
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

And #Egypt is indeed next after #Tunisia

I was just wondering this morning whether the political assassinations will start in Egypt after Tunisia or whether they already started with the murder of young protesters. No need to ask now because Salafist Sheikh Mahmoud Shaaban issued a fatwa calling for the murder of National salvation front leaders !!

Yes Sheikh Mahmoud Shaaban is saying that it is legal to kill ElBaradei and Sabbahi because they want to bring down President Morsi !! "Both made it clear that they do not want that"
You must know that the Muslim brotherhood supporters and members in Egypt are defending their counterparts in Tunisia crazily claiming that the Islamists did not do it but rather the counter revolution in Tunisia !!
I do not need to speak about the comments that wish the same fate of Belaid to all President Morsi's opponents.
Anyhow ElBaradei was alarmed from this , he has to because it concerns his life. Here is his tweet.

Nader Bakkar , the official spokesperson of Al Nour Party demanded Al Azhar to investigate Mahmoud Shaaban condemning the Fatwa. It is worth to mention several Egyptian figures in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were victims of similar fatwas. Some of them paid their lives for like Farag Fouad.


  1. Is it not a crime in Egypt to incite murder? This is a serious question. Can anyone answer it?

  2. @Roger Yates , yes it's a crime but only on papers .No one will take any action against this man since he attacks the oppositions not the ruling party

  3. Oh that's the most dangerous thing for Egypt ... these backward conservatives :( ..... and yes it's a crime!!!! but Egypt doesn't have an adequate system yet ... oh my heart breaks day by day really :(

  4. Thank you @Anonymous and @Sarah. Perhaps this sort of thing needs to be focused on. Members of parliament lobbied. Letters to the press. Appeals to the chief prosecutor. What are radical opposition lawyers doing? I understand that you have a dysfunctional system, so do we in the UK, but law is like a muscle, it only gets strong when used. This guy needs to be sorted out. He should be arrested and tried.

  5. @Charlie Darwin This is offensive nonsense. Secular Atheism in the form of Stalinism, Maoism or under Pol Pot justified massive crimes. Christianity has done the same. Nazi Germany was a culture that inherited Enlightenment values. Recent American and British leaders are war criminals, by any rational reading of international law. They have all justified crimes in the names of their religions and ideologies. Apply the standards you apply to Islam across the board and you will run out of scope for prejudice.

    1. "Tyrants do their evil regardless of atheism or religion"
      Precisely. So why are you banging on about this particular religion then?

  6. Islam is to peace as slavery is to employment. From a distance they make look similiar but they are not. Islam is fascism brought to a cosmic lvel, pure evil, pure oppression, pure slavery, pure hate and eventually pure death. Remember the muslim saying" "We love death as they (The Jews, weterners, etc.) love Life.

  7. Arutz Sheva has this story Video: Egyptian Salafi Cleric Calls to Kill Opposition Leaders and they have a version of the video with English subtitles.

  8. Is no one going to challenge this? I am an atheist and I find this kind of talk unacceptable. We had lies like these spewed from the Nazis about Jews 80 years ago and millions were murdered as a direct result of it.

    1. My viewpoint is Liberal (John Stuart Mill). It is what people do that matters, not the thoughts they hold. For the former we have sanctions of law, national and international, for the latter we must have freedom. In my view this cleric has broken the law by inciting murder and should be tried for it. There are all kinds of things said by the Great Poetic Irrationalities (shall we call them). Are you suggesting we need some kind of planetary thought police or book burning agency to close down these thoughts? You have a right to be offensive about Islam. But it is none the less offensive and crass. There is little difference that I can see between your viewpoint on Islam and the Salafist Wahabist viewpoint on Liberalism and democracy. We need to calm down and concentrate on what people do. The beheading of a Shri Lankhan servant by the Saudis and the beating to death of Baha Mousa by the British Army, or the attack on the Twin Towers and the penetration bombing of a shelter in Baghdad are equally crimes. You have a bee in your bonnet me old mucker. Calm down dear.

  9. Oh Dear we are getting confused. My reply "Is no one going to challenge this" was to Anon "Islam is to peace". I have already opposed the cleric up above. Frankly, I can't stand any of you....Can't you all find some other planet?


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