
Monday, February 4, 2013

A Story of a simple Egyptian Called #Hamda

And Hamda Saber has become the most famous and controversial citizen in Egypt in the past 48 hours. The man has earned an international fame after he was filmed in the most humiliating moments of his life while he was being beaten inhumanly by CSF conscripts naked and dragged in the cold streets of Heliopolis. That clip has been shown all over the globe worldwide already
Hamda Saber turned to be a simple citizen who was not protesting in the area. He was in the area along with his family “his wife and daughter” because they were doing some shopping for their daughter Randa who is engaged and was supposedly getting married. It seems that the family was curious to see what was happening when the clashes started and everybody was running. When the CSF units started to push back against the protesters in the streets of Heliopolis people began to run everywhere.
To make it easier here is a a simple timeline using video clips from TV shows since the start of Hamda’s agony and tale.

Friday February 1st 2013 :

Hamda Saber appeared an unknown completely naked citizen on air while being beaten mercilessly by CSF forces. He was detained during the clashes. We do not know his name or where he was taken to for hours. His nephew and family  recognized him.

Saturday February 2nd 2013 Early morning.

We knew the name of Hamda. His wife speaks on air through the phone on ONTV in a very strange call from Police Hospital where she was clearly detected what to say on TV. “Hamda is fine and the police is good to us, we are treated extremely well”

Saturday February 2nd 2013 Morning

Hamda’s family and human rights lawyers tried to reach to him but failed as the police refused to let them see him.
Radio Misr , a popular state owned radio station got a call from concerned citizen claiming that he saw Hamda taking off his cloth from the 8th floor before arrested by the security forces !!

Well we saw Hamda live on TV and we got eye witnesses including my friends who saw him being stripped by the police.
Then in the afternoon Hamda appeared on National TV defending the MOI and claiming that the CSF conscripts who were dragging and beating him on TV were actually saving him from the protesters who attacked him and stripped him from his clothes !!!!!!!!!!!! He thanked the ministry of interior and kept smiling amazingly on Camera.

Amazingly he repeated these statements that one believed at all on Al Hayat TV.
After couple of hours Randa ,Hamda's daughter began to speak to the media stating that she was with her father when the CSF attacked and that the Ministry of interior was blackmailing him and them and this is why he accused the protesters on air.
On another channel Dream TV2 Ahmed , Hamda's son said if you want to know the truth , then please transfer him from the police hospital.
At the same time  on MBC Misr we knew that the mobile phone from which Hamda's wife spoke live on ONTV was actually the mobile phone of some officer working in the public relations department in the ministry of interior.

Randa Hamda Saber then spoke in several channels that night about how her family especially her parents were intimidated.

Then comes the biggest moment in our TV tabloid history worldwide : On confrontation between Hamda and his daughter Randa on TV in Amr Adeeb's show last Saturday. Randa was speaking to Amr earlier in the show then Poor Hamda called accusing TV shows of paying to his daughter to say what she said adding that Randa was besides him at the hospital !!!!!!!!!!!!!! In front of this accusation and lies Adeeb on air phone conference between them.

Randa : You are liar ya Papa, they are forcing you to say this. I was with you.
Hamda : I will set you on fire when I return home , you are not my daughter anymore.You were not with me that night.

Sunday February 3rd 2013 :

Hamda Saber admitted at last that he was beaten and stripped by the police yet the big ranks and generals apologized to him and even kissed his head "as a gesture to forgive them".

"I am sorry to everyone , I had to lie because they treated me very well in the hospital. I am saying the truth now because my family and people in Mataria and Upper Egypt Shun me. They were sad for what happened to me. I apologize to them and also to protesters" This is what the man said confessing at last that indeed the security forces stripped him and beat the crap out of him !!
Now again a TV history made when Hamda says on air : The equivalent of the F-Bomb in Arabic "Fuck the Money when TV Host Sherif Amer asked him about that news he got money to lie. 
Can you imagine the amount of intimidation this man has been subjected to !?
Now Islamists found out that Hamda Saber used to go to Mubarak's trial and is from the so-called Mubarak children. Already I do not know what the big deal is in this matter. They want to justify the attack by all measures without realizing that they are becoming like Mubarak regime members when they used to justify the crimes of torturing Islamists in the past.
For me Hamda is a human who has been violated twice : When he was stripped and beaten and when he was forced to lie in the Media in this way.
Hamda Saber comes from Upper Egypt and lives in a working class. What happened to him from stripping is a huge insult. He lives in a room with his family and shares a bathroom with his neighbors in a very close complicated community that is rarely featured in the media except in crimes pages. 
Hamda smiling amazingly !!
What happened him is considered a huge insult to his manhood when we speak about Egyptian Eastern mentality aside from all the human rights talk. Dr. Manal Omar , the famous psychiatrist said that Hamda Saber was smiling in front of the camera in that stupid way in an attempt to escape from that horrifying humiliation , to escape from reality.
Ashraf Hamdi made this amazing cartoon about Hamda 
Hamda is the simple Egyptian who walks besides the wall as we say in Egypt to avoid trouble.Now he found himself the center of the universe in Egypt battling the Pharaoh’s mighty soldiers in their own house with no help from the outside the world. He is the Egyptian who seeks for better living in extreme poverty. He is the true reason why the 25 January revolution took place.
It happens all the time behind closed doors
Hamda Saber does not understand human rights because he is from that class in Egypt that got no rights and he is ok with that.He does not understand or know that he should not support Mubarak's regime because he is one of its victims .
I am not from the team that says Hamda’s case is a waste of time and the media should focus on other issues. I do not know what else the media should focus on , it is as important as other stuff. 
Yes the ministry of interior got ton of disasters that should be exposed including the crimes it did in Suez cities but we should not ignore Hamda or his case.
Hamda's story got many details that are direct reflection to many of our social and political problems when you think about it.
What is scary is that there are hundreds of Hamdas being violated and tortured in Egypt yet behind closed doors


  1. The only comment I will make is this.
    There is no evidence from that video that the police stripped him. Nothing that would stand up in a Western court of law.
    Second to say he was brutally beaten to a pulp is just pure fiction.
    Clearly the video of him in the hospital sitting up smiling with not a mark on him is evidence that this too is an exaggeration and again would not be evidence in a court of law.

    The two most important accusations simply do not relate to the truth therefore as a judge I would have to through this case out of court.

    Criminal accusations need concrete facts and evidence.

    Something that in time Egyptians will learn and then they will stop with wild exaggerations and rumour.

    1. UNBELIEVABLE! You must be from the Ihwan to show such ridiculous denial. We can see how he is stripped and we see how he gets beaten up, whether it is 'to a pulp' that really does not matter.

    2. WRONG!! a fabrication and I am not an MB I am a Westerner with eyes that work.

      The man was clearly naked as the video starts.
      The video does NOT show him being stripped.

      If you think it does you need your eyes checked and new glasses ordered.


  2. حماده صابر في محاكمه مبارك


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