
Sunday, February 9, 2014

#FreeJournalists : Some Egyptian Journalists began to Take a stand

I was wondering why or when the Egyptian journalists are not supporting their colleagues currently detained behind bars like foreign journalists.
Well people began to react at last in Egypt. Today I found a group of Egyptian photographers declaring their solidarity withe detained journalists in Egypt .
Freedom for detained journalists
I am not surprised because Egyptian journalists especially Photojournalists have been paying the price in the past three years, especially in the past 6 months.

 By the way, the mainstream media in Egypt is claiming that all the journalists showing their solidarity with Al Jazeera detained journalists are actually journalists working for Al Jazeera and some people are actually buying this.

Today in Strong Egypt’s Press Conference about its position in the Presidential elections, the Young News correspondents and reporters staged one minute stand on air in solidarity with their colleague 

CBC Extra correspondent Mohamed Abdel Aal was attacked by security forces on air for doing during his coverage of last Friday’s bombs on Giza bridge.
The correspondents at the presser
Here is the video of the incident. 
CBC Extra Correspondent attacked the air.

It is worth mentioning that CBC network Mohamed Al Amin took the side of the police and defended them, after all, we are at war with terrorism and the reporter did not have his ID and so on !!
Al Amin’s statement

The journalists also organized a stand in solidarity with Abdel Aal at the famous staircase of the journalists' syndicate in Cairo.
Egypt’s correspondents stand

Foreign correspondents in Egypt began to show their support. Needless to say, the local old media is opening its fire on foreign correspondents.
After all more and more journalists are in danger every day, for God’s sake Egypt is chosen by Committee to Protect Journalists “CPJ” as one of the most deadly nations for journalists along with Syria and Iraq in 2013. Oh yes, Syria and Iraq !!!
Journalism now in Egypt is truly dangerous now.



  2. Yes "free the journalists" but not the thousands of civilians who languish in Egypt's torture chambers right? These journalists are hypocrites, much like the bloggers who supported a military coup on June 30th.

  3. Hi, I am a documentary film maker who is passionate abot Egypt. I have recently completed a documentary designed to get the tourists back to Luxor. I would like to invite you to view the video and maybe share it as much as possible. The film is called "The Magic of Luxor 2013" and can be found at:
    Best regards,


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