
Saturday, February 22, 2014

#St.Catherinetragedy : Show Some Respect to the victims and their families

First, those are the three last images from the tragic hiking trip  at Saint Catherine Mount showing its late victims Hager Mohamed , Mohamed Ramadan and Ahmed Abdel Azim , it was taken from late Abdel Azim's camera found with them. Photographer Mustafa El Sayid published them. 

Hager Mohamed in St. Catherine Mount
Late Hager Mohamed 
Late Mohamed Ramadan at Saint Catherine Mount
Late Mohamed Ramadan
Late Ahmed Abdel Azim
Late Ahmed Abdel Azim
May God bless the souls of the 4 hikers who died in the top of Bab El Donia mount , a mount that many of us in Egypt have not heard about before and now it is associated with death and tragedy.
The translation of Bab El Donia in English is "The world's door" , I think it is closed for now.
Anyhow, I knew that the friends of the hikers are thinking of doing a memorial at the mount commemorating their friends' tragic death. It is a great idea.
Second I am furious.
At the same moment the 4 dead bodies of the St. Catherine Mount's hikers tragedy reached Cairo from two days ago , there were some people online spreading disgusting lies , rumors and conspiracy theories about them
Yes conspiracy theories and rumors about the hikers spread like fire in the Pro-Military/Pro-ElSisi social media accounts and pages.

 Some Pro-Military/Pro-ElSisi claim that the whole hiking trip was actually some crazy terrorist plot by the Muslim Brotherhood to drag the army units to the deadly Bab El Donia mount but what you know.
Oh yes, the hiking trip was a bloody conspiracy against the army and its unity !!!

The proof of this conspiracy is the fact late Hagar Mohamed had a photo of the Raba'a sign in her Facebook profile while late Mohamed Ramadan dedicated the award for his short film 'Senses' to the Blue Bra Girl in 2011 !!

No respect to the victims or their families as usual and as expected now.

Also, I found out that those people are astonished and angry on how single girls go on a hiking with total strange young men for no bloody reason.
Yes, some people do not get that there is a whole young generation who dares on discovering places in Egypt with total strangers like all the people over the world.

It is not surprising that those Pro-Military/Pro-ElSisi are not that different from the Pro-Islamists , after all, they are not really socially liberal "or event politically liberal".

In the end, they are conservatives in their own way. Strangely both the Pro-Islamists and Pro-military supporters were wondering the why a girl would protest in Tahrir square in the infamous blue bra incident in 2011.

I have been feeling so mad in the past 48 hours from the crap I have been reading accidentally whether on Facebook and Twitter.

By the way, the surviving hikers are transferred to Cairo but they are still suffering from severe shock.
It is still a shock. Of course, now the media is defending by all its forces the army.
And as we are reactive people, I have read that the army is thinking of forming a search and rescue unit in Sinai mount from local bedouins.

The Bedouin tribe in Saint Catherine region saved the day for real.

Speaking of the Bedouins and the locals in Sinai , they are angry that the media focused on the tragedy of those valley kids and neglected/has always neglected their own tragedies whether the tragedies resulted from the on going war on terrorism or the tragedies resulted from the usual and old State's neglect.
I fully understand their anger and I admit that our media is totally unfair when it comes to the Bedouins.
Honestly, this is not the responsibility of the army alone or its responsibility in the first place, this is the responsibility of the state itself.
The State should contact the Red Cross as well countries with mounts and hiking tourism including Tanzania "Mount Kilimanjaro" to learn from their experience.


  1. Thank you Zeinobia, indivisuals tragedy story reach stronger to the world. We all need to forward that both in Egypt and internationally.
    BRGDS// Adam, Gothenburg Sweden

  2. Dear Zeinobia, thank you for your blog post about this fatal hike. I wonder whether you and your readership are aware of a recent fatwa concerning planetary exploration. The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowment (GAIAE) has ruled that Muslims may not colonize Mars. To me this seems gratuitously anti-science but also a bit premature, as nobody is quite ready to go there. Here is the story about it in Popular Science. As I understand it the objection by GAIAE is that such a trip would be tantamount to suicide. I don't know whether they considered whether the trip would be objectonable if single girls and strange young men took part, but clearly if the attempt is to colonize, then the space ship crews would have to be co-ed.

  3. You know people here forget to be a people


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