
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Say “No” For the Constitution

As we have got three days only away from the constitution referendum , Egyptian revolutionary youth began to launch a “No for the Constitution” campaigns online and on the ground.

Here is a website called “No” for the Constitution. It speaks to the public about why they have to refuse the Constitution based on certain issues the draft constitution tackles : The wages, the Health Insurance, the stability, the press, the detention, the censorship and supervision, the judicial independence , the integrity of elections.  

FYI the National Salvation Front has not decided its final stance from the constitution but personally from the leaks I got I believe that they may go for “No for the Constitution”. Now insider information , several members like Salvation front believe that they should not boycott the referendum but there were other members like Amr Hamzawy and Shady El Ghazly who believed we should boycott it because there is no referendum in the history that ended with “No” !!

According to Amr Moussa today the Front whether it will boycott the referendum or say No.

Already Strong Egypt Party called the people to vote against the constitution , I know it would.

Despite that political forces and powers are trying to force Morsi to delay the referendum or even to cancel it , the youth of different political powers are working on the ground all over Egypt. From April 6 Youth to Constitution Party to Strong Egypt Party the youth are doing their best with their simple sources to educate the people on why they have to say “NO” for the constitution.

On the other hand the Islamist forces and parties are back to their old game of say “Yes to the constitution , say Yes to Islamic Sharia” spreading flyers and so on. Amazing the constituent assembly has began to hang huge billboards “funded by our taxes” urging people to say “Yes to the Constitution , Say Yes to Stability !!”


  1. Sometimes I wonder about how Amr Hamzawy got his PhD!
    I believe it will end up a huge "Yes", but nevertheless it's a very good opportunity to work on the ground and communicate with people.

  2. This will be referendum on youth and liberal groups organization powers, nothing more. Though I suspect the constitution may last several years.

    Why it will be overturned eventually: In its current form it tries to e.g. kill the independent trade unions, which according to some estimates are already counting over 300.

    When independent trade unionists start to network with each other, constitutions will change and leaders will be deposed. Real revolution will happen. Though it might happen in the form of creation of effective political parties and general strikes.

  3. I vote for the referendum because I don't see anything dangerous in the constitution. But from the perspective of someone opposed to it- I don't understand why Hamzawy would want to boycott. You can tell how many people opposed the constitution and decrease the percentage of "yes," but boycotting means nothing if the entire opposition doesn't do it. Amr Hamzawy is an interesting character to say the least...

    1. If you don't see anything dangerous in this constitution, then you did not read it.
      This constitution gives unlimited powers to the president and this president is a puppet of the morshed. Make no mistake: Mohamed el Badie is a Salafee. The Ihwan has been infested by the worst evil ever.

      The president will be a true Pharaoh. He selects the government, the judges and he will be commander of the army. He can veto any law passed by the parliament. That means he can prevent any changes of the constitution and so only a revolution can rid us of the dictatorship of the Ihwan.

  4. It is not just the constitution. The Ihwan are already preparing to censor the internet:

    There goes our freedom and democracy :(

  5. when areligion(any religioon) rears its ugly head in a constitution...democracy flies out of the window...morsi will put egypt back to the medieval ages.


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