Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Red Mosque and Napoleon mistake

When Napoleon was in Egypt along with his famous French expedition trying to make from Egypt the Jewel of the French Empire , he wanted so much to win the Egyptians to his side by any cost , he claimed to be their savior from the Othman rule , he claimed to be a Muslim and he even married an Egyptian Muslim girl who was killed as soon as he left the country.

The Egyptian people resisted the French invaders very well ,yet they did not hate them that much to the extreme until he made his historical mistake and ordered his troops to enter Al-Azhar Mosque by their horses

The ordered that caused a huge anger for the Egyptians translated in what was known the Cairo Revolution , the French entered the honorable Al-Azhar with their weapons ,shoes and horses ; a huge desecration that French could not apologize for except by their departure.

The incident of Al-Azhar desecration till is having its remark after two centuries , I remember when some who were headed by Farouk Hosni , the culture minister wanted to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the French invasion ,the majority of the thinkers attacked them reminding the Egyptian people with the infamous incident ,along with other incident

I don't know what could have happen if Napoleon had not ordered his troops to enter Al-Azhar , I forgot to say that the Al-Azhar Mosque was heading the resistance by the way

Why I am saying this historical information now , well because I remembered it when I was following the news of the Red Mosque in Pakistan

Prevez Masharf did the mistake that can cost him his position when he ordered his troops to enter the Mosque ,people won't forget that army troops entered the Mosque with their shoes and weapons killing those who were in the house of God regardless of being extremists or terrorists , they were in the house of God seeking protection in the eyes of many Muslims , this is a very sensitive issue and reason should be used, I don't think that the attack was only the solution to solve the situation

No wonder that the Muslim clerics in Pakistan is so angry and no wonder that many Muslims around the world are also angry.

Prevez is considered an American puppet , and he is hated for this in the Muslim world more than being one classical military dictator , really this guy is an excellent military dictator combining all the characters and doing all the right moves of a military dictator , in fact I believe this man did in his  rule to Pakistan what both Nasser and Mubarak did to Egypt

Prevez if I am not mistaken is the real winner from the so-called war on terrorism in Pakistan , before you say anything I will tell that this man needs the Islamic extremists in order to enforce his rule , this man won't impose the laws that enforce his dictatorship without those extremists ,using them to scare the west and to justify his brutality.

IF he really wants to fight back extremists in the religious schools ,he will not need an aid from outside , he could do it by supporting the real moderate sound of Muslim clerics , of course he does not want this because any real Muslim will refuse his dictator policies , not to mention his blind support to America


  1. unrelated but i just wanted to apologize about the scuffle on that other thread ;)

  2. @No angel,never mind

    @Amr , I am sorry but you want too far and I wont let this happen in my blog

  3. I'm intrigued (and I'm generally interested in Napoleon Stories in Egypt).
    I knew about this Azhar incident but didn't know about the conversion to Islam and the marriage. Where can I get more information? Any recommendations?

  4. t@Penguinizer , well Napoleon did not convert ,but claimed to be so , it was a clever trick to fool the Egyptians , mostly Egyptian Muslims as they are the majority of the country , do not forget the othmans are muslims and so to aviod any support to them Napoleon used the conversion trick to them
    The information is available in Egypt in the Gabarty history ,already he lived this era , also modern Egyptian historian like Gamal Badawy ,also in French you will find several resources too still I do not know there names , I know the Egyptians only


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