
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

#Jan25 : The Manifesto

The Manifesto by Mostafa Ibrahim in Arabic is a must heard and read.
The Manifesto is beautiful verses of contemporary poetry in Egyptian accent. It is a bout the 25 January revolution.


  1. Thank you Mostafa this is wonderful and I give you high marks for using the real language of the people of Egypt and that is Egyptian Arabic and not the bogus modern classical Arabic that Morsi and his gang try to make as the official language of Egypt

    And by the way Egyptian Arabic or el-lugha el-3amiyya the language of Adel Imam and Naguib Mahfouz and Naguib el-Rihani is not a lahga but real lugha or language with its unique grammar and many wonderful non Arabic words the likes of outa and ta3miyya.

    Madbouli the owner of the bookstore on Midan Kasr el-Neel once said that when ever he had books written in Egyptian Arabic these books used to sell like hot cakes because Egyptians want to read books in their own language and not and you must pardon me a foreign language and that is MCA

    Thank you Mostafa

  2. Dear Zeinobia, are you all right?


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