
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

#UA07 Starts Their battle today

The Ahly Ultras group started their escalation early today. Already UA07 and Ultras Devils announced yesterday on Facebook. It will be the start of their escalation till the trial day on January 26,2013. I wrote about it before.

The Ultras groups are angry that the case may be adjourned at last minute because suddenly from two days ago ,the public prosecutor "appointed by Morsi" declared that he got new evidence and presented it to the court in order to adjourn the case. The Ultras does not want the trial to be adjourned and is demanding that a new separate investigation to be opened in parallel away from the trial.
 Yesterday in a very lame late move President Morsi issued a presidential decree to consider the Ultras 74 martyrs from the revolution's martyrs !!
The escalation has started with besieging the Stock market exchange since early morning. According to the employees of the stock market , the boys did not stop anyone from entering the building or stopped the work there. Of course naturally the stock market was affected.According to the Ultras members online it is only a section from the Ultras.
@Ehab Wanny
Of course Islamists discovered suddenly that the Stock market is Halal and vital to the economy , they are attacking online the Ultras Ahlaway and their groups.
I am waiting for what happened later today.
Here is a video for the Ultras at stock market from Al Watan newspaper

 @Ultra Update @2:41 PM 

The Ultras boys left the Stock market exchanged and moved to the Metro lines. They blocked the metro lines starting with Saad Zaglol station and Sadat Station. I am not an expert in Metro lines to be honest.
From the Metro stations at Saad Zaglol station
by @Ahmed Emad
by @Shehab Diab
@Waleed Nada
That Ultras section is at El Sadat station and things are intense , some are reporting that the police will attack them.
Here is a video clip from Badil showing the Ultras boys in the Metro line

@4:12 PM 

The Ultras left the metro and headed to October bridge from an hour ago where the group blocked for nearly an hour from both sides before leaving it and heading to Tahrir square.
When they blocked the bridge by Shehab Diab
They set tires on fire @Ibrahim El Sherif
The boys on the bridge @Omar El Safy

@Ehab Wanny

Update @8:09 PM

The Ultras groups in Cairo finished their activities for the day. The Ultras devils groups started their escalation across several governorates like Sharkia and Gharbia. Of course Ultras Devils had a big protest in Alexandria , their hometown and currently they have cut the Corniche way. 

1 comment:

  1. It's past the time now , well past the time now for Egyptians to grow up. Every protest, every blocking of the road, every sit in add to the delay in Egypts recovery. ANY sane person with half a brain has realised that. Time for Egyptians to stop now and hold their mouths and get back to work.


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