
Saturday, October 25, 2008

I will be damned…

Man if this happens then I will be damned….

Al Wafad newspaper said last Wednesday that Ahmed Ezz will be the scapegoat of the coming NDP Conference next month. The newspaper said Zachariah Azami “Old guard is taking his place and that his buddy GM is not longer his buddy !!

Remember what I said last month during the Hisham Talaat Mustafa Mania.

Already Ahmed Ezz has disappeared suddenly from the arena with no good explanation , the head of the economic committee did not appear in any media outlet to comment about the economic crisis and he did not appear in the current NDP conferences and meetings across the country.He has just suddenly disappeared.

Strangely he disappeared and suddenly the vice-head of the NDP Youssef Wali appeared after years this week welcoming the return of the Pope from the U.S. Wali returned looking so so so old.

I forget to remind you Wali left Egypt after the ministerial change that followed the scandal of the Carcinogenic pesticides.

I see old guards gaining power over and over after all the neo guards are falling around : Hisham Talaat Mustafa and Hossam Badrawy not to mention Ahmed Ezz.

Yes Badrawy after his hospital scandal can be expelled from the committee.

Ahmed Ezz and Gamal should learn from the old guards , the men of all times !!

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