
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Readers’ Chronicles : An Open Letter to Egyptians From #Ethiopia

I do not think that I have done this before. This is an email I got from Ethiopia , from MR. Yared H.Meskel. 
I did not edit a single letter in the email. I am not going to comment about the open letter in the blog post , civilized discussions are extremely welcomed in comments section  
MR. Meskel is columnist and managing director in a technology and investment advisory consulting company in East Africa and UK. Dear Egyptians,
I think you politicians have been feeding false propaganda and the politicians have lived to believe their own propaganda. This propaganda has created three major myths in Egyptians mine.
One is Egypt own the Nile, second there was an international treaty, third, Ethiopia can block the water.
All are myth built up with no facts and lack of understanding basic scientific observations.
Here are the answers to think about.
1st. Egypt does not own the Nile. Nile belongs to Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, and off course, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. If Egypt thinks that it is only Egypt can drink from the Nile, and then take a hard look of the reality. You are receiving every day, clean, drinkable free from industrial toxic and fresh water everyday from these countries. If they do not benefit from the water they can send their wastes with it.

It is though fact that this is a shared resource and everyone has to invest and protect it to give fresh water to Egypt. The solution is to come back to the Nile initiative and negotiate to develop this shared resource together without losing your fare share. Ethiopia or Kenya cannot invest on the land and the forests which give to the life of Nile at great cost to become slaves to deliver drinkable water to Egyptians. In fact, Egypt should have been putting at list 2.5 billion USD/ half of the Ethiopian Dam cost, since it will serve as water reservoir for Egypt to design it in such a way that would not reduce the flow of the water.
Please don’t forget that 85% of the Nile water comes from Ethiopia and Ethiopia is not using so far 1% of the water while it's own people perish of starvation and drought  So there is no international or moral law that obliges Ethiopia to die of drought and thirst while Egyptians want to water their desert garden grass and lawn for European tourists or want to export it to Israel to earn cash. But still Ethiopia has no intention to reduce the flow, despite it’s cronic problems.
Abay/ Nile/ is a shared resource and the reality is to take time to understand the Ethiopian position. Sudan fully understand the Dam is beneficial for Sudan and Egypt. Despite internal public criticism Ethiopia has gone extra-mile to prove and reassure Egyptians by inviting and setting a joint expert committee that the hydroelectric dam does not at all affect the water flow. In fact it will increase the water flow in sustainable way, while the water is stored in deep gorge of Ethiopian cold highland by reducing huge evaporation, rather than flush it in to the Mediterranean see between June and October. This is science and I think Egyptians politicians need to pick their high school science books and revise it. A good number of Egyptian politicians appear to have (PhD) after their names and I guess they may have earned their degree in dramatics rhetoric than hard science.
Nile is Ethiopian as well as 9 African countries resource and Ethiopia need the hydropower as Egypt needs the water. The water moves a turbine and flow to Egypt and cannot come back or stored. Only demented politicians oppose building of hydroelectric power. If Ethiopia has intention to reduce the flow the dam would have been built where Irrigation is possible not where electricity could be generated. The fact is as simple as that and Egypt could have stopped it.
2. The second Egyptian myth is believing in non-existent treaty. Ethiopia had never been a British Colony like Egypt and British had no legal jurisdiction to sign any treaty in on behalf of Ethiopians. This is a basic logic. Egypt might have some debt with Kenya and Uganda but not with Ethiopia. Thanks to our forefathers, Ethiopians have fought all colonial forces at great cost and never surrendered to any mighty power. No one had signed on behalf of Ethiopia and no one will. Dying with freedom and dignity has been the ultimate privilege of all Ethiopians, who gave us this country. They died burned by poison gasses, tank shells and areal carpet bombing. Their crops burnt, their 2/3 of their cattle wiped out by biological warfare introduced by Italians and yet Ethiopians chose to die than surrender to anyone. As a result thanks God, we were not part of any treaty. We never signed anything and accepted any treaty. Hence, the fact is 85% of the Nile water had never been claimed by anyone and had never been part of any treaty. This is a fact casted on stones. Let’s the Egyptians politicians stop misinforming the Egyptian people and produce a single paper signed by Ethiopian or anyone who had legal jurisdiction over Ethiopia. Let them produce it and we are happy to honor it. So let’s clear this myth built on false propaganda.
3. The third myth is Ethiopia can stop Nile. If Egyptians politicians could Google, they could easily find enough scientific research data done by Egyptians that it is almost impossible for Ethiopia to stop the Nile flowing, without submerging a quarter of Ethiopia under water and turn themselves in to fish to survive. So it is time to separate ancient Egyptian myth from scientific data.
In fact, if there was an intention on Ethiopian side to reduce the water, there is no need to build a mega dam on the most rugged terrain of Ethiopia, where there is no land for irrigation. This is a gorge suitable for hydroelectric power and nothing else. If Ethiopia had intention to reduce the water it can instruct every village, to have a micro-dam on tributaries and flood plains. The fact that Ethiopia is building this huge dame close to the Sudan boarder means it is in its own interest to recharge the dam continuously to keep the power turbines moving. This is in fact a God given insurance for Egypt that the water will continue to flow to Egypt for eternity. If this dam is not built, then micro-dams are the alternative that would open the opportunity for utilization of water for other purposes too. So Egyptians politicians need to open their mind to see plan B, rather than getting carried away with myth creation and misinformation of the people.
So, please get tell your politicians to stop empty threat and bravado which is designed for internal consumption rather than dealing the real Egyptian real issue and the need for collaboration with Nile basin countries. Nile belongs to all of us, and it is enough for all of us. It is time for Egyptian politicians to come to the table and talk to the Africans who are delivering your drinking water everyday endlessly. Ethiopians, Kenyans, Ugandans, South Sudanese, Bruindies, etc. are united and the solution is not bullying but negotiation to have a win-win situation. That is upper countries use the water for power generation while Egypt continue to enjoy a free supply of clean, drinkable and life giving water from countries like Ethiopia and Kenya.
That is a win situation and the rest is more of a fantasy based on false assumption and myths. Egypt is not a superpower or a colonial master over Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda or South Sudan. A little bit of respect towards Africans is overdue.
In the last 20 years, there were more Egyptian investment in Ethiopia and we all thought that the old Egyptians politics is beginning to change to create some brotherhood with the African nations, but what we see from Egyptian politicians is old habits never die. Mubarak is may gone, but not his ideology.
Ethiopia has opened it door and files to Egyptians experts to examine every data that the dam does not affect the water flow. The good thing is the conclusion of these experts is clear that the dam has no impact on the flow of water. But Ethiopians gesture of brotherhood to take it’s file and plan for inspection has been taken for weakness by Egyptian politicians. Now if that is the perception then Ethiopia need to close it’s door and focus on its own plan till the Egyptian politicians learn to behave in civilized way and prepare to work with mutual respect and brotherhood.
Cooperation and win-win solution benefit all, and Egypt would be left out if its politicians believes their own myth and refuse to cooperate for our collective benefits.


  1. This is a nefarious statement. Ethiopia is determined to build the dam, so what do they want from negotiations? It is outright blackmailing that is intended. Ethiopia is just interested in making profit from generating power. They do not care at all, if Egypt will suffer.

    Damming the Nile to fill up the reservoir will reduce Egypt's supply of water for 2 years. Which will result in serious droughts for farmers and put additional burden on the budget as more wheat has to be purchased abroad.

    Ethiopia is attacking Egypt's life line. Ethiopia should be afraid.

    1. 1. The blue Nile water is not diverted. It is rerouted. There is a difference. Not a single drop of water is taken out of the river.

      2. Egyptian politicians are playing with lives of future Egyptian generation. If the water shade is not developed and protected in Ethiopia the Nile water will dry up for ever. Planting trees that are eradicated due to poverty caused in part by Egyptian constant attack on Ethiopians through all unholy means except coming themselves.

      3. If you decide to attack Ethiopia at last instead of sending your dogs Ethiopians welcome it at last.

    2. oh yes. The filling up can be done gradually in coordination with Egypt. For that Egypt need to cooperate not bully other sovereign countries.

    3. "Ethiopia is attacking Egypt's life line. Ethiopia should be afraid". You mean afraid of Egypt ? We Ethiopians respect the people of Egypt because you are our neighbors and it is in our culture to respect people. But afraid of Egypt absolutely not. You think you can come to our country and enslave us and impose your will on us. You do not know your history. Ethiopia is a sure grave for bullies, and arrogant leaders like yours. Ask Khedive Ismail of Egypt who lost two wars and thousands of men in 1874, 1876 trying to control the source of the Nile. Two generation of Italians bullies who were buried in the battlefields of Ethiopia. So we are not afraid of EYGPT. NO one in Ethiopia wants to harm Egypt. But it is time for Egyptians to learn to respect other nations specially Africans. If it comes to war. I hope it does not come to that - then Egypt will face the same fate of all these powers who tried to enslave us. But why go there why not solve it peacefully. Unlike you we do not want to add to the suffering of the people of Egypt. We know what it means to suffer.

      Why is it the first thing we hear from Egyptian politicians is intimidation, insult and arrogance like a bully on a playground. Be grateful we are willing to share the water and have an abundance of good will to the people of Egypt

    4. Egypt is not really concerned about the dam in that it will affect its water share. But it is concerned that this dam will make Ethiopia economically strong and boost her bargaining power. The Egyptians have been blocking access to finance for any kind of project on Nile; now time has come for us Ethiopians to afford to build such a huge dam with our money. Ones this is done, it will finance other projects with out looking for a penny from international financiers, who basically demand Egyptians' blessing. God bless Mama Ethiopia.

    5. Anonymous why are you anonymous? you must me one of the politician. The face is you afraid of hungry where were you when my ppl starved? Did pass anything to help? NO. But we are not like you, we have no ill feeling as my brother said if we want all we have to do is pollut downstream water and it will be the end of Egypt. But that is not what we are doing. We are God fearing ppl who respect others so if our ppl want to get out of poverty and use their own water source your leaders could not stop us. You should be helping us to just secure fresh water for you and your children not bully us. Can you imagine, if you have been paying water bill for the past so many years you wouldn't have been this greedy. Any ways I pray God will give you a better leaders than what you have so they will be good to all Egyptian and neighbours.


    1. Ahavat Eretz Israel6/09/2013 11:16:00 PM

      Excellent analysis! And i quote: "Egyptians are conveniently forgetting that they themselves were the recipients of Israel’s technology in the ’80s and ’90s, and that it was thanks to that help that they were able to grow crops in the light desert soil. Egyptian agriculture today is based on such Israeli techniques as drip irrigation, and on Israeli varieties of fruits and vegetables. Thousands of young Egyptians trained at Kibbutz Bror Hayil, where they learned how to cultivate the soil and save precious water."

  3. Zeinobia: Great e-mail and this man has more sense than Morsi

    Morsi and the people of Egypt have to understand that diplomacy and negotiations are the only way to go and that the days of not caring about wasting the Nile water is behind us and that war will not achieve anything. Not a thing but can Morsi negotiate? I doubt it very much

  4. "Ethiopia didn’t sign any agreement". If that is the case why Mubarak did not push for negation with Ethiopia to get Ethiopia sign some sort of agreement over the Nile water. Egypt had much leverage over Eritrean independence and it is a surprise to me this wasn't an agenda. 54 years is a long time, since 1959 and Isn’t it a failure of the directorship foreign policy.

  5. I have never heard from any one at this televised( secret ) meeting how would Egypt loss its water because of this Dam. They were only focused what to do to prevent the building. I think they all do not know about what they are speeking. Egaptians and all other countries interest are have to be puted equal on the table.

  6. In the above comment some one wrote "Ethiopia should be afraid of Egypt. I would rather die of a bullet rather than starvation. No Evyptian threat will fill my hungry belly. If this will cause third world war, let my world end today. Time is up.

    1. No matter what we are building it. do u think its the last one?? No there are tree left

  7. I suppose Egypt will have to learn to share. There are million of people in Ethiopia I would assume who must have water to drink, clean water. I hope that Egypt and it's neighbor will come to a reasonable solution which enables both countries to have what they need. The letter was very well written indeed, and expressed well. And I hate to say it, but these things drive me up a wall, :) 1)it's not see it is Mediterranean Sea. The other see is for the eyes to see. Then 2) It's not "boarder" as in rentals but it's "border" 3) it's not cronic, it's chronic 4) Not areal, it's aerial. Actually when I type in a little box, the word check underlines red, so perhaps he should type in a response box here next time. As emails don't have spell check I suppose.

    1. My English Teacher Go And Rewrite that treaty ....

  8. Wow! It's amazing how people think and see the world only from their own perspective.Do you honestly say the Ethiopians don't care when you give absolutely no consideration as to what the millions of people in Ethiopia, starving, dying of hunger watching the Nile flow from their lands? Do you "care" ? If you do it would be wise for everyone in the region to consider the Nile as a regional resource and use it wisely, peacefully. Because in the end of war, nobody wins.

  9. It is an excellent article.
    Politicians are deceiving the general public by saying Ethiopia is planning to stop Nile. Only the Almighty God can stop the Nile and the politicians know that. It seems to me they are using the Nile issue to divert attention of the people from the domestic problem.

    Instead of engaging in hostile and damaging propaganda, Egyptian politicians should help Ethiopia to increase the forest area and also engage themselves heavily on realizing the Great renaissance dam as the dam benefits both countries.

  10. Well done my brother Yared. Egyptians have to watch "Struggle over nile" documentary by Aljaazera to learn how their forefathers failed to control the source of Nile. As Yared rightly put it, Ethiopia wasn't defeated by a mighty power like Italy let alone small countries like Egypt. But Ethiopians are also God fearing and loving people who care for anyone and don't want to heart. That's why God is on our side always. So, pls so stop your daydream.

  11. I would also like to add one more thing. Egypt's population was 40 million in 1981. In 2011, it was 80 million. The population doubled in 30 years, which means Egypt's need for water had doubled and will continue to grow as the population grows. However, it is not Ethiopia's fault that Egyptians are unable/unwilling to control their birth rates. So, Egypt's rising population cannot be used as a tool to blackmail other African countries to get a bigger share of the water. If you don't have enough water for your population, then may be you should control it. If you don't control it, you are welcome to find other sources of water.

  12. Sudan reiterates support of Ethiopian dam plans

    June 10, 2013

    June 9, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s information minister and government spokesperson Ahmed Bilal Osman insisted today that Sudan would benefit from the controversial Ethiopian renaissance dam and stressed that Ethiopia has engaged Sudan in all operations associated with the dam building. At a press conference in Khartoum, Osman announced that Sudan’s minister of water resources and electricity Osama Abdalla Mohamed al-Hassan will travel for Cairo early next week. He said that the

    1. KHARTOUM has nothing to say about it. We are a sovereign nation. ppl of colonized nation still think the same way their freedom did not gave them freedom of thinking. How in the world you wage war without thinking that you will have to pay for it. or you so greedy you hate to see others life get better? Osama Abdalla Mohamed al-hassan better think twice before he thing muslim brotherhood has a voice over us. we are a nation of ppl with free mind and body ; we have to do what need to do for our ppl to get out of poverty. It is too bad you are not the decision maker.

  13. My firend Yared have highlighted an important issue that the people of Egypt should pay attention to. He has argued very well the fact that Nile is a regional water resource and no one country should try to monopolize it. Therefore there is a need on the part of the Egyptian Politician's to come down to earth and start to engage in a positive effort on how to achieve the common good. Also I fully agree that, no country should have a right to bully others into accepting an unjustifiable demand.

    What I should add on what Yared pointed out is that, the goal of the current Dam is to produce electric power but if in the future Ethiopia needs to use the Nile water to satisfy other national needs then that should not be right in the middle of the table as well.

  14. I don't get why should we sit and negotiate if you are deciding to build it whatever happens ?
    + The Analysis made shows that Egypt will suffer it's about our national safety
    + The military solution we are talking about isn't war .. it's just sending aircrafts to demolish the dam and then get back we don't want to hurt anyone out there nor the Ethiopian country would like to start a war against the strongest military forces in the area.
    + We know that in the last 40 years Egypt didn't treat Ethiopia and other African countries the right way , but believe me that isn't what we Egyptians want.
    These people deserve to treat him like humans at least!

    1. it's just sending aircrafts to demolish?????do u think so easy? and the Ethiopian will wait the Egyptian air craft with flowers, and also may be if the Egyptian air craft saccessed to demolish the dame then do you think the Egyptian will get clean water for drink and irrigation and enjoy it.i don't think so, the Ethiopian don't need atomic bomb to give you a good lesson just a little chemistry work , i hope u understand what i mean

    2. Egyptian, If egypt insist we have 0% share and won't sign any argument we have no option but go on building.
      -Egypt political analysis says it is harmful to egypt, but the technical analysis by joint experts from sudan, egypt, ethiopia and international experts says the dam has no significant impact.
      -you have no technology to fly from egypt and bomb the dam. FYI, F16 loaded combat radius is 300KM. egypt is 1500km from the dam. Lets assume u made it taking off from some where near and our radars missed u and bombed it. Evey ethiopian will then be a rice farmer to make sure u don't get a drop of our rivers.
      -Egypt military is #1 in africa, we are also #2 add motivation, water and 1874, 1876 victory to ethiopian side, and subtract poor arab organization skill, no water and stupidity from egypt side.
      - We don't need ur good treatment to survive but u need our water.

    3. Anonymous said...

      Egyptian, If egypt insist we have 0% share and won't sign any argument we have no option but go on building.
      -Egypt political analysis says it is harmful to egypt, but the technical analysis by joint experts from sudan, egypt, ethiopia and international experts says the dam has no significant impact.
      -you have no technology to fly from egypt and bomb the dam. FYI, F16 loaded combat radius is 300KM. egypt is 1500km from the dam. Lets assume u made it taking off from some where near and our radars missed u and bombed it. Evey ethiopian will then be a rice farmer to make sure u don't get a drop of our rivers.
      -Egypt military is #1 in africa, we are also #2 add motivation, water and 1874, 1876 victory to ethiopian side, and subtract poor organization skill, no water from egypt side.
      - We don't need ur good treatment to survive but u need our water to survive.

    4. You may try to abolish the dam. First, it will remain as a try not a target cos we already have prepared everything for its safety .....second and the most important is that if u try to do that believe me we will demolish Your Aswan then as a consequence of it Cairo will disappear forever beyond the direct risk. Third, we will continuously be busy of poisoning the water not only to kill plants fruits but also the whole human generation of Egypt. Don't think we are liberals on dealing with aggressions, Don't think we are liberals on dealing with hostility; Don't think we are liberals on dealing with war; Mind your thinking, mind your tongue, mind your policy.

    5. You are right no need for negotiation it our land our ppl unless you are willing to give a helping hand no need. It is our good heart that say let us negotiate with you to make peace. Do you know because of you the world bank refused to lend money for DAM and we are our own source for it.

    6. Dear Egyptian
      Did you just say ‘sending aircrafts to demolish the dam and then get back we don't want to hurt anyone out there’? Do you think hurting someone is only physical? Is that how you see the current issue of Nile?
      For us seeing that dam touched is like seeing somebody mutilating your brother/father or raping your sister/mother or child on your naked eyes. If you define that situation ‘no hurt’ then we have very basic difference in understanding pain/hurt.
      Honey make no mistake we building of the GRD dam is not in the way you built Awasn Dam that is the from support of foreign donors. We saved money from our daily bread to contribute for the building of our dam. And I hope you understand what saving from everyone’s daily bread means in Ethiopia!!!
      So mind what you wish!

    7. When did Egyptian military win a war except shoot innocent civilians. Sure you have a lot of military junk that the Americans gave you. That does not win a war. You think it is easy to fly planes and bomb the dam and we will sit and let you do that. You guys have such a high opinion of your inept leaders and your ineffective military which can not even defend your homeland let alone attack a nation 2000Km away. You will be in for great surprise

    8. I think it is not the weapon or aircraft that fights but the heart. Bomb the dam, and we will come on foot and bomb you guys. Going long distance without food is not a problem to a nation that starved for generations. One thing you shouldn’t forget is that there is heroism in every single Ethiopian’s heart. I recommend you see the film ‘Brave Heart’ again. It is not only a film for entertainment; it is a lesson for you Egyptians. Go watch it again and save your lives. There is a saying in my country: A wise learns from others and a fool learns from himself. Once we start war there is no going back. We are proven warriors.

    9. Dear Ethiopians I have to remind you that your old equipment with like 10 competent pilots in the entire airforce won't even get you to Sudanese borders.

  15. We the countries of the Nile river,we all have the right to benefit from the water. We should be able to see a different way of using this natural resource in a way that is different from the old one. The old way is not sustainable. It has to change like every thing. Bullying and destabilizing worked for Egypt politicians in the past. But, it is not a long term solution. Every one is losing as the result of war. The only way is Co-operation and working in for a positive end will result in a win-win situation.

  16. Egyptian, You think it is that easy... go and demolish the dam sit enjoy the Nile water and others starve to death while the water is pouring down on their territory.
    This will not continue forever. Wake up and start thinking beyond the bullying tactic. There is a solution which all can benefit with out impacting the lives of others.


  17. In order to divert attention from itself, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader is sending Egypt in to unprecedented crisis. Morsi hijacked a legitimate demand for democracy and prosperity. Egypt’s future is not in war mongering with African but with investment and collaboration with Africans,

    Morsi realizing he cannot hold power without mongering war and diverting the attention of Egyptians from their legitimate quest and struggle he is following Ayatollah. Like Ayatollah of Iran he has is planning to send Egyptian to war to assert his authority. To shut their mouth and crash them as treaters. That is his selfish plan and it is shameful,

    This is not Ethiopia’s war but a war 10 other countries. All of them want to drink from water and they know the implication of the MB, so they might rally to shrade everything. The Arab league was a threat for most Africans but no more. Most are old producing and they no more fear.

    This is the weakest time for the Arab world has come since it's existence, No Syria, No Iraq, no Libya, No Tunisia, no Sudan to stand with Egypt, May be this a sinister move by other forces to punish Egypt too since it failed to plunge itself into crisis like Syria,

    This is what is going to happen, Now Morsi has to send it’s army to 10 countries to fight and control monopoly of the water, while could have secured the flow with peaceful means. Once started has no choice but to fight Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Eritrea and their allied countries.

    Eritrea's failed leader may sell itself for Egypt pound for short gain but he too would not deny his people from drinking from the Nile or sign an agreement honoring Egyptian *historic* right. So Egyptian threat of war is going to Unit all African's against Egypt. Egypt politician forget that it is more than 50 years since Africa throw out their colonialize and The MB cannot impose new colonial agreement.

    Second it may be easy to destroy Ethiopia’s dam but that would make Aswan dam a legitimate military target by Ethiopia and most definetly by Israel. In fact, Israel may subtly encourage Morsi, the fool, to get carried away and give them a legitimate target that can wipe out Cairo,

    As the saying goes a person in glasshouse does not throw the first stone. The future is not in bullying but cooperation. Let’s hope for Egyptians remove Morsi to come and cooperate with Africans, Hydropower does not consume water and let the upper countries use it for power generation and Egypt for irrigation, that is the only win-win solution and the best outcome for Egypt, Display of arrogance may trigger the worst behaviors from Africans. The geopolitical is also changing; East Africa will soon overtake the Middle East in oil production. Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya will join the South Sudan in oil production, But the MB do not have people to understand this complex geological reality of Africa, Talking of war with no means to enforce it will only give execuse to pick fight with MB and pound it in to submission.
    Let it be peace and prospority for all not war

  18. The problem is with Morsi. After Mubarak, the transitional government was working with Ethiopia in good faith.

    Before Morsi took power, more than dozens Egyptian politicians visited Ethiopia and consulted with Ethiopian authorities. They were no problem. Ethiopia does not depend on the Nile as Egypt. Therefore, Ethiopia does not have to use the Nile a lot. This is well understood from the part of Ethiopians. They do not allow Egypt to suffer not because of any treaties or because they are bullied by radical and hateful politicians. They will make sure as much as possible water smoothly flow to Egypt, because Ethiopians are friend to Egyptians. We are all God's children.

    Here is what need to be done immediately:

    - Egypt needs to send a high level delegation of people that are matured and respectful to others, perhaps from the oppositions like Al Bareidi.

    - Let those who called for war, be fired from the government as a sign of gesture towards Ethiopians and to show that Egypt is committed to peace and dialog. There cannot be true dialog when those who gave unhelpful comments are not held accountable.

    - Let there be an honest and serious discussion between Egypt and Ethiopia. For example arrangements can be made for Ethiopia to fill the reservoir slowly so that the impact against Egypt is neglige able.

    - Let Egypt distance itself from groups that are working to destabilize Ethiopia, as Mubarak had been doing for years.

    The Nile is a gift from God. As long as there is friendship and brotherhood, it can benefit all of us.

  19. The current "Government" of Egypt is only using this as a political scare tactic to garner the support of the majority of lower class and poor who work and live on the Nile and it's lower tributaries. Hence the lack of scientific knowledge and the blasting of "end of Egypt- National threat rhetoric". The Ethiopians are not looking to negotiate the building of the dam but to appeal to the sense of responsibility and logic towards it. Unfortunately there has been little sense or logic to be found in Egyptian politics of late.

    Egypt and Ethiopia could be a prime example of Diplomacy and sharing of Sovereign assets with equanimity and understanding which is sorely lacking in the region due to the ongoing internal conflicts. And it does not take negotiations or a treaty but a meeting of minds for that.

    It amuses me that once again the MB and Morsi take the negative propaganda track instead of one of the "Great Benefactor" to Ethiopia and the project touting it's benefits to Egyptians which would have gained the support of the sensible and understanding. A tactic which would have turned the heads of the people that are the greatest anti-Morsy supporters. A lose/lose situation again for the Egyptian Government.

  20. Zeinobia, thank you for posting the article. It has more sense than the speech by Morsi. My fear Morsi is sending Egypt in to a trap laid by Mossad. Only stupid politicians broadcast war threat against America and Ethiopia. It is a sinister manipulation to isolate and destroy the Muslim Brotherhood along Egypt by other forces. Some do not want Egypt to come out of economically stable and strong. The future of Egypt is in the hand of young and open minded Egyptians who paid sacrifices to liberate Egypt. Now they want to silence them by diverting attention.

    The talk of war has sent the stock market to slide and lose confidence in Morsi's ability. Morsi hijack the sacrifices of young Egyptians, now he want to silence them with talk of war.

  21. Zeinobia, thank u for ur Positive thought. I wonder if u remove this comment as it will protect both countries, Ethiopia and Egypt, from upcoming bloodshed. "Nile belongs to all of us, and it is enough for all of us." Said the person who wrote this article. Yes, it is the ultimate truth that God has sent the Nile for all mankind, not only for Egypt, to drink it and pray/thank the Lord. Thinking otherwise, will be standing against God. I 'must' now say that, if Egypt is going to attack Ethiopia's Dam, I bet you, she never knows God and she never knows Ethiopia, as well. And I think this will happen, as happened before... “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and kill every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.” says God. Source: Bible (Exodus 12:12)
    “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and kill every firstborn of people (not animals, this time), and I will bring judgment on all the rulers of the ‘EARTH’. I am THE PROVEN WARRIOR.” says Ethiopia. Source: Mony (An Ethiopian).

  22. Egyptians need to come to terms with the fact that they are an African people! Not an Asian people! This recognition is existentially crucial for Egypt, because whether Egypt approves of it or not, or even knows it or not, her fortunes are perennially anchored in the fortunes of Africa. Delve into your history Egyptians! Compare Egypt when it was African in the Pharaohnic period — when it explicitly admitted its African origins, traded with Africans and checked those many Asiatic peoples before they could infiltrate Egypt - with the period after the Asiatics and Europeans invaded and ruled Egypt; it has been a period full of humiliation, impoverishment, soul slavery (Semitic dogmas), lies, female chattel slavery, etc. There is no difference between a Semitic Israeli, Semitic Lebanese or Semitic Syrian, all of them are a danger to Egypt's welfare because they instinctively try to domesticate Egypt and her people for their own benefit. Levantine people seek to domesticate Egypt to be their war horse which they will ride against the Israel enemy, they want to pay for the war effort against Israel with the blood of the Egyptian people. Every time a Levantine writes a book, article, email, or speaks on Egypt, his primary thought is how can I manipulate Egyptians into dying for my interests. Don't take my word for it, observe! What makes the Levantine manipulation feasible is that the Egyptians themselves suffer from a foreigner complex, especially indoctrinated to consider the semitic easterners as the source of the standards which Egypt should follow. Why? because Egypt's most recent conquerors — Arabs — made sure to implant it into the Egyptian mind that they were from a holy (?) place of origin with a holy "gift". However the African Egyptian soul remains, and this is proved by the fact that although Egyptians have, up to present, been partly domesticated by the Semitic Arabs from the east, their African soul rebels against this domestication and is wholly repulsed by the customs and character of those who invade and domesticate; the Egyptian soul convicts the invader as being uncouth, devious, money-lovers, etc. Be honest Egyptians, on the one hand you look down on your invader, on the other you look up to him.

    The African is the opposite of this Asiatic invader. He wants partnership and friendship; he doesn't want to domesticate you with his politics and religion.

    King regards to Egypt (land of the wise Pharoah Ahmose)

  23. It is well written letter , But I read some comment that Egyptian brothers comment on the article , I think 50% of you believe war is the only solution and I often saw "Nile is a gift of Egypt " who said so , It is for everybody (all Upstream and Downstream country's).
    In 2013 this kind of way of thinking is outdated and your government should be more diplomatic. But if you believe war is the only solution, we will end up link Israel and Palestine,I know history will not tell the future but I have a strong feeling that Ethiopian people don't hesitate to put them self's for they country.


  25. All I have to say is what they did in close door, it is out in open. It shows how the leader are maina pretty crazy. Thank God the ppl of Egypt are not that way. Can we manid each other interest be in peace? Oh by the way stop killing orthodox Christian Egyptians it is their blood that will hunt you for generation to come.

  26. Egypt apparently has underestimated Ethiopia. Ethiopians may be bad in many things but they have a clean record of defending themselves. That is why they were not colonized when the rest of Africa was under the burden of colonialism. Today, Ethiopia has one of the strongest and Disciplined military in Africa. Therefore, unless wants to destroy itself, it will not even think about to invade or bomb Ethiopia

  27. Forget about war for a while, the new generation of Egyptians are intelegent and civilised people unlike other Arab countries. The Muslim Brootherhood are trying to hide their short comings by beating war drums. What would they do after bombing the dam? Occupy it? Unthinkable. Do they think the Ethiopians wouldn't do everything to sabotage the flow? Then they should go to war which is unthinkable to win. The best policy for Egypt is to cooperate and nothing else. But Egyptians have to appologise for destabilising the country for over forty years for apparent reasons. These destabilisations process has cost Ethiopia a lot of lives, money and our sea ports. They have radicalise muslim groups and were demonstrating every friday citing stupid slogans. Egypt has to stop all these sabotage and ask forgiveness of the Ethiopians.

  28. Chat is filled with Ethiopians so let me give my own opinion.
    First off we don't feed off false information unlike the Ethiopian politicians who denied the involvement of Eritrean troops here
    as for the first point It is clearly obvious that Ethiopia and Israel are partnered in this issue considering the arms military bases and diplomatic relations by Israel in Ethiopia. And Egypt cooperated with many Nile basin countries like Uganda and Tanzania.
    and as for the second point I would like to remind you of two points
    first Italy colonized Ethiopia and Britain had a successful expedition to Ethiopia. in 1902 Ethiopia signed an agreement which it's third article forbids Ethiopia from building anything affecting the Nile flow. When Ethiopia complained about the 1929 and 1959 agreement UK itself reminded Ethiopia of the third article of 1902 agreement which was signed freely by the Ethiopian government however since we are speaking of fair share and reasonable use that won't be our concern but rather an Egyptian legal leverage considering Egypt have been negotiating for more than 10 years right now. and for your third point the only ones who should behave is no one other than you Ethiopians. You bombed a dam in Tigray you gave Somalia and Kenya drought you caused Sudan to flood because seleshi bekele's empty promise that he would never let Sudan flood. All water resources are enough for all of us Ethiopia is not some sort of Colonialist or a Superpower in Africa it needs to come to it's senses and agree to a binding agreement. Haile Selassie and even his predecessor rulers of Ethiopia might be dead but their ideologies still persist today and they still want to control the Nile and even make it a source of National pride. GERD is estimated to do more than 50 billion dollar damage to Egypt and Ethiopia itself refused to allow Egyptian experts to inspect GERD so the statement that Egyptian experts are assured that GERD won't have any impact to Egypt is a mere misleading information your politicians tell you. Majority of Ethiopian neighboring countries including several Nile countries have military pacts and diplomatic relations with Egypt. we tried all sorts of ways for 10 years but very little outcome and more troll campaigns especially made in Twitter and TikTok by Ethiopians.


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