
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

And The #Egyelections are delayed for Sometime now

And the High Administrative court “HAC” issued its decision today to suspend the parliamentary elections in Egypt and to refer the parliamentary elections law to the Supreme Constitutional Court “SCC” .
This means now the parliamentary elections planned to be hold next April will be adjourned till the Supreme Constitutional Court revises the law.
This was the Presidency’s official reactions announced online to the foreign world.
Now despite the Egyptian presidency has announced that President respects law and constitution to the end of that jazz , we got the amazing and brilliant legal advisor of Morsi Mr. Jadallah Fouad claiming that the presidency will appeal the court ruling !!
The MB followers and members are accusing the SCC ad HAC of being politicized. I will not be surprised that if the MB members and Islamists are mobilized to besiege the SCC once again

1 comment:

  1. It is not the 'High Administrative court', it is just the 'Administrative court'. Morsi can appeal (and win easily - it is a very straight case) but I don't think he will do.


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