
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Who leaked these reports and pictures to the media ??

Last week the Egyptian readers found themselves in front a new flood of Suzanne Tamim murder related stuff.

Al Masry Al Youm and Al Dostor each claimed an exclusive scoop of publishing the confessions of both El-Sokary and Hisham Talaat Mustafa in front of the D.A , already I do not know how both newspaper got it where as these confessions are supposed to be confidential. I understand that this leak happened in Egypt .Already they did not say anything different from what was announced before , both denied the charges and both accused each other of framing the other. Of course there were provocative statements of Mustafa that he hosted late Tamim in the Four Season Nile Plaza as an act of charity !!! Hisham news was bit comic to be honest.

And there are the interesting statements of El-Sokary Pasha who warned Mustafa of getting involved anymore with Junkie Suzanne and her murderer brother not to mention that Mustafa left his wife for three years and lived with Suzanne to the end of tabloid jazz , you know if I were in the place of the D.A, I swear I would feel sick.

It did not stop at those two morons’  confessions but also they published the forensic reports from Dubai . It did not stop at explaining how she was murdered unfortunately but it crossed the lines and the readers found themselves in front of a list of the plastic surgeries late Suzanne had done s. Not that only but  it reached to the brands late Suzanne wore even her underwear and that she had the period when she was murdered !!

I do not care about these details , yes may be the forensic details on how she was murdered and the injury that caused her death are important despite the average reader may not understand or imagine it like the professionals but this is a cheap media if I am going to speak about the underwear and her period.

Now we leave the printed media to the online media ,last week “Elaph”, the famous Arabic E-newspaper published a horrible photo for Suzanne Tamim after her murder from the crime scene itself, a terrible photo also leaked from Dubai or may be from Cairo , I do not know from where but I know it should not find its way to press , this is not freedom of expression.

I have seen the photo and I decided not to publish it because it is terrible , already removed the photo and apologized to the readers , of course after it was late because most people downloaded and posted in other websites and forums.

The photo is horrible,it shows the deadly cut in her throat with the lifeless look in her eyes. But I wonder what kind of Swiss knife can cause this wound, yes it turned out in the court that El-Sokary alleged killed her with a Swiss army Knife not a military special forces knife as it was announced earlier !! Already I remember the Judge in the trial showed a Swiss knife similar to this knife , the wound is deep and I think to cut that terrible cut in her throat she should be still but according to the forensic report she fought but of course she was already weaker than allegedly El-Sokary and she had the period I would not expect her to fight. Another thing why to stab her in her hips if you cut her throat like this !!?? 

These are all leaks that should not find its way to the public. Now I feel more than ever that the regime is behind these leaks so the public would be diverted from the economic crisis that has just started and God knows when it ends !!


  1. hi
    i was just wonddering do u noe were i could find the picture that was released of suzanne tamims deceased body?if so could u send link to

  2. @Icecoldkiller , can I know why you want the photo ??
    I have it but I do not want to send it you for fear you publish it somewhere else because it is inappropriate to publish


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