
Thursday, October 4, 2012

#Egydocstrike : The doctors' strike is still on

Today is the fourth day in the Doctors' partial strike in Egypt in the public hospitals following the ministry of health. The doctors continue in their strike despite the war declared on them by the ministry of health and official media. I fear that the media , the official media is biased against the strike and is trying to turn the people against it.I feel they have already done it !! They do not mention the whole truth to the public in Egypt. The Strike´s committee is trying to gather signatures enough in to refer the minister of health Mostafa Hamed as a doctor to the disciplinary committee in the Doctors' syndicate for violating the General assembly's order to have a partial strike and ordering doctors to break it.
The treatment of patients in the hospitals 

The kidney failure units are still working 
Emergency cases are received 
Again this strike is only in the public hospitals following the ministry of interior that excluded emergency cases for free and surgeries as well kidney failure section and also some fever hospitals.
As a I am very lazy person , here is the complete press conference held by Strike's committee last Monday in audio with no editing.


  1. I was wondering why there were so many cases of kidney problems in Egypt and the middle east. So many cases. Do you think it is because of the fasting in the hot weather for so long. Each body needs at least 2 litres of water and in hot conditions at least 4-5 litres and Muslims do not drink that much during Ramadan. I have witnessed it and they drink very little after the fast which surely damages the kidneys that need water throughout the day to cleanse the blood and remove toxins. You dont see so many cases of it in colder climates in Ramadan. It cannot be good at all to deny the body water for 16 hours a day. Any doctor will tell you that and it is very sad to see so many cases of kidney disease in the people of the ME.

    1. Ramadan has nothing to do with the kidney failure dear anonymous , it is the toxic and polluted water Egyptians forced to drink especially in the country side.

  2. I don't think fasting in Ramadan has anything to do with kidney failure. There are many many reasons for kidney failure and it is not a problem that is unique to the Middle East as the last commentator seems to imply. Egypt does have a problem with the quality of it's water which has been linked to liver cancer. But that's not the issue here! The doctors need our support!! Thanks Z for raising awareness!

  3. On the issue of kidney failure, this is not such a hard question to get down to and well within the doctors grasp to research, simple really, get a geographic database of statistical distribution of cases over a number of years (say 10 yrs), and track the case distribution plot + or - std deviation (part of the sample assumptions) to take account of the tolerance in months or quarters per area when the diagnosis first takes place, if the cases appear to follow specific Ramadan pattern within the + or - std deviation then you may have a link, if not you have to look at other possible causes, but since this may be a Middle Eastern issue, you may want to look for a common denominator, food, water, history or whatever across the highest % of cases in each country within the sample (given the above scenario or whatever scenario you want). But of course most cases build up over the years so you have to factor that in within the data sample. We did something like that here with good results.


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