Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Another benefit from the pilgrimage

You know there are great benefits from the pilgrimage ,the most important one is that if you are sincere in your pilgrimage ,you will return as your mother gave birth to you , a sinless

Another benefit that is the most important gathering for Muslims from all around the world to discuss their matters and so on

Well I don't know why I thought about that second benefit after reading the following news

Do you remember the Israeli soldier that was kidnapped from several months and Israel as usual attacked Gaza and killed hundreds for his black eyes ??

If you don't remember here is a short refreshment

It seemed that Egypt's no.1 negotiator Gen. Omar Soliman , the head of Egyptian intelligence reached to an agreement with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Hania to release the one sole soldier for the release of 450 Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli prisons

They agreed on it and they will have to wait to see what the Israelis say about ,I guess today there was going to a meeting between Mubarak and Olmart in Sharm El-Shekih and the main topic is going to be about that issue

Now how this to be related with the Pilgrimage

well you only have to know that Soliman reached out to that deal with Hania in the Pilgrimage !!

Yes Haj Soliman didn't waste his time at all !!


  1. Well, if you think of it... one of the things that were done for hundreds of years was the gathering of the Islamic state's governors with the Khalifa at Haj.

    THey discussed everything from religion to politics...etc.

    I remember reading that Omar ibn Al Khattab did that every year.

  2. you know there is a big difference between Omar Ibn El-Khatab and those follows
    anyway it is good if they return again to think in that way


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