
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The environmental threat is back : The Egyptian Saudi Bridge

Ok I am angry and frustrated and this news increased my anger and frustration
Ben Laden Group is ready to fund the proposed Egyptian Saudi bridge in the Red Sea according to Yahia Bin Laden during the visit of President Morsi to the Kingdom yesterday. 
I am not tired to say that I am totally against the project for ecologically reasons and I think I have explained this several times before. Here is my first post from a year ago : Save the coral reef
Already this area is suffering enough from pollution and human stupidity and inconsideration against the use of God's greatest gift to Sinai : Its coral reef.
I am afraid as most Egyptians do not have ecological culture and we are living under a regime that loves to lie to using religion , that regime does not really care about environment or nature except
Already I remember last year the MB and Salafist supporters accused environmental NGOs of being related to Mubarak regime as well Israel and the States. Some people think that this bridge will make richer and more closer to God !! How can we reach to those people.
I am double angry and frustrated.


  1. Sorry I am a bit confused here because my brain doesn't do Egyptian logic.

    Why are you worrying about a bridge that would decrease the ferries and boats in the Red Sea crossings and not mentioning the huge super tankers 24/7 up and down the Red Sea destroying the coral.

    I would have thought that any attempt to lessen shipping would be a good thing.

  2. How about Save the homeless?

  3. Zeinobia, you should think of emigrating somewhere. If you are this frustrated and depressed 7 months into Morsy and the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) rule, then you might commit suicide by the end of this year.

    Get out while you still can. Soon, it will be an Islamic shithole and it will be as difficult as it was for Syrians or Iranians to get visas to 1st world countries.

    I am sure one of your followers will grant you an invitation letter or sponsor you. You are a famous activist. And you helped overthrow Mubarak and brought democracy, happiness, and peace to your country!! (*sarcastic tone*)

  4. your bluster would bear more credence if you were similarly opposed to the Aswan Dam and the Suez canal, both of which have had dire impacts.

    1. There is something we do anytime we plan to spend money, big money. The Suez Canal, which was built many years ago, is a very important waterway that benefited the whole world. Thanks to a real leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, it was returned to Egypt, and its revenues now support everything in Egypt, including the bread you eat every morning.

      The High Dame, too, came with benefits that vastly exceed the financial and environmental costs. Let us not count them all, but every time your open you faucet, you should remember, and be thankful, to Abdel Nasser, for keeping that water from running into the sea.

      Now, tell me what are you getting from that bridge to nowhere? More Salafi's?


    2. What are the dire impact of Suez Canal? The Aswan Dam Wasn't a bad idea... except the stupid superpowers using it during stupid cold war to open doors for the Soviet Union to Africa. The US regreted their position of oppose the dam and the consequences that followed, they offered to build nuclear power station to produce power and desalinatesea water, Soviets screwed it by playing with Nasser brain. At least Nasser's mistakes weren't horrible to the degree of building a bridge to "nothing"...Education and technominds were far richer in Egypt then to serve those projects, than today even with the internet advancements.

  5. Egyptians should focus on the real problems like having too many children! too many they can't feed or afford to give a decent education to. Most Egyptians never get to see the Red Sea coral and wouldn't know what coral is. Time for Egyptians to start that long climb into the real world and address their own morality, their own filthy habits of throwing trash, their insatiable need to show off their 'prestige' to everyone that they have housekeepers who will cook their chicken panne for guests and entertain their kids and do their laundry, and bowabs and car cleaners thinking that the world is impressed by laziness and vulgarity.
    I would love to see some Egyptians highlighting the many social ills instead of wasting time and effort writing nonsense like this.

  6. Keep up the good work! You are right about the bridge. These people above are a bunch of idiots. They don't understand it takes courage to put your head above the parapet. They should try it themselves.

  7. the wobbly string1/22/2013 10:52:00 PM

    The Country against the Pagan Rabbi, the berk and Wall Street Associated.
    While these characters seem metaphoric,they actually persist in reality.but ,to give them some credit,they only exist in a reality that is only their own,and not that of others.Characters like these are always seen as a way to get the discussions going in society, with the purpose of just that,discussion.How do they represent society?Do they really mean anything much at all? If their commercial success and televised success is a factor of representation,then you could at least include the egyptian talk shows as representatives of egypt's society. And if one argues that they are representatives by the measure of their current influence, how exactly can you measure that? Is that just when the pagan rabbi says that his victory was a big inspiration to the islamic cause of a whole country,and this is where he derives his influence.Or is this influence something more intangible?! The whole pathetic scenario has to include the berkish ,seemingly patriotic secular nationalist,who in reality is the associated member of wall street, with such unhidden impudence. But for all their achievemen!, as the year ended, the quality of what they have achieved,in terms of palpable solutions to a disgruntled population is less than heartening. It sometimes seems that they do actually believe that their eminence has increased throughout the last peiod !. Their speech has ,actually,become prolix but not profound. They communicate with smaller and smaller audience with perpetually downsized expectations.May be Wall Street has gotten the message.By they reverting to support the pagan rabii as an appeasement of the islamic ,socially castrated, sentiments,they are only engaging in stupid tokenism.Thinking that this tokenism could a corner stone for action.It is not.

    1. Zeinobia, note this guy's IP address. He's a spambot.

    2. This guy's IP address was traced to a mental institution in space. He is not a spambot, he is a space cadet!

  8. The last thing Egypt need now is an open road to connect us with Saudi Arabia, except if it is a one way road that have all those Salafi's end there with no return. They can take those Ikhwan with them, too. There, they may find some place that allow them to live as they did a thousand years ago. They can make their own laws, which mostly will deal with women dress, marriage, obedience, etc. They can also die there, and be buried there, and leave those bad Muslims in Egypt to continue living their sinful lives.


  9. If Egypt has any money left, after those high salaried military and judges and bankers and newly appointed Ikhwan minsters and governors are paid, it should be spend to improve our education, health, transport, etc. that are all crumbling as we speak. If there is any country that is willing to help Egypt with loans or grants, those newly hired Ikhwan can just look around, and tell them what we really need.

    Not on any list of these needs is a bridge to nowhere. Unfortunately, many in Egypt think otherwise. They want an easier way to send them servants, and to receive their old sheikhs who come to Egypt looking for young brides. As important, they want an easy way to go to make Omra's every yea, leaving behind those poor hungry Egyptian children filling the streets.


  10. You guys have not understood the geophysics of it. Egypt is going to be starved of water in the near future just like Iraq and Jordan all these civilizations historically depended on their rivers. We know what happened in Jordan where much of the the river water was diverted, In Iraq the river is infested and poisonous and soon the Nile is going to be taken away. Egypt will be not simply taken back some 2000 like years like Iraq did,but will soon struggle to feed its basically and increasingly uneducated growing and poor population, then it will seek help, so who will come to the rescue? you do the math.

  11. So the bearded guys will cross the bridge ans hand out money to Egyptians !!!!. BTW the Saudis they need to remember, before the west hunger for oil emerged, Egypt in the fifties used to collect donations and food every year to give the Saudis to be ready for Hague!! So if they ever give it is a paback.

  12. Sorry Z for the typos/spelling errors, I was at night in a relatively dark spot. Also your blog comments box plays game with my hand, it freezes and moves back to different words locations ..My message is Egypt used to be generous and passionate with the ME countries. Nothing wrong with helping it, but not to introduce dominating agenda of other force..using the MBs ....


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