
Saturday, December 8, 2012

RIP Ammar El Sharie : The Melody’s Diver !!

As if we need that type of news !!
Ammar El Sharie “16 April 1948-7 December 2012” , Egypt’s fantastic music composer has passed away yesterday after long illness. May be due to the latest developments in Egypt, I remember how Ammar El Sharie stood with the revolution before many composers and singers boldly enough when Mubarak was still in control. I remember how El Sharie asked the people to forgive him for the songs he composed during the Mubarak’s era glorifying him in the October war anniversaries and honestly I even forgot that he composed the music of those songs.
I do not know what to say.
For years El Sharie who comes from a big family in Upper Egypt presented a radio show on the Main Program station of Egyptian official radio called “A diver in the Melody sea” where he explained and analyzed music . Since 1988 Egyptians listen to El Sharie explaining the art of music in simple way especially the Arabic music.
Famous for his film and TV series scores Ammar El Sharie for me was an icon in music more than John William and John Barry because  he made actually huge change in the mainstream music taste in Egypt in my point of view. Just like listen to his piece , which is actually a collaboration between him and Muscat Royal Orchestra from couple of years ago. 

In late 1980s and early 1990s El Sharie worked with bands like “The Friends” and aspiring singers with his short fast songs using electronic music more than other composers during that time.
Believe or not I love so much the songs he composed to Latifa in those days. As a soundtrack composer , nobody can compete the music he composed for films and TV series.
A truly artist I can not describe in few words especially in those dark days.
I do not know if it is important to say this or not but Ammar El Sharie was a blind man yet it seemed to me that he can see better than many of us.
El Sharie is still alive with his music , this is a fact. May Allah bless his soul and bring patience to his family, friends and fans.
Now you can enjoy the music of El Sharie and his albums in Mawaly. I have been listening to his music all day long. 
And due to what we are facing in Cairo now , I would like dedicate his song “My fist” from the famous “The innocent” film to all Egyptians. “My fist” was cut off the film , it was in the end in that political film directed by Atif El Tayeb and starring Ahmed Zaky. The lyrics of “My fist”

“Oh my fist keep knocking down the wall , the night will give birth to a dawn in the end"
“The innocent” was about Ahmed , the simple villager who can not read or write that recruited to become a conscript in a political prison where political prisoners are being tortured till death because they are the enemy of the States.

1 comment:

  1. yousseflabibsaad my nick name is joe5/12/2013 10:28:00 PM

    LET ALL OF US GREET ALL OF jws all over the world go ahead....jehovah bless all of u amen


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