
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas :)

Merry Christmas to all those celebrating it tonight.


  1. Love the choice of image for your card.
    Shame on the zionist killing machine for denying for so long the rights of the Palestinians. I read if Mary and Joseph were to try to travel to Bethlehem now they would have to try to get through 11 checkpoints and GOD knows ( and he knows everything) how many watch towers with zionist snipers in them. Viva Palestina and peace and love to every Palestinian whose life has been taken from them by the global thief.

    1. You talk about the rights of the Palestinians to kill the Zionists? Cause a wall by its nature is a defensive tool.

      Maybe if the Christians of the Middle-East would have such a wall, they wouldnt run away from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

  2. I know those 3 people on camels. They come to enforce the Sharia on the Zionists by the sword, if needed.

    1. Why do people say such hateful things on this day of all days? Hate is a terrible thing.

  3. Also happy hanukkah which was December 8 through 16 if I understand correctly.


    1. There are no more Jews in Egypt. They were ethnically cleansed from their homeland and had their property stolen along with 800,000 other Arab Jews in other Arab countries.

  4. Don't you forget that Mary and Joseph were Jews and so was Jesus?

  5. Thank you and merry Christmas to everyone. Very likely that this will be for the last time that Christmas wishes will be allowed in Egypt as Sharia will prevent Muslims from well-wishing other religions

  6. Merry Christmas to everyone. And nice choice of the picture. It reminds us that there is a long way to go in our region till we reach a status everybody can live with in dignity.

  7. I love the photo and will save it. I'm an Astrologer myself, so can identify, if the Magi were indeed inquiring of the star they followed, and were met with a WALL as is now the case into Bethlehem. I've been there, and saw the Wall. It's disgustingly ugly.

    Cheers and Merry Christmas, wishes for a better New Year in 2013.

    1. It may be ugly, but it saves Jewish lives and is necessary.

      BTW, stupid picture. Jesus and family were Jews, you dunce.


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