It is the worse verdict since Donshawy
Wahid Hamad , Screenplay writer 2008
In 1906 Innocent Egyptians were victims of a trial Justice would be forever ashamed of . The society and also the history condemned the man who did not respect the responsibility of judge in front of God in order to please the British Occupation forces . People were executed then for no guilt they made on the contrary they were executed for the help they gave to the British sick officers came to the village in a historical tragic moment.Now after 102 years from that infamous disgraceful court rule in Donshawy , another court rule in 2008 shocked the whole nation.

Historians chose the trial of Donshawy as the worst trial in Egypt in the 20th Century despite there were other trials afterwards justice is innocent from like some of the Revolution trials. And now I chose the Salam Ferry 2008 court rule in July 2008 to be the worst in the 21st century despite we are still in the beginning of this century but how can another trial be worse than this ??
I mean just look from the start , when the Salam 98 Ferry sunk in the Red sea in January 2006 with 1035 Egyptian citizens ,all the fingers of accusation went to the owner of the ferry , Maritime transportation Tycoon Mamdouh Ismail. It is not about the blame but he was really responsible for this. It is enough to know that man knew that the ferry sunk with all those people on its board and did not inform the authorities except after hours and when he informed the authorities he told them that his ferry disappeared !! There is a huge difference between informing that it was sunk and that it disappeared.
You have to know that the Salam Ferry 98 was not the first ferry owned Mr.Mamdouh Ismail that sunk in the red sea.
Here is a little history from the archives :
Salam 90: The Salam horrors start
The Salam 98 was the first ferry that drowns for Mamdouh Ismail, in fact before 98 there were 90, 95 and 90 versions 2.They were like early warning signals we do not pay attention too, may be it is not in our hands still we should have paid attention.
On 22nd June 2002 Salam 90 drowned in front of the shore of Dubai in its way back to Safga.
Salam 95: The second warning that no one paid attention to
After Salam 91 there was Salam 95 whose drowning was some kind like of another warning that if we paid attention too as it should be may be all the passengers of Salam 98.We should have investigated the mother company and its ferries but of course this happens only in civilized democratic country not 3 world rotten corrupted dictatorships !!
The Salam 95 drowned after a collision with a Cargo ship from Cyprus “The pearl of Mount Ali” on the 18th October 2005 near Port Tawfik Three people were killed among them a lady, 30 were injured. The passengers on its board were 1466 among them 120 from the crew. The passengers were mainly Egyptians who returned from the Holy land the captain of the ferry was found guilty in 2007.
And the Salam 98 comes in the end !!
It is not coincidence that all those ferries sunk, do not put the blame all the captains but put the blame on greedy Ismail who bought very old ferries expired from long time.
Oh yes old ferries.
When Mamdouh Ismail had bought the fleet of Salam ferries from Italian Tirrenia for navigation in 1999, they were expired old ferries

As soon as they had arrived to Egypt, they were changed from Junk to working ferries, because they were so old and no complying with the new standards of safety, also their capacity was not enough for the greed of Ismail and son, new waiting and parking areas were built increasing the load on the old ferries.
M/V Salam Boccaccio 98 was built in 1971 and he had to register it in Panama not in Egypt because according to the Egyptian marine navigation laws say that the ferries and ships should not be older than 25 years. He also got a safety certificate from some Italian agency, according to experts that Italian agency is not as reliable as the British or French or Danish agencies.
Its Italian Name Boccaccio is the name of a famous Italian poet and author Giovanni Boccaccio from the 14th Century by the way. He was famous renaissance humanist, Yeah Humanist , now it is officially in Egypt associated with a death ferry.
So as you can see he bought very old expired ferries jeopardizing the life of thousands if not millions but he also knew that the ferry sunk and he did not inform the authorities except that it was too late to save anyone , the thing which made many believe that he wanted this to happen so he will get a big insurance. Jeopardizing the life of thousands and causing their death in the most worse way ever are crime, not a felony.
This is post is the first in a series of about the Salam ferry 98
And as usual I will leave with the last moments of the ferry of death
Photo source : Getty Image.
The system's let us down again
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame .... not only the verdict but the whole dealing of this crime starting by the escape of the owner
ReplyDelete@nursheika, it is not the first time I am afraid dear :(
ReplyDelete@Eskandarani , sure since that moment things appeared to be going in that ugly path
RINA: altri 1000 morti sulla coscienza. Rina un altro Made in Italy criminale.
ReplyDeleteChe l’Italia sia un paese esportatore di tecnologie ed eccellenza in tutto il mondo è acclarato. Altrettanto notorio che siamo anche esportatori di morte. A rimpinguare la black list delle aziende che possono fregiarsi del titolo doc/dop “made in Italy criminale” ora c’è anche il R.I.N.A. Spa (Registro Italiano Navale) presieduto dall’Ing. Ugo Salerno (noto personaggio già alle dipendenze della società armatrice Coeclerici Spa).
Il Rina Spa per la verità è recidivo.
La sera del 26 novembre 1999 sul traghetto “Sleipner” morivano nel mare di Norvegia 16 persone. Indossavano un giubbotto di “salvataggio” (si fa per dire) denominato Artica, un lifejaket killer, prodotto dalla società genovese Canepa & Campi, certificato come affidabile proprio dal RINA. Invece affidabile non lo era per niente.
Quì una sintesi: (“CANEPA & CAMPI - ASSASSINI“) (“Canepa & Campi – Made in Italy CRIMINALE!”)
Quattro anni fa invece il naufragio del traghetto Al Salam Boccaccia 98. Una delle sciagure marittime più gravi della storia (ancor più grande del Titanic). Il 2 febbraio 2006 il traghetto salpava da Dhiba, in Arabia saudita, dopo qualche ora di navigazione a bordo si sviluppò un incendio, la nave sbandò sul lato destro, si rovesciò affondando con il suo carico di vite umane. Quasi 1000 i morti sepolti in fondo al mar Rosso. Erano quasi tutti cittadini egiziani che tornavano in patria dal loro luogo di lavoro in Arabia Saudita. Ora i familiari di quelle vittime chiedono giustizia. E aspettano un risarcimento danni. Pochi giorni fa un pool internazionale di 14 legali coordinato dallo studio associato Ambrosio e Comodo di Torino, ha deciso di intraprendere una class action, dinnanzi al tribunale di Genova chiamando a rispondere per quel massacro il Rina. In 542 pagine, gli avvocati, spiegano perché Rina dovrebbe pagare. «L’ente - dice l’avvocato Stefano Bertone - è corresponsabile per quel disastro insieme all’armatore, alla società che gestisce l’imbarcazione, le autorità saudite e quelle arabe e il comandante. Ha avuto una responsabilità importante in quanto incaricato di certificare la sicurezza, si è reso complice di quella tragedia».
Il Registro Italiano Navale navale avrebbe certificato l' idoneità alla navigazione del traghetto nonostante le modifiche cui fu sottoposto prima di prendere servizio nel Mar Rosso. Da qui la decisione di intentare causa al Rina, in quanto ente certificatore della sicurezza della navigazione.
Il risarcimento chiesto al Rina è di 100 milioni di euro. L’amministratore delegato del Rina Ugo Salerno non vuol sentire parlare di responsabilità della sua società. Ha letteralmente un diavolo per capello (si fa per dire … è totalmente pelato). 100 milioni di Euro sono pur sempre una cifra esorbitante. Ma in fondo pensandoci bene 100 milioni di euro son un’inezia. Sono appena la pochezza di 100.000 euro a morto. Tanto vale la vita d’una persona? Così poco?
L’augurio è che i legali delle vittime ci ripensino e formulino una nuova richiesta risarcitoria molto più pesante. Almeno 1 miliardo di euro. E che il tribunale condanni anche questi sciagurati del Rina ad aggiungere una “I” alla loro ragione sociale. RIINA (come il più famoso TOTO').
Due RINA criminali. Colpevoli e assassini.
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