Since the death of Yasser Arafat and there have been lots of conspiracy theories regarding his death or his assassination. Most of these conspiracy theories come from those who surrounded him , from Fatah itself and from his family who accused Israel to stand behind his death whether by poisoning him or alerting his medication or even injecting him with deadly viruses.
Naturally these theories if they were true ,they meant that there are traitors in the leadership of Fatah and the PLO that killed its iconic leader , of course you do not need a proof to know that there are traitors in PLO and Fatah in the leadership , it is something logic and well known.
Now Al Jazeera Channel has surprised us all as usual and opened the Arabic X-File unexpectedly with the unexpected testimony from inside the house itself , from inside the PLO and Fatah.
Senior Fatah Official famous Farouk Kaadoumi has accused both Mahmoud Abbas and notorious Dahlan of colluding with Israel on a plot to kill Yasser Arafat. ٍSince the interview and there have been a lot of reactions out and inside Palestine, first of the Palestinian authority in the west bank has decided to close the office of Al Jazeera in the city despite the importance of that office and its history. Al Jazeera of course had to fire back and to defend itself ,it did not do anything wrong ,it presented the other opinion and even presented the opposite opinion in it coverage. Of course the decision to close the office of Al Jazeera is a stupid move and shows how weak the authority is but it is not a strange or surprising act from a corrupted Arab regime like this.
We return back to Kaadoumi and his accusation that he insisted that it was true "Here is the script of the interview on Al Jazeera in Arabic" , he even published the report he said that Arafat gave it to him regarding a secret meeting between Sharon and CIA officers from one side and Abu Mazan and Dahlan from another side where they agreed on a plot to kill Arafat and other leaders in Fatah and other groups like Hamas and Jihad. "in Arabic"
It won't surprise me to know that Dahlan and Abu Mazan are involved in such plot , they are so corrupted in the end of the day , also Kaddoumi has better creditably than them but there are many questions in my mind regarding the alleged report and the timing of the revelation.
- If Arafat knew about the plot ,why did not he announce it to the whole world ?? Why did not he inform Egypt ?? Why did not he get rid from both men soon enough !!??
- Why did Kaddoumi keep this report for several years in his drawer from years before revealing it ??
- Does this shocking announcement is for the public sake or the in going war between Abu Mazan and Kadoumi over whom will rule Fatah and the PLO ??
Again I trust Kaddoumi more than Abu Mazan but I can't kept thinking.
Kaddoumi's statements are the announcement of a real division in Fatah , there was a division I believe for some time but it did not reach to the surface expect when Kaddoumi said the big secret. Now we will have Kaddoumi's front and Abu Mazan's front.
Currently all the Palestinian organizations and groups opposing Abu Mazan are standing with Kaddoumi indirectly demanding an investigation , a fair independent investigation which is a fair request if I may say concerning these dangerous allegations.
Of course I think the regime in Egypt will take Abu Mazan's stand unless he and Dahlan misbehaves ,then our official newspapers will start its campaign against those murderers.
Now I bet that Kaddoumi will be labeled as Syria-Iran-Hezbollah agent in Rosa Al Youssef !! Or even better an Israel agent who wants to divide Fatah for his own interest.
This is just the start I suppose for another Fatah-Fatah fight , hopefully whoever wins it will be for the first time in the side of the Palestinian people
Naturally these theories if they were true ,they meant that there are traitors in the leadership of Fatah and the PLO that killed its iconic leader , of course you do not need a proof to know that there are traitors in PLO and Fatah in the leadership , it is something logic and well known.
Now Al Jazeera Channel has surprised us all as usual and opened the Arabic X-File unexpectedly with the unexpected testimony from inside the house itself , from inside the PLO and Fatah.
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Kaadoumi |
We return back to Kaadoumi and his accusation that he insisted that it was true "Here is the script of the interview on Al Jazeera in Arabic" , he even published the report he said that Arafat gave it to him regarding a secret meeting between Sharon and CIA officers from one side and Abu Mazan and Dahlan from another side where they agreed on a plot to kill Arafat and other leaders in Fatah and other groups like Hamas and Jihad. "in Arabic"
It won't surprise me to know that Dahlan and Abu Mazan are involved in such plot , they are so corrupted in the end of the day , also Kaddoumi has better creditably than them but there are many questions in my mind regarding the alleged report and the timing of the revelation.
- If Arafat knew about the plot ,why did not he announce it to the whole world ?? Why did not he inform Egypt ?? Why did not he get rid from both men soon enough !!??
- Why did Kaddoumi keep this report for several years in his drawer from years before revealing it ??
- Does this shocking announcement is for the public sake or the in going war between Abu Mazan and Kadoumi over whom will rule Fatah and the PLO ??
Again I trust Kaddoumi more than Abu Mazan but I can't kept thinking.
Kaddoumi's statements are the announcement of a real division in Fatah , there was a division I believe for some time but it did not reach to the surface expect when Kaddoumi said the big secret. Now we will have Kaddoumi's front and Abu Mazan's front.
Currently all the Palestinian organizations and groups opposing Abu Mazan are standing with Kaddoumi indirectly demanding an investigation , a fair independent investigation which is a fair request if I may say concerning these dangerous allegations.
Of course I think the regime in Egypt will take Abu Mazan's stand unless he and Dahlan misbehaves ,then our official newspapers will start its campaign against those murderers.
Now I bet that Kaddoumi will be labeled as Syria-Iran-Hezbollah agent in Rosa Al Youssef !! Or even better an Israel agent who wants to divide Fatah for his own interest.
This is just the start I suppose for another Fatah-Fatah fight , hopefully whoever wins it will be for the first time in the side of the Palestinian people
Asalaam Alaykum, well you couldnt expect anything else, but what id like to know is who killed Sadat??
ReplyDelete@Mo, your point is clear and valid but despite Lieberman's remarks about the position of Abu Mazan, which is true technically speaking Abu Mazan is not the best for the palestinians nor for their unity. What if these claims of Kaddoumi were true !!?? already Arafat's naphew said that his uncle was murdered and his Palestinian physicians are saying the same thing without plots and accusations
ReplyDeleteThe possibility that Arafat according to many people was murdered means that there are traitors ,these traitors won't help the Palestinian people on the contrary they will harm them
@Umm Ahmed, this is a very big question you have asked I believe I will stick with Arafat for the time being because it is much safer ;)
The man died he is an old enough
ReplyDeleteCongressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States. Congress. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965. Page 456:
ReplyDeleteAhmed Shukairy, the self-proclaimed spokesman for the Arab refugees — a man who worked for the Nazis and their henchmen during World War II...">
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 107, Part 24, United States Congress 1961, p.5735:
Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists led by the ex-Muftl... when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists and went all out for Hitler.
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 110, Part 22. United States. Congress.U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. Page 525:
Shukairy has had a remarkable history. As has been revealed in the pages of Prevent World War III, he worked with the Nazis in the Middle East.
Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186. Publicaciones !Ahora!, 1965 - Page 9:
después que Hitler atacó a Rusia ya los comunistas en todo el mundo cambio posiciones, el feroz e impredecible Shukairy se alineo con Hitler por sus programas contra los judios ... [After Hitler attacked Russia and the communists all over the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler in his programs against the Jews.]
The core at the Middle East 'conflict' is about anti-Jewish bigotry
ReplyDelete* The intolerance started mainly since Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faruqi wrote a hateful poem in Falastin newspaper on November 8, 1913 mixing Quranic ideas with old anti Semitic stereotypes (leading to the 1914 closure of the newspaper by the Turks for inciting race-hatred). Then by Haj Amin al-Husseini in the 1920s. The Mufti also chose to "believe" in ancient blood libel.
* The brunt of the victims in 1920, 1921 and especially in Hebron 1929 massacre, were non-Zionist pious-Jews.
* March 1933, within weeks of Hitler's coming to power, the Mufti already approached German's council and offered alliance.
* May 1933, Falastin newspaper glorified Hitler as "noble" and justified his persecution of the Jews.
* September 1933, Eissa Bendak, editor of the radical bi-weekly Sawt Al Shaab has left for Paris to receive instructions from a group of Germans and Arabs on "conducting Nazi propaganda" in Palestine.
* Ibrahim a-Shanti's 1934 founded the newspaper 'Ad Difa'a' was very pro Hitler.
(Asides from the instances he had to moderate his tone under British censorship and threat of banning).
* May 1935, when delegates returned from an Arab youth conference in Haifa, their train to Afula bore a swastika chalked on one of the coaches with an Arabic inscription beneath it reading "Germany over All."
* June 1935, Arabs in Haifa form Nazi club, called 'Red Moon,' well funded by the Nazis. "Groups of brown-clad Arab youths are now organized."
* 1936, Grand Mufti with Jamal al-Husseini established the Futuwwa modeled on Hitler Youth.
* 1936-1937, Hitler's book Mein Kampf - a best sellers among radical Arabs in Palestine.
* Jan 1937, Istiqlal’s Auni Abd al-Hadi told Nazi magazine: "Arabs Like the Nazis."
* 1937, ahead of the Bludan conference, the Grand Mufti, (after Nashashibi left the Arab Higher Committee) sent a warning (officially by the Arab Higher Committee) to other Arab countries (including Lebanon) in the Middle East not to accept any Jews. The Mufti sent also a hate booklet to the conference. It was used in his 1943 recruitment of SS Bosnian Muslims.
* 1937, Walter Doehle, German consul in Jerusalem: 'Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer...'
* September, 1938, around 100 representatives from Arab Palestine at Nazi conference in Nuremberg.
* May 1939, Istiqlal's Auni 'abd al-Hadi, meets Nazi officials in Berlin.
* Hitler's "Voice of the Arabs" radio, started with Yunis Behari, and was especially reinforced by the Mufti after 1941. His hate broadcasts from Berlin, in which he also called on all Arabs to "kill the Jews wherever they are - this is pleasing to Allah".
* A survey by Mr. Sari Sakanini in Palestine in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Arabs supported the Nazis.
* 1941, together with other Arabs, (including from Palestine: Akram Zuaiter and Darwish al-Miqdadi), instigate to the Farhud massacre that happened in June 1941 in Iraq, where some say even a thousand Jews died. There was gang rape and children were thrown into the water in front of their parents.
* The married immoral Mufti spent the war years 1941-1945 in Berlin, surrounded by German women and received a lot of money.