
Sunday, January 27, 2013

#PortSaid : Massacre#2

And Port Said’s bad luck is chasing it without doubt. After one of the horrifying days Port Said would have witnessed yesterday following the angry protesting as well chaos in its streets following the Ultras trial rule.
I will not speak about yesterday and how 32 were killed including teenagers and how hundreds were injured but I will speak about what happened today in the funeral of the 32 !!
Today the funeral of the 32 martyrs “insh Allah” in Port Said was attacked allegedly by security forces “They are denying this officially” and the people had to respond and fire back the attack in a very provoking sad way as you can see.
The procession of the funeral started at Mariam Mosque. During that time people noticed that there was an army helicopter hovering over them. According to eye witnesses and photos , it was huge funeral with thousands of mourners. Some believe it was the second biggest funeral the city has seen since the funeral of famous tycoon Sayid Matawlli.
The funeral procession
The mourners outside the mosque from Snapshot Plus
For miles everything was fine , people respect funerals in Egypt. Then suddenly at 26 July Street , the mourners found that someone was shooting tear gas grenades at the procession from the army club which is beside the police club if I understand correctly. As result people began to fall down from the smell with the coffins , it was huge mess as there were women and children as well elderly. At first people began to hurl rocks at the same time coffin bearers continued to their way to the cemetery area while people began either to search for ambulance to get gas masks and help.

 According to eye witnesses thing evolved and gunshots were heard. The mourners accuse those who were at army and police clubs of shooting at them with live ammunition. Sooner the people torched the army club. Here is a video from the funeral

Still unfortunately on the other hand automatic guns including AK appeared in the hand of the people.
The journalists who were at the funeral did not see who fired the gas canisters but it came first from the army club. Sooner the people accused the police specifically as I have seen from most testimonies so far.
The tear gas and ambulance by Mohamed El Kholy
Some people in Port Said accused the police of setting the fire of its club. After what happened looters attack both Police and army clubs taking whatever they can. I have never been to Port Said but it seems that the cemeteries are close to them because suddenly we got confirmed news that the Jews and Christian cemeteries caught fire for no reason. I do not know why these cemeteries would catch fire. I do not know the size of damage too.
You must know that shops , banks ,markets and offices are closed in Port Said. It is like a ghost town. Cars and people from Cairo are not welcomed.
The army club on 23 July @Alastair Beach
Now let’s move to the official side. The army was the first to react denying that it used live ammunition or even attacked the funeral at all whether through its spokesperson or its officers on social networks.
Then we got this news from Police that these tear gas canisters fired at the funeral were actually stolen from the police stations that were attacked and stolen last night. Well it is a good excuse but there is one problem because who can get in to the police club or the army club except the police if them !!
The head of Port Said’s security directorate “who should resign” is claiming that the police has arrested an unidentified group of men for shooting at the funeral !!
Today’s death toll in Port Said are at least 4 and 416 are injured including 21 with bird shots wounds. Here is a photo album I made from the photos people tweeted live from the funeral.

Here is another Facebook Album with photos from the funeral. The FB page is from Port Said.
I will not discuss whether the people of Port Said should protest the Ultras trial verdict or not or the case itself because now we got another issue , another matter. We got a city on the verge of collapse , in fact we are having a state on the verge of collapse. Just like Cairo you got a mix of Everyone in the street : From angry Non politicized citizens to revolutionaries to hooligans to looters to saboteurs. It is mix of chaos and anger at the same time.
The Port Said people are extremely angry not from Cairo but from whole Egypt, they believe that they are being punished and cursed since the time of Mubarak and his failed assassination attempt. It is untrue but several Port Saidis have told me that in the past year after the massacre and  even I am hearing from them again these days.
As some tweeted on twitter another 32 Egyptians were killed because of the conviction of another 21 Egyptians who are accused of killing another 74 Egyptians that were going to watch a football match.
BY the way as usual the conspiracy theory mania is spreading like hell. The latest conspiracy theory is that there are Palestinians from Hamas killing the police officers and citizens in Port Said so the MB controls the Suez canal !!
Unfortunately those snipers are not Palestinians but rather Egyptians.
Over the governorate building !! From Tayser El Sayed
Shall I dare to ask where the president is !? NO I do not have the nerve to ask any more. Morsi is going to speak soon and honestly I have no never to see him too. I am expecting the worse with his speech.


  1. This is terrible. Pull the military out of the area and let the people live free.
    Ex Nube.

  2. and whose fault is this that more people died? not morsi's fault. how can he have control if some egyptians are out of control and respect no one not even god.

    "As some tweeted on twitter another 32 Egyptians were killed because of the conviction of another 21 Egyptians who are accused of killing another 74 Egyptians that were going to watch a football match. "


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