
Monday, February 11, 2013

#EndSh #GlobalProtestFe12 For #Egypt : The world stands with Egyptian women

Tomorrow the women of the world will protest in solidarity with the Egyptian women in front our embassies against the sexual violence and attacks.

There will be protests in Aden , Ramallah, Yaffa, Rabat, Tunis, Beirut, Amman , Copenhagen , Brussels, Milano, New York, Washington, Ottawa , The Hague, Paris, London, Melbourne and Oslo

The global protests is coordinated by the Women Uprising in the Arab world. 

There will be a protest tomorrow in Cairo at 6 PM at Talaat Harb square and I think there will be a rally from there to the Shura council to object the disgusting Shura MPs’ statements today. The Shura MPs in the human rights committee blamed the women for the sexual harassments and rape in shocking statements.


  1. I don't understand why the women of the world would want to stand with you against sexual violence, when you did not stand with them when they were sexually attacked by Egyptian men in Tahrir Square. In fact, you ridiculed and insulted them. But maybe Egyptian women deserve the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they aren't all like you.

    1. I don't remember Zeinobia ridiculing or insulting victims of sexual violence.

    2. You probably do, you were participating in those threads. Your problem is you are trying to rehabilitate Zeinobia so you are generous when you shouldn't be. She's a lost cause. Nut go ahead. knock yourself out :)

    3. I have indeed been participating and that's why I said I didn't remember Zeinobia doing that. Did you have a particular post of hers in mind?

    4. All of them, Jason. You're perceptive enough to know what she was up to with what specifically she was posting and what she was implying, and the kinds of discussions and speculation she was encouraging. If you want to give her a pass because she didn't make direct accusations or openly make derogatory comments, that's your choice. I might do the same if I was interested in trying to persuade people. Zeinobia is way too far gone for that, in my opinion.

  2. I will go to demonstrate in favor of Egyptian women, in front of Egyptian Embassy in Rome. I am an Italian girl

  3. I will pass this information on to social media news outlets. As you know this will not make it to the main stream media at least not in most countries.

    1. Put a huge Sexual Harassment Panda sticker on your garbage truck.

    2. Social media is where Egyptian Revolutionaries defamed and insulted Lara Logan. People have not forgotten.

  4. There is a video on youtube of the moron Shiekh Abu Islam who is saying that it is OK to rape women that go to Midan el-Tahrir as long as they do not wear hijabs because any woman that does not wear a hijab must be salibiyya and that any woman that does not waer a hijab then she must be a prostitute! Which is not just stupid but also criminal

    But again salafism is as low as one can get


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