
Thursday, January 24, 2013

#Jan25 2013 edition : Who is going where !?

Ok I believe this can be considered as curtain raiser for a big day. I thought that the action will be kept to January 26 but I was so wrong.
Unlike last yesterday today the January 24 was full of protests and clashes with security forces which means we should wait for more action tomorrow. Today clashes erupted against security forces when protesters began to bring down the wall in Kasr Al Aini. Security forces tear gassed against the protesters who hurled rocks at them. Of course security forces are accusing the protesters of fire bird shots and hitting couple of officers and conscripts.They torched a police vehicle and it is getting chaotic.
You got the Black Bloc parade. You got these protesters roaming downtown Cairo who have been attacked by the Shop owners near Tawfikia market now. The shop owners allegedly opened their fire on the protesters !!! I am tired to explain that the Shop owners are hostile to protests in general.
I do not know when the action will end on January 24,2013 but I know the plans for January 25,2013. There will be tons of rallies and protests across the country .
These are the rallies I know :
The rallies map
There will be major six rallies from main squares after the Friday prayers to Tahrir square in Cairo and Giza including : Shubra “Khaled Ali will be there” , Mostafa Mahmoud “Hamdeen Sabbahi will be there, Giza square “Abu El Fotouh will be there”
There will be two major rallies that will head from Ain Shams and Mataria after Friday prayers to Presidential Palace. “Morsi will not be there.”
There will be at least 4 rallies in Alexandria after Friday prayers. There will be rallies in Kafri EL Sheikh, Damietta, Assuit, Red Sea, Port Said, Suez and other governorates.
I am speaking here about parties like Constitution Party, Egyptian Social Democratic Party, Conference Party, Popular Current , Revolutionary socialists, Strong Egypt Party, April 6th Youth Movement and many , many many more.
The Muslim brotherhood and its FJP will not join the protests of the celebrations , they will continue their social service campaign and provide free medical care and clean streets. It has nothing to do with the revolution I believe as much as they know that their popularity is not that good and they need to raise it before the elections.
The Salafists will not join the protesters or the MB , they will watch from faraway. Al Gama’a Al Islamiyaa threatened the people if they force Morsi to step down that they will declare a militant Islamic revolution. Strangely Sabbahi, ElBaradei and Abu El Fotouh agreed that they do not want to bring down Morsi but rather to force him to fix his policies. Anyhow this is Al Gama’a Al Islamiyaa.
Insh Allah I will be in Tahrir square since early morning , I will try to blog live from there. I will go to sleep now. It is long day and tomorrow will be even longer :S


  1. Take care dear Zeinobia, there could be very bad people there.

  2. Zeinobia, all these rallies are just part of protest techniques … people are lacking from a clear strategy to take Egypt back from the MB! or at least these are not enough!!
    Unfortunately 25 Jan 11 must be recalled and blood shall the price… this is not a choice, it will forced by the MB

    بس خلاص


  3. I am not surprised that shop keepers are against ‘protesters’ actually many in the streets are not protestors but criminal elements using the commotion to see what they can steal, or destroy just for the ‘kicks’ Where I live, which is a couple of streets near Tahrir, in the recent spate of demo’s and riots. The ‘protestors’ looted several shops on our street, broke into ATM machines, tried to break into a bank set fire to two shops after they plundered them, tried to set fire to two historic Villas around the corner from me, and I did witness this, so yeah shop keepers are not going to be very supportive. This situation has devolved into a free for all, where no ‘opposition’ figure, or activist group seems to control anything on the street. It would be nice if they could impose discipline on their followers, and at least control the situation on the ground, but this is no where near the case. If they cant control the street, which is undertaking protests in the name of the opposition and the activists, how on earth are they going to control a country, should they ever become the political leadership?

  4. It's a shame not more Egyptians are following the example of the MB and cleaning the streets and handing out food to the poor and giving them medicines and healthcare. Social justice starts from small beginnings and kind acts not rampaging through streets chanting Ultra songs and burning down expensive police vehicles and buildings but then again, not all Egyptians are really interested in trying to fix what Mubarak and his cronies destroyed. Sad really and kudos to the MB and anyone else sensible enough to not wish investors to see chaos day after day. Maturity is what it is called. Maturity and sense.

    1. "Sad really and kudos to the MB and anyone else sensible enough to not wish investors to see chaos day after day."

      You want to deceive foreigners?

      "Maturity is what it is called. Maturity and sense."

      More like dishonesty. Lara Logan was gangraped in Tahrir by protesters, maybe some of these very ones, the day Mubarak stepped down. No justice no peace, and there is no justice in Egypt.

  5. No, social justice starts when leaders are absolutely certain that the real bosses are the people not them or the Army.Only at that time will leaders take people's demands seriously and accept that they cannot abuse their powers. Remember that generally all Arab leaders since 780 AD were either monarchs, autocrats or fascists or all of the above which is generally the case in most of them, so the notion of freedom or democracy in the Arab land including Egypt is unknown and was never given the chance to materialize. The Egyptians right now are changing that and they need to keep the pressure until one of two things would happen, the first is that the leader will finally understand beyond any doubt that they cannot take liberties or take the people for granted, in that case Egypt would have started a new democratic chapter in the Arab land and provided the standard which all Arabs sooner or later will follow. The second alternative is that the Army will finally come out and interfere either through self interest or through colliding with the leaders and decides to stamps on the people, in that case we go back to square one. Economic reform can only take place when people are free because true reform depends on the people first not just the state. It is not the people who need to mature here, its the leaders and the state first.


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