Friday, August 21, 2009

"Blogger reveals secret identity, gets fired" The dream of NDP

Blogger reveals secret identity, gets fired: "Blog fans in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, saw PittGirl as their masked superhero -- a comedian and local commentator who jibed the mayor without reserve and ranted freely about her hatred of pigeons."
This is the dream of the NDP regime in Egypt , already Abdullah Kamal in the past week kept speaking about this , I know it makes him so happy , bloggers in the world are harassed and prosecuted !!


  1. I am sorry but this post actually makes no sense. Can you rewrite it so that your readers can understand what the story is. Perhaps write shorter sentences and explain the story in a step by step manner. You lose chunks of your English I think when you are too excited. I'd love to know what it is you are talking about in this post.

    Happy Ramadan.

  2. Nefertiti's Cat8/22/2009 06:18:00 AM

    If your government wanted to find you or any other blogger, all their IT security people would have to do is trace your IP address. A basic hacker could find you no probs.

    Hiding behind a fake pseudonym of Zeinobia isn't really going to protect you. At least Wael Abbass isn't afraid to be who he really is.

    FYI there is no freedom of speech anywhere including the United States of America or the pittgirl wouldn't have been fired from her job.

  3. Welcome State Security, gimme more please


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