
Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Series of Unfortunate events : Fire in #GizaZoo

This is this second part of the "A series of Unfortunate events" in Egypt. We are starting the week with another disaster.
There is a fire now in Giza zoo that is destroying its old , real old trees. Some reports say that the fire started in the old trees and moved to the animals' food warehouse. Some are saying the fire started besides the reptiles
Not less than 8 fire engines are trying to put off the fire that is spreading in old trees. We are speaking about extremely old trees.
I am so sad and angry.
Journalists are not let in the zoo and they can not get accurate information about the size of the damages there.
I know that the government and the current regime which like the old one disrespects our old heritage will not rest except when the Giza zoo is completely destroyed and its land is being sold to businessmen.
Here are photos showing the smoke coming from the zoo.

I feel so sad and angry.

Updated : The fire has been put off thank God. According to animals rights activist Dina Zulfikar , the damage was not that big and no animals have been harmed. Here is her report about the fire on Facebook. Here are videos from the fire. This one is from El Fagr portal Here is another video report from the MB news network RSSD. It is worth to mention that the MB youth icon Ahmed El Mogheer is underestimating the fire


  1. ANY sane person who ever spent 20 minutes in Giza Zoo would support the closing of it down. It's an utter disgrace and a showpiece of what animal cruelty is.
    It need to be closed and all the animals transferred to another country capable of looking after animals because Egypt has a very long way to go in this regard.
    The park should be cleaned, toilets installed, an proper entrance fee imposed to help maintainence. It's such a shame to see such a large area of natural (what should be beauty) being destroyed. The Egyptian cabinet needs to send some delegates abroad to see how public parks are run in other countries. It's very sad. 60 years of military rule and corruption and neglect and all Egyptians do is blame the MB and Morsi!.

    1. I have never been there but you may be right. From Wikipedia: "In 2004, the zoo lost its membership with the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). The zoo did not pay membership fees, and then ignored the recommendations of WAZA inspectors."

  2. True. The zoo is a disgrace and it is childish to blame the mb or to talk nostalgically about a golden age that never existed or did only for a francophile anglophile elite. However I would be impressed if morsi tried to improve the park as suggested but Will probably be disappointed by inaction. Zeinobia you need to get a life. Blaming everything on mb is babyish

  3. Improve the park... the only zoo in Egypt that I know of is whatever Egypt achieved after the so called revolution. Guys, your country is in the stinker and you are talking about the condition of a Zoo, why don't you put pressure to improve the country and the people first, then worry about the flaming zoo.


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