated which unfortunately is none too soon, but we have to wait til Armageddon for this to occur. My only hope is my God will allow me to view the punishment in it's entirety from up high.


    1. Your comment is among the five stupidest I have ever read on this blog, and I have read thousands. Congratulations!

      Helpful hint for the Internet n00b: Click the dropdown and choose Name/URL. Type "KRISTIN IN ARIZONA USA". Leave the URL field blank.


  16. The Great Max Blumenthal? well that said it all. Max claims that the film was produced and promoted by a strange collection of rightwing Christian evangelicals and exiled Egyptian Copts, Yeah, right.

  17. I thought Zenoiba's rules were "don't call names" it's VERY rude to do so.Extremely rude.Not to mention childish behaviors.

  18. See rules requested below, and in case you didn't notice: "Please keep it civilized, I will not tolerate any insult in my blog or hateful comment" That means YOU Kristin! (In case you didn't notice) I suppose I could forgive your intolerance.

  19. Guys can we really keep it civilized here without calling each other names in discussion


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