
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And Death comes as the end as usual

Death comes as the end , it is the only fact we are assure of in our lives as humans. We will die one day.

My grandma has passed away yesterday after a whole week in the ICU in the hospital. She was like a mother to me more than grandmother.

My solace is that she did not suffer in the hospital that.  I ran out of words , I feel I can blog and write about politics all day long but I can not speak about my grandma , may be it is my mind. I do not know really

RIP Granny  , may Allah bless your soul in those blessing days.


  1. Allah yer7amha wu elba2eya fi 7ayatik enty ya Z. Sheddy 7elik. We all love you.

  2. Albakaa2 lelallah ya Zinab.

  3. البقاء لله وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
    Citizen_Haytham_Z™ ‏ @Eyes_Of_Egypt

  4. I have been following you on twitter and have been reading your blog posts for a while now, I have always admired your courage and reporting skills. However sometimes words fail to express what we are feeling, specially when it comes to talking about personal matters. Most of us have lost loved ones and unfortunately will lose more, I dread those days. I strongly believe that every time someone leaves us we lose a part of ourselves with them. However the greatest gift from God to mankind is the ability to reason, kind of forget and move on; with time things will get better, with time you will become stronger. May God bless all the ones that left us with paradise and may He be merciful with their souls. Always remember the good things about your grandmother and remember her in your prayers.

    1. Thank you so much dear Poli for your kind words :)

  5. My sincere condolences to you . I know that there have been many articles that you wrote where you made reference to her. Her legacy lives on through you, Allah Yer7amha.

    1. Thank you so much Lili for your kind words

  6. May God rest her soul. Sorry to hear that.
    My condolences. Keep yourself busy.

    1. Thanks Unknown , I will keep myself busy indeed

  7. My sincere condolences ya Zeinobia.

  8. My condolences to you & your descent family .. In these holy days, I guess that the only good thing that we could do is praying: “ اللهم ارحمها برحمتك الواسعة، و تجاوز عن سيئاتها ،و شفع فيها حبيبك و نبيك محمد عليه أفضل صلاة و سلام ...أمين “

    1. Thank you so much dear Egyptian Engineer

  9. RIP granny of Zeinobia RIP

  10. I've been following you for a long time, Z., and I so much admire your love for Egypt. May your granny rest in peace.

  11. My condolences. Such losses do leave one numb for a while. Your grandmother must have been a wonderful person, to have such a dedicated granddaughter. May she rest in peace, and may time ease your pain.

  12. Allah yerhamha

  13. R.I.P. to Granny of Zenoiba. I miss my mother & grandmother still and it's been many years.
    It's nice to dream about them. That does give me solace.

    My condolences to you dear. Until you meet again.

  14. My grandmother was born in 1900. She died at age 105 after forgetting who she was and everyone else at about 100. That probably was a good thing, as two of her daughters were already gone before her. She too was like my mother, because my mom was her oldest daughter and they were like sisters more then mother & daughter.
    So much so, we always lived very close by each other. My mother was pregnant with me when my grandmother was pregnant with her youngest child, a mid life baby. R.I.P. Grandmother, you deserve a nice rest.

    1. Oh dear Debbie , thank You so much for your kind words, it is hard indeed my condolence is that she will always be in my heart


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