
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cairo Opera House To Strike

Artists and employees of Cairo Opera House Protested today and started a strike for the first time in the history of the Opera demanding the dismissal of the minister of culture.
No for the minister of culture "Ahram Online Arts"
The artists and employees were shocked today to find the newly appointed minister of culture issued a sudden decision to sack the head of Cairo Opera House Ines Abdel Dayem earlier today.
Staging a protest outside the Opera house in Zamalek Tuesday afternoon , Musicians from Cairo symphony orchestra, artists, dancers and visual artists joined the protest holding banners and chanting against the minister of culture Alaa Abdel Aziz.
 They even asked the people to honk if they hate the Muslim brotherhood.
If you hate the MB , honk "Ahram Online Arts"

And people did honk "Ahram Online Arts"
What was supposed to be Opera Aida turned in to a protest for the first time in the history of Opera house in Egypt and I think in the history of Opera Aida itself.
Opera Aida tonight turned in to a protest

We are all Ines Abdel Dayem said the banners tonight
The audience supported the decision and even refused to be refunded for the tickets.
Inside the Opera House tonight
Of course Opera Aida is cancelled as well other scheduled including the concerts of Omar Khairat. 
There is huge anger in the Opera House as well the rest of the ministry of culture as close to MB newly appointed ministry Abdel Aziz is doing his best in sacking people and appointing his friends as well MB members.
Here is the video from Aida


  1. If he faces all these protests, so he is going in the right direction!

    Workers in these `cultural` places are in deep corruption, it is great that he starts to fight with them that early!

    1. It's even worse than that, this disgusting play is about pagan Egyptians lusting after pagan Ethiopians. These "cultural" people are obviously trying to corrupt the morals of decent Muslims. Most of them are probably atheist marxists, as well.

    2. I bet you have a scraggly beard.

  2. La le akhwanat el-opera wa la le akhwanet masr

    The late Milad Hanna once wrote that Egypt has three basic connections one with Africa and the second one with the Arabs in the Middle East but Egypt also has a profound connection with Europe and all three have to have some degree of harmony and the opera represents this very important connection to Europe

    As I always say the biggest enemy of Egypt and its past and its present are el-ikhwan wa el-salafiyeen and they are despicable

    1. I'd love to see Zeinobia unload on us what she really thinks about this "profound connection with Europe" :D

      Why would even post this on the blog of a revolutionary who thinks the only thing worse than westerners is zionists?

    2. Egypt has also a connection to its past .

    3. You wrote

      >Egypt has also a connection to its past .

      Really? OK here is a test for you and its about the history of pre-Islamic Egypt and do not use google and let us see what you really know:

      1. What is the Nag Hammadi library? How many Egyptians know about the Nag Hammadi library? And what is it?

      2. How many Egyptians are aware of the existence of the Oxyrhyncus papyri? and what do these papyri are all about?

      3. How many Egyptians know anything about the Cairo Geniza documents that cover a span of more than a 1000 years in the history of Egypt in general and Cairo in particular?

      4. How many Egyptians know about the Bashmour uprising? Or even what is really the Bashmour uprising?

      5. What is the diary of John of Nikui (circa 640CE to 690CE) all about?

      And this is only a short list

      Egyptians need to learn about all of their history and be proud of it and Egypt was not "opened" by the Arabs! It was invaded by the Arabs but nontheless no one should deny the Egyptian connection to the Arabs

      So much for the "connection" of Egyptians with their history and past

    4. You wrote

      >I'd love to see Zeinobia unload on us what she really thinks about this "profound connection with Europe" :D

      I cannot speak for Zeinobia but I suspect that she is smart enough to realize that if all of us agree with her then this blog would have no value

      >Why would even post this on the blog of a revolutionary who thinks the only thing worse than westerners is zionists?

      Oh is this the conspiracy theory? and if so what do you think?

      You do not have to agree with me or with her but we all have to explain and support our point of view and you are very free to prove me wrong or to prove her wrong now do you get it?

    5. You are demanding I prove the only people Zeinobia hates more than westerners are israelis, nerd? The content of her blogging the last few years speaks for itself. If you're unaware of her attitude towards the west it's because you don't want to be aware.

  3. You wrote

    >You are demanding

    What is wrong with being "demanding" you tell me

    >I prove the only people Zeinobia hates more than westerners are israelis,

    And that is her point of view and you can prove her wrong I do not think that she would mind

    As for the word "hate" I doubt very much that she hates I think that she disagrees and there is big difference between hate and disagreeing!

    > nerd?

    Do you really what the word "nerd" means? But you know what? If you call people that you do not know, and that happen to disagree with you, names then you lost the debate

    >The content of her blogging the last few years speaks for itself.

    Then prove her wrong.

    >If you're unaware of her attitude towards the west it's because you don't want to be aware.

    Listen have many times do I have to tell you that if we all agree all the time there will be no need for such blog and she does a good job but that does not mean that I agree with her all the time

    Now this time do you really get it?


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