
Saturday, March 16, 2013

How has the #MB become the biggest challenge to #Jan25 Revolution ?

I wanted to write this post from a long time but as usual I was lazy enough to do it but my dear friend Bassem Sabry’s latest column in Al Monitor made me to write it. 
 4/20/2012 protest One hand to build the nation
I began to believe that the Muslim brotherhood has become the biggest challenge to the 25 January Revolution and its biggest liability ever. I am afraid that the famous group that nobody can deny its participation in the revolution is hurting and even jeopardizing it in the worst ways ever especially with their policies and plans the whole idea of 25 January revolution.
Of course here when I am speaking about the Muslim brotherhood as in Presidency , Freedom and Justice party and the  Muslim brotherhood.
The intelligentsia in Egypt know that the Muslim brotherhood took over the rule breaking all the promises they gave to the fellow revolutionaries whom for years stood to defend the group against Mubarak regime. The intelligentsia also know very well how the MB and their policies are completely opposite to what the 25 January revolution called for from principles “Bread, Freedom , human dignity and social justice”.
The Muslim brotherhood’s neoliberal policies will not reach to social justice nor it will provide bread. We have seen what happened so far to human dignity and Freedom especially with the continuing violation of human rights cases from torture and that hate towards media in Egypt nowadays.
When Mohamed Morsi was elected a president he chose several Pro-revolutionary faces like Ayman El Sayad , Sakina Fouad and Samir Marcus as advisory and aides yet he did not listen to them at all. I do not need to bet that if he just listened to them things will be different. Of course  I do not need to say that he is listening to the MB guidance office.
The MB says that the political opposition forces "mainly from revolutionary faces like ElBaradei and Sabbahi" are working to make Morsi fail where actually the MB is doing the job perfectly. Morsi and MB are the ones who digging their failure grave by pursuing the same dark path of dictatorship in order to fulfill Hassan El Banna's big vision of MB Caliphate. 
Still I fear that the average Egyptians do not look to the MB as a danger on the revolution but rather a product of the revolution. I fear that the average Egyptians will hate the revolution day after day with the failures the President and MB are causing in the country. I fear that the average Egyptians who were happy to oust Mubarak and took the streets will see the MB’s control as a direct result of the revolution.
Of course people do not want to admit that they chose and brought the MB willingly through democratic processes aka elections. People elected the Muslim brotherhood and refused to try other alternative because “ They knew MB and the MB is good as they are Islamists”
I fear that people will miss the Mubarak days even if they were not from the privilege class that enjoyed these days yet they are missing that feeling of state control and security.
From two weeks ago “Ana Asf Ya Rayas” { I am sorry Mr. President} Pro Mubarak page reached to nearly 900,000 likes since its launch from two years ago. The Pro Mubarak/Shafik/Omar Sulieman supporters and apologists are having their dreams come true using all their talent to spread lies on how Mubarak’s era was much better than the MB’s rule and how the revolution is bad.I see daily posts in my Facebook timelines from friends sharing on how things were better in time of Mubarak at least when it comes to security and some how “economy” was allegedly much better.
I fear that people are having short memory because things were not that better in time of Mubarak , it was on the verge of explosion sooner or later. We had fuel and water shortage from time to time. All research centers all over the globe were predicting unrests after Mubarak whether caused because of his regime’s economic policies or because the fight over power between the military and Gamal Mubarak as well Islamists and Gamal Mubarak. Many people believe that Mubarak and his regime were right to violate human right
Unfortunately the MB’s failures in Egypt are not affecting the revolution in Egypt but also in the Arab world as well. Recently more people in Egypt began to see the revolution in Syria as another foreign attempt to bring it down using the Islamists and the MB who are destroying Syria in the same way they have done it in Egypt. I am not speaking about uneducated Egyptians but rather educated Egyptians.
The MB and their allies in Gaza from Hamas are hurting the Palestinian cause for the first time in Egypt. The Anti-Palestinian sentiment is finding a place in Egypt for the first time since 1948. Average people wonder why President Morsi care for Gaza than Port Said. Average people also fear that Hamas may have a hand in killing our soldiers and began to think that the president is not telling the truth. I do not need to speak on how that “Palestinians are coming, Palestinians are coming” media machine is working like hell. Yes they are differentiating between Hamas and Palestine but in real world people do not differentiate.  
In the end the MB has become a burden on the revolution and we have to admit it not only in Egypt but in the Arab world.


  1. why do you and your crew think your so perfect and just know it all?

  2. na na nn a na thats what the MB baby says above-proving again how they act like kids! It is fairly common for the oppressed group to win after removing a dictator,but fighting the dictator is so much different than running a country,+ they never last long.They always (as have the jewish people) forget what was done to themselves,and in turn act as their oppressers did,its strange to watch? (anger issues who knows,gotta take it out on someone)the whole election set-up was really wrong to begin with,this is the root of the real problem,MB stole the REV as in Iran.The only question is will the egyption people stand for the Brotherhoodization of EGYPT,or will the MB govern for ALL the people,evenhandly.I personnally dont think the MB will,"too drunk with POWER!"(and really too dumb for the job ahead)may the hearts of egypt see the light.

  3. Remember when the online revolutionaries and Egyptian youth were laughing at anyone who suggested that you fools were taking the country from Mubarak and handing it to the Muslim Brotherhood? Doesn't seem like it was that long ago, does it? Oh, well. Shit happens. Some people learn valuable lessons when it does. Other people attempt to survive their new dignity and freedom in Egypt and complain about Jews and Americans.

  4. Expect this post to provide a shitstorm of comments from butthurt ikhwan.

  5. @Zeinobia said: "Of course people do not want to admit that they chose and brought the MB willingly through democratic processes aka elections... In the end the MB has become a burden on the revolution and we have to admit it not only in Egypt but in the Arab world."

    Sorry to call you out on this Zeinobia, but you voted for the MB when your preferred candidates bit the dust. The liberals were never that popular among the Egyptian people, despite your undeniable central role in the January 25 revolution. The elections proved that outside Cairo nobody likes you.

    Don't start a revolution you can't win should be the lesson learned, perhaps. America was on your side and you fucked it up. You may find that Mubarak was better than what you got. I hope not.

    1. Look in Western "Democracies" we have one party oppressive systems with a couple of factions (Democrat/Republican) that have control of power and wealth for the benefit of Oligarchs, the 1% if you like. The "democracy" achieved by the revolution in Egypt has immediately concentrated power into the hands of the powerful few. What is beginning to hapen in Egypt is that the population, or parts of it, are beginning to rise up against top down Power. This is a good thing that we should emulate in the West. What is the difference between what happens in Egypt and this from my country except that in the West governments for the few are better at control. If Americans or Brits rose up effectively to oppose power in the hands of factions of one party and really change society they would shoot us like dogs. Like in Syria.

    2. The Egyptian army is the real power broker in Egypt as they are supported by the US at the tune of 2B $$/year , have their factories, own several profitable businesses and arms which they have used and can use again to shoot and kill their opposition like dogs.

    3. "@Roger Yates"

      It is amusing that you capitalize "Democracies", "Oligarchs" and "Power".

      I should have stopped reading when you scare-quoted the fourth word in your moronic comment. I probably lost two IQ points from reading it.

    4. @Anonymous. Absolutely. In other words the US rules Egypt (and the UK).An Algerian friend tried to explain to me, in response to my euphoria at the fall of Mubarak, that the visible power in the region was often dispensable, he said it was like a pressure cooker: getting rid of Mubarak lets the pressure out but real (military/oligarchic) Power is still bubbling away out of sight. I understand him now. Its more or less the same in the West except that we have ritualised the pressure release with elections.

    5. @Jason. America is a fascist military tyranny run by criminals. It is beginning to turn against its own people but the majority of them are too brainwashed and stupid to notice or care. It is a despicable country and the world is fast getting sick of it. The British Empire collapsed in little more than 20 years. Don't think it won't happen to you.

    6. "@Roger Yates"

      Cool story, bro.

  6. "The liberals were never that popular among the Egyptian people, despite your undeniable central role in the January 25 revolution."

    I thought Zeinobia was a marxist? Or does she just hang out with marxists? In any case, I've never seen any evidence of liberalism from her on this blog, unless the standard being used is relative to the average Egyptian.

    1. I meant liberal in the sense of contemporary Egyptian politics, and indeed it bears no resemblance to the Western understanding.

      I doubt Z would call herself a Marxist, but she does sometimes gives opinions that seem that way.

  7. The revolution was a cry out for a better future. Egyptians don't know how to shape a better future, they don't have the experience nor capability. 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime' .. The fish for a day = Egypt

    But yet they (only 25% of those eligible to vote, go figure) had faith in Morsi to shape the future for Egypt.

    Looking at Egypt's population it makes sense that this is the situation we have to deal with. The revolutionaries/liberals have done and are still doing a great job, an opposition is of great value, but Egypt isn't ready for them yet. It will take years and years for Egyptians to learn, experience and improve Egypt... My only hope is the next presidential election. Up until that moment I don't expect miracles to happen in Egypt. And if Morsi is re-elected, my hope will be buried in bottomless sand.

    1. The Muslim Brotherhood has sought power in Egypt for over half a century. They aren't going to let go of it voluntarily, no matter how people vote or no matter how much they protest.

  8. Zenobia,
    You said that 'The Anti-Palestinian sentiment is finding a place in Egypt for the first time since 1948'
    I distinctly remember after the 67 war, Egyptians were attacking Palestinians openly for dragging Egypt into a war that did not concern us and Nasser closed down their radio station, offices and kicked them out of Egypt.
    Our sentiment was 'It's your problem not ours' and the Palestinian response was 'Egypt poor army was the reason for losing the war'.

  9. Roger Yates: America is a fascist military tyranny run by criminals.

    I don't think any of those words mean what you think they mean, Roger. Did your mom used to tell you that you were "special" when you were growing up?

    1. @ Anonymous Well "America" "is" "a" and "run by criminals" ought to be understandable even to an American patriot, I would have thought.
      How about "fascist"? Fascism has been described as a form of extreme authoritarian nationalism. American exceptionalism or "full spectrum dominance" or "this is the greatest nation on earth" fit the bill here? It is my belief that the philosophy of Ayn Rand, and the neo-conservatives who dominate American policy, represents a fascism that has been purged of a narrative of racial superiority and that a belief in the superiority and right to power of heroic achievers has been put in its place. Couple this ideology with the dominance in the body politic of America of Corporations that are above the law and buy overwhelming political influence through political funding (a political system known as Corporatism which places powerful successful corporations at the top of society) and you have an accurate description of fascism. Mussolini disliked the label fascism and wanted to call his political ideology Corporatism. It posited exactly the revolving door between corporations and political placements that exists today in America. Now add the dominance of an overwhelming propaganda machine represented by the American corporate media and you have a 21st Century fascism behind a fig leaf of democracy.
      As to "military tyranny" America has military bases world wide waging relentless illegal wars assassinations and murders from hemisphere to hemisphere. America is the most destabilising force this planet has ever known. Since we are on the subject of fascists, Von Ribbentrop, who was Hitler's foreign secretary, was hanged at Nuremberg for waging a preemptive war against Norway in quite the same way that Bush and Blaire have done in Iraq, (the Iraq war was justified as a preemptive war against a state with WMD and preemptive wares are illegal wars) except that Bush and Blaire killed rather more Iraqis than Ribbentrop did Norwegians.
      Finally "run by criminals"? The Financial Industry, which is an arm of American full spectrum dominance, is a Mafia without the saving grace of internal family loyalties! It is crooked as hell. Trillions has gone walk about. One of America's foremost legal officers, Eric Holder, said on CNN that he refused to prosecute HSBC (don't for Godssake tell me its a Brit bank when my country is under occupation by American bases) HSBC who laundered half a trillion of Mexican drugs money for the kind of folk who behead entire families in the gutter, because it might "destabilise" the God-damned financial system.
      We may disagree, Sir, but I know what I mean by my words. The sooner my country expels American fascism from its territory the better I will like it,
      The Egyptian liberal revolution must fight to do this too.
      The MB are certainly in the pockets of the Americans.

    2. Wow! I managed to see off the anonymous neo-con trolls! No attention span these jokers. Stuff down a couple of burgers guys. You know you need them......

    3. Regarding this asshole "Roger Yates" who claims "Wow! I managed to see off the anonymous neo-con trolls!"

      First, I am not anonymous. My full name, email address, street address, employment history, and more, are available through a cursory search of my blog. By contrast, you, Roger Yates, have hidden your identity from public inspection.

      Why don't you share that information, gaywad? We in the West don't hold your faggotry against you.

    4. @Roger Yates

      Don't be shy. We love gay people.

    5. Roger, have you swapped out your tinfoil hat for one of the newer models with the plastic wrap insulation? I heard the old ones don't protect people from jew wireless broadband transmissions.

    6. @Roger Yates

      BTW, there's a cultural question that I wish Z would address. And that is what it means to be a homosexual and whether it is OK.

      In the contemporary West, you are gay man if you want to have sex with men.

      In the West historically, you were gay if you actually had sex with men. A safety valve was thus provided through priesthood.

      I don't know how it was in Egypt in the old days, but the current standard as I understand it is hilarious: If someone fucks you up the ass (whether you want it or not) you are gay. But if you like to fuck guys up the ass (as you do, Roger Yates), you are heterosexual. ROTFLMAO

      Do I misunderstand the contemporary ethos? Really, Zeinobia, you should devote a post to the subject of homosexuality.


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