
Monday, April 17, 2023

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2023: Tale of Mando “Mando meets Mando” #EP27

Ramadan Karim😀

The Islamic civilization's contribution to the theory of multiverse during its golden age of science in the medieval period is enormous and deserves to be highlighted.

Renowned scholar Al-Ghazali defended the Ash'ari doctrine of the created universe and supported the concept of the multiverse in the 11th century.

In the 12th century, Fakhir El-Din El-Razi explored the idea of the multiverse in his book "Matalib al-'Aliya" and backed it with Quranic verses, citing that the Almighty has been referred to as the "Lord of the worlds" where worlds signify plural noun for the world.

Similarly, Ibn Al-Arabi also endorsed the concept in the 12th century, considering that God is infinite, and therefore there can be no limit to universes.

As we move to the 21st century, we refresh our memory with last night’s episode.

Now to the 27th night of our Ramadan nights and the 489th episode of the show.


As Mando finds himself once again confined to a quarter on a foreign planet, Queen Wardshan and the high priest debate their options. They remain skeptical of Mando's claims of being from another world, and who could blame them for that?

The high priest suggests that King Mando may be suffering from a nervous breakdown after being attacked by thieves during a hunting trip. They speculate that the alleged thieves may have killed his entourage and stolen his fancy clothes, leaving him in a state of shock.

Two identical men from the Arabian Nights Universe illustrated by Leonardo AI
Two identical men from the Arabian Nights Universe illustrated 
by Leonardo AI 

As they discuss the possibility of King Mando being unfit to rule, the real King Mando suddenly appears. Upon seeing him, Queen Wardshan faints, and chaos ensues. The two Mandos eventually meet, and our Mando requests a private meeting with the king.

During their discussion, King Mando is dismissive of our Mando's claims and offers no help. He can’t remember how he solved his issue.

However, he does suggest that Mando could use his newfound powers for revenge.

After seven days, Mando and King Mando await the arrival of Q and A. Mando proposes a solution and requests their assistance in returning to his own world. The next day, we will see how Mando uses his powers to save Wardshan and clear his name.

Here is the episode televised.

Till tomorrow night inshallah

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