
Thursday, October 12, 2023

October war 2023 : Reshaping the Middle East again

Why can't I write anything about the war in Palestine? Because it is so damn big, dangerous and changing to the level that I can say that it is from the events that can change the course of life in the Middle East. We are on the verge of a new Middle East

Also, I do not have time like in the past to cover what is happening there especially with the misinformation flood taking social media by storm, especially on Twitter. 

I found videos from Syria, Libya and even Palestine shared as videos from the Hamas attack and Israeli attack. I found rumours and crazy conspiracy theories that reached the level that the whole matter was a charade and Psyop !! Yes, a psyop. People are dead and dying and it is a psyop !! 

I found out that Russians and Ukrainians got involved along with the huge numbers of Hindutva trolls in India. 

Also, the war came at the time we were in Egypt getting for the Presidential elections and its circus, economic crisis with no end and other issues. Hell, I just want to write something about Presidential Hopeful Ahmed Tantawy before he gets into legal trouble for real.

It was like the last thing we expected or wanted in this critical time. It is unlike your usual Israel X Gaza’s militant groups fight that erupts annually. This is a full-swing war I can’t remember something like that. It is like those wars with Hezbollah in Lebanon. 

It also came at the same time Egypt was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 6 October 1973 war. “I prepared some posts, but I do not think I will be able to share anything now.”

Now let me share with you some Egyptian wisdom without any arrangement for real I compile what I think through the week. This is what I think.  "Professionally speaking, I cover this war from the Egyptian perspective in my work as a journalist."

In the past days, the war was the only thing watched on TV across the country and Egyptians are worried that the resettlement of the Palestinians in Sinai is closer than it has ever been but I will explain that later. 

First, as someone who has continued investigating and supporting the lost rights of the Egyptian POWs in the Egyptian-Israeli wars, I really hope that every single Israeli POW taken is released soon and returns safely to his or her family. It started already. 

I really hope so because the Israeli government made it clear that it does not care about the POWs as much as it wants to prove that it is the strongest army in the region and is in control. I think also that the Israeli government does not want to open this door because other Palestinian movements like in the occupied West Bank do the same. 

Thus, I really hope that the families of POWs insist on international meditation through two men, Sheikh of Al Azhar Ahmed El-Tayyeb and Pope Frances of the Vatican aside from Egypt, Qatar, Turkey and Oman.

In fact, the families of the POWs can help a lot by demanding more international mediation from Russia and China. Forget about the US and the West as well as the UN.

I also would like Egypt and Qatar who both are working on that file to insist on releasing Palestinian Leader Marwan El-Barghouti. Yes, Marwan El-Barghouti, the man who is hated by the Israeli state, Fatah and Hamas altogether. The man who led the second intifada. 

Get El-Barghouti out, already I think Israel knew that imprisoning the famous PLO leading figure wouldn’t stop the resistance movement first-hand. 

I say Egypt and Qatar because Hamas and PLO won’t demand his release because he is the man who can end the Palestinian division and unite Palestinians under one banner which is Palestine. Both Hamas and PLO do not want him out. 

Now concerning what happened on 7 October 2023. Up till I am in disbelief that this has happened without the knowledge of the Mossad and CIA. In fact, I even wondered if the CIA let this happen to teach Bibi to respect the Americans. 

I even suspected that the Mossad let it pass because of that fight between them and Bibi. Maybe the Mossad knew but did not think it would turn that way.

Same thing regarding Iran. I also wondered if Russia was not behind it to turn the Middle East upside down for the West. 

For the past decade especially in the last two years, the Israeli governments were warned by Egypt and Jordan not to push things too far otherwise Israel and the Middle East are going to pay a heavy price. The warnings increased in the past two years, and it became a usual statement issued every two weeks.

I am not speaking about the alleged recent warning that Benjamin Netanyahu got from Egypt that he allegedly ignored. He officially denied but I do not believe him.

The Israeli government was warned over and over that turning Gaza into a jail and continuing to treat its people as animals would turn some of them into monsters. Desperate people are dangerous people, I found an Israeli man saying that on Twitter and I think it is true.

It is a fact. Gaza turned into the biggest open-air prison in an apartheid system, I do not know what kind of result the Israeli government was waiting for.

The attack against Israeli settlements is out of the Jewish Haganah terrorist group textbook in the 1940s based on the details released that need to be verified independently, especially the statements of the Israeli army. 

What happened on 7 October was like an anger that has been imprisoned since 1915 and was let go. 

Yes, I do not trust the Israeli army's statements and I do not need to recount why but let's remember how it took a year for the most moral army in the galaxy to admit that it killed Palestinian-American Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. 

Also, Daesh's alleged flag found in one of the settlements makes me think many times because I and other journalists remember how Hamas members killed the members of Daesh in Gaza in a big ugly fight from couple of years ago that reached mosques and how Daesh attacked Hamas in its media vowing revenge.

Ideologically Hamas is one of the Muslim Brotherhood's offspring and Daesh considers the Muslim Brotherhood an infidel secular movement. If members of Daesh were involved in the operation, we would know through their media channels. 

So far it is radio silence. I know that Islamic Jihad was involved as they admitted it. In fact, their fighters were actually the ones firing rockets from South Lebanon to North Israel.

The Palestinian militant factions involved in the attack denied the allegations of atrocities FYI. 

Yes, the Hamas political office was truly kept in the dark. What happened confirms reports that there is a split between the Hamas Political office and its militant arm led by Mohamed El-Deif. 

According to military and security experts in Egypt, this attack was prepared for at least two years at least.

Again seriously speaking I would like to have a UN independent fact-finding committee to investigate the whole matter. 

And again 

Israel has truly become a part of the Middle East and its political and military class began to suffer from the same diseases their Arab counterparts suffer from. I do not know if this is the result of expanding in the so-called Abrahamic treaties or whatever.

Needless to say, if the Israeli government believes its relations with the Arabs especially in the Gulf are great and won’t be impacted by what is happening, they have to rethink again.

MBS and MBZ won’t sit forever, especially MBS aka Mohamed bin Salman. 

MBS spoke with the Iranian president on Wednesday and it seems that the map of New Mideast Benjamin Netanyahu shared at the UN General Assembly last month is a relic of the past in a matter of weeks. 

Netanyahu is a dead strongman walking to the abyss and he is dragging not only his people but the whole of the Middle East to the unknown. He knows that his political career is over thus he is trying to search for any fake victory possible in front of their people as they live this myth of the most powerful army in the Middle East.

I totally understand the shock the Israeli community is living but I hope they wake up quickly to understand the gravity of the situation. I know that they are living with shock, fear and anger.

I know Israelis are living in a mass hysteria that is produced by their cabinet and their army. I know mass hysteria because I lived in several mass hysteria in Egypt, and I know one when I see one. 

Destroying or obliterating Gaza will not bring peace or make other Palestinians and Arabs accept a reality or bow down especially, since other Gazas will be created, and the Palestinians won’t stop demanding their legitimate rights in their land. If you wipe off Hamas, new Hamases will appear as long as you treat Palestinians as animals.

Also, I think the Palestinians in the West Bank are in grave danger thanks to radical Jewish settlers who were weaponized with assault guns. I fear we wake up in the upcoming weeks either on a fire at Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1968 or a massacre at the Ibrahimi mosque in the 1990s.

Believe it or not, I think that there is a good chance to revive the peace process in the Middle East for real. Just like in 1973, the Palestinian military groups got what they wanted, and the Israeli government got what they wanted. Eye for an Eye, everyone got the vengeance they wanted.

Do not give me the shit that we do not negotiate with terrorists because, throughout the globe and throughout history, governments made peace with militant groups whether the IRA or FARC or even in South Africa. “Do you think Nelson Mandela was a flower power hippie love and peace activist !?”

The thing is the current Israeli cabinet does not recognize the two-state solutions as an attempt to put an end to the fight.

Not to mention for those who know history very well, remember that the Israeli government accepted the talks option right after the two intifadas despite it did not continue in that route. After all the Israeli government went from land for peace to peace for peace to peace for apartheid and be thankful that you are alive.

Palestinians are not sub-humans or animals compared to Israelis, it is a fact the West must understand but I doubt it will because this is the same look to the Arabs and Muslims in general and it won’t change.

The West must be careful not to repeat 9/11 mistakes because we are all still paying their debates till yet. The West must recognize the rights of Palestinians just as equal humans to their Israeli counterparts. This may help. 

FYI, Russia's Putin is winning hearts and minds by sticking to the two-state solution. 

I wanted to speak about Sinai but another day because my battery is drained. 

1 comment:

  1. You have to remember that it was Putin who sent planes and Wagner mercenaries to Assad killing thousands of Syrian Arabs and turning millions into homeless refugees. Not sure if he supports a 2 state solution or 3 state solution or a no state solution, history will judge him harshly. The West and the US don’t want terrorist attacks in their countries and they don’t want foreign wars (expensive) with boys coming back in body bags. So they don’t want to be tied up with the Middle East or Muslim conflicts (Shia-Sunni, PLO-Hamas, AlQueida-Isis, Sudanese government-Janjaweed, Libyan government-Haftar, etc.,etc.,etc. In the past, they had to because of the strategic imperative of securing energy and the Cold War competition for influence.
    They really, really, really don’t want the headaches of religious fundamentalism and the constant chaos and crisis of the region. They do want Israel to survive. The US is more concerned with China and Europe with Russia because both are a significant threat. Europe has always assisted the Palestinians and still do so but it becoming difficult because Europe has a legacy of guilt over the 6million Jews who were killed 80 years ago. I think the last time the West really paid attention to the Middle East was 10 years ago and unfortunately it seemed to be another false dawn.


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