
Friday, April 30, 2010

The Good , The Bad And The Ugly

Many Egyptians watched Christiane Amanpour's show last Wednesday and its re-run yesterday , they watched the famous former CNN correspondent for the first time in order to see that confrontation that did not take place directly between Mohamed ElBaradei and Ahmed Ezz. Today the media whether pro-regime or against is and will speak about it and they have to for the coming weeks.
The show aired a report by Ben Wedeman about Egypt and its unknown future after Mubarak , a short report but informative for the foreign viewers who do not know what is happening in the valley of the Nile. Gamila Ismail and Mohamed Kamal appeared in the report representing the opposition and the regime respectively.
The media in Egypt is insisting that it was a confrontation where as the two men did not confront each other ,ElBaradei spoke first and then Ahmed Ezz had his turn. Of course Ezz thought that he were on Arabic channel and demanded to fire back at ElBaradei but thank Goodness she stopped him. It was indirect confrontation to be accurate. Later in the show Amanpour hosted Saad El-Din Ibrahim.
The Good

The Good
ElBaradei said what he has always saying , some people say that it is bad but I believe it is good because it proves his persistence and also consistency on his political views . It is noticeable that the Egyptian media up to this moment was focusing on what Ahmed Ezz said in the show more what ElBaradei had said despite I believe  ElBaradei said very powerful words that should be highlighted if not to be remembered later
The Military is part of the people and the military is witnessing Egypt is not in the best shape
Amanpour as a professional reporter knows what question she should ask her guest in order not to waste the time of the viewer and thus we found her asking the forbidden question about the army and intelligence support. I am not surprised that no one paid attention to ElBaradei's wonderful answer because in general the military institutions are the big taboo which no one does not talk about except in those limits of 'Egypt is a military army and the army will not accept Gamal Mubarak' and 'Soliman has a better chance because he is from the army' beside of course the dream/nightmare for some that we would have a coup , still no one dared to wonder where the army is from all misery the country is suffering from !!??
The Bad
The Bad
Dr. Saad El-Din Ibrahim with my all due respect is insisting that the States should help us despite the fact he knows very well that to have a real change it must come from inside not outside. The Bush experience was awful and the American administration then was not sincere , we all know that the Bush administration agenda was like a blackmail paper against the Mubarak regime in order to approve its invasion to Iraq and the use of Suez Canal. Dr. Ibrahim's intentions are good but he is insisting on bad ways by gambling on the foreign regimes to help us. Dr. Ibrahim also spoke about the peaceful revolution taking Gandhi and MLK as examples. I will talk about this peaceful revolution thing insh Allah separately.
The ugly
The ugly
Heavens forbid I do not speak about how he looks but I am speaking about his idea , the ugly ideas of Ahmed Ezz.I believe the arrogance of the regime or the NDP made it choose Ahmed Ezz to speak on behalf of it in a show that is being followed by millions worldwide to stand against Mohamed ElBaradei. This is the third televised interview for Ahmed Ezz as a politician after 10 PM and Cairo Today in Egypt by the way and despite the huge difference between Amanpour's show and these two shows Ezz acted as if he were speaking on an Egyptian or Arabic screen. The same arrogance, the same ignorance if I may say and the same separation from reality  we used to see from the regime men especially from men like Ahmed Ezlz was seen last Wednesday worldwide on air. 
Judging from his body language and his intimidating looks ,it seems that he was worried and he had to be worried :
a) because this is not a segment prepared by his PR department in his group
b)because this is Christiane Amanpour not Amr Adib or his wife or Mona El-Shazely 
c)because he knows Mohamed ElBaradei is more credible abroad than the regime and the party he presents ,after all the Western or the American viewer knows Mohamed ElBaradei but does not know Ahmed Ezz.
Ezz was in a defensive position since the start of his segment even though Amanpour did not put him in a corner yet , he started his segment asking her to give him a chance to reply on Dr. ElBaradei's arguments. Also insisting to call Amanpour by her first name whenever she asked him was so interesting to me , as if he was making statement to her not to the viewers.
Fortunately to our luck Ezz shared the world with his ugly views on democracy and ElBaradei showing a glimpse on what we suffer from on a daily basis to all people around the world. Ezz thought that he was talking to the American viewers only and that the American viewer along with the American administration will be very afraid from ElBaradei when he says in less than 10 minutes : Leftists, Muslim brotherhood,  Ahmadinajed, Hezbollah and patriot act !!
Ezz thinks that when he says the words of terror , the Americans will be very frightened from any democratic reform in Egypt , this may have worked if he had appeared in Fox and friends or Glenn Beck show on Fox channel not on CNN for God sake !!
Ezz arrogantly is barging in front of the whole on how the NDP is generously giving freedom and basic democratic rights as if they were grants and this shows you how arrogant this man is.
The best thing in his segment is how Amanpour said "Oh my God" when he revealed that the Egyptian regime will stop using its patriot act aka emergency law when peace prevails in the Middle East !!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a short summary for the show in Amanpour's blog in CNN. You can watch below :
Here is the part of Dr.ElBaradei with Arabic subtitles.
There are many comments on the show in a very short time , of course most of these comments as I hinted before like Amr Adib for instance and Ibrahim Eissa who presented different point of views as usual.

1 comment:

  1. If US support doesn't matter, why are they on US television?

    Ezz thinks that when he says the words of terror , the Americans will be very frightened from any democratic reform in Egypt , this may have worked if he had appeared in Fox and friends or Glenn Beck show on Fox channel not on CNN for God sake !!

    What a nasty and inaccurate stereotype you have of Americans. You think only the right-wing cares about terrorism? Any Egyptian politician who supports Iran and Hezbollah can kiss his chances of American support goodbye. That's reality, Zenobia. If you think ElBaradei can win by appealing to Egyptians who think terrorism is a good thing, and who think Islamism is a good thing, then more power to you and to him. I wish you well, and I hope Egypt has a bright and wonderful future in its new role as a Chinese of Russian client state. Or as a rogue state like Iran. If nothing else it would change the status quo in the ME, and possibly bring on another major regional war and that may be just what the region needs to shake people loose from their festering hate.


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