
Friday, April 30, 2010

Ketermaya,Street Justice Is Really Blind "NSFW"

Lebanese angry mob have killed a suspect of murder in the streets of Ketermaya ; an act recorded by video and photos that found their way in to the internet. I read about the terrible murder itself before and I was shocked with its gruesome detail : Two grandparents with their two grandchildren have been murdered in their house.

The crime is terrible by all measure as you can see without going in to further details. The Lebanese Police arrested a suspect in the murder , their 38 years old neighbor after 24 hours. After few hours of his arrest , the people of Ketermaya attacked and took the suspect while re-enactment of the terrible crime in to a quick public trial that made its sentence even without any further investigation or waiting for the DNA results. The angry locals of Ketermaya stubbed him to death then dragged his dead naked body through through out the town before hanging it in the center of the town.

Many people believe that he deserved it for what he had done , but what if he were innocent !!?? Yes the DNA results came proving that the suspect was actually the murderer but what if the results proving his innocence and not his guilt !!? We got that infamous incident Egyptian in Kuwait who was proved to be innocent after confessing under torture that he killed a Pakistani girl who is already alive !!!??

There is a huge debate currently in Lebanon about what happened in Ketermaya , that law of the vigilance means there is no trust in the state nor in the law and this is why the people take their rights by their own hands.

Unfortunately we saw and had several our own Ketermaya incidents in a way or another and here I am not speaking about  Upper Egypt but other parts of Egypt where we find people turned in to vigilantes implementing the law by their own hands , becoming the prosecutor, the judge and the executor themselves without realizing that they are playing a role they should not play. The only reason we have our own Egyptian Ketermaya incidents in Egypt is simply people do not trust or believe the state any more. People had enough from long legal procedures not to mention their own feeling that the police is not doing its job to protect them in their houses ; this is why we notice increasing vigilance actions in the Egyptian cities nowadays.

A side detail that does not matter , that murderer who killed four innocent people was unfortunately Egyptian. It is a side detail because monsters do not have nationalities. Already I believe if that crime had happened in Egypt in a town outside Cairo like in Upper Egypt or Delta , the same end would have happened if the police had not been stronger and powerful.

Here are couple of photos and videos from Ketermaya , huge warning as they are extremely graphic "NSFW" 

From AP :

From Videos on YouTube "Extremely graphic" and there are even more graphic content there but I just could not post it here.

From LBC News
Hanging at the down center

The Question in mind now : What if he were innocent !!?? I do not care if he was Egyptian or not but what if he were innocent !!?

All those people participated in this parade should ask themselves this question.

By the way I think our media should stop this dirty game of "Egypt first" because the man according to the DNA was the real murderer of this poor family. Also I hope those few dear Arab brothers keep their feelings towards us to themselves.


  1. I believe the murderer should have been tried and if found guilty, prosecuted

    However, in a country like Lebanon, there is really no justice and he was a murderer who was sentenced by the crowds.

  2. And to think it's 2010..God save our civilization.

  3. i think that whats been done by both criminal and the people was grusome. i am lebanese natioality and it pissed me off to see this. the killer deserved to rott in jail or be hung, but defenately not by the people. i understand the anger of the victims family and fellow villagers but THIS is not acceptable. the law enforcement already captured him and was ready to get him into trial...honestly i am speechless, i dont know what to say.. this was a total shock.

    they are souna and till now no one talk about considar the crime as reaction to the case of Hezbollah

  5. @Abd Allah: how is this related to Hizballah case?!! The villagers are said to be Sunnis or Druz so, how is that relevant to the case?
    Im not defending wt the villagers did its a brutal crime and if there is real justice several villagers were involved in this and shld be punished but if anything it shows the ugly taar custom we also have and a clear lack of faith in the judicial system. Needless to say, this way to enforcing what the villagers perceived as justice goes against religious teachings

  6. A side detail that does not matter , that murderer who killed four innocent people was unfortunately Egyptian. It is a side detail because monsters do not have nationalities.

    Really? What's your position on these two "heroes", Zenobia? What is ElBaradei's? Do you know?

    It seems to me those two monsters do have nationalities. Dalal Mughrabi even has schools and a public square named after her. Is it because of the nationality of their victims that turns monsters into national heroes?

  7. What about what the Israelis did to Palestinians and they are still doing? Let as see the holy Mr.Craig kicked out of his house and his comfortable couch where he spends his whole day with his lazy ass sitting in front of his laptop or desktop or whatever let us see how much time can you survive out of your house. now think about hundred of thousand of original native land owners kicked from their houses and forced to live as refugees or die. don't be full of shit! For every dead Israeli child killed in an attack there are thousand of dead Palestinian children. so now let me ask you please Mr.Craig. Let me ask you the same question you asked in your comment. Is is because of the nationality of their victims those soldiers where just doing their jobs? and it's the low price to keep the so-called "State of Israel" safe and sound. The collateral that have to be paid from innocent people's blood and lives while you sit your lazy bum on and Judge a world that you don't know shit about from your holy position?

  8. i dont say its related to Hizballah case i say its not related as some news reported

  9. @anon, well said!

  10. @Abd Allah: oh ok, I thought you were repeating the same false info trying to create any ties bet HA's case and that incident, Sorry if my reply was a bit harsh, just that Im tired watching some Egyptians falling for this trap and demanding we do the same w the Lebanese prisoners in HA's case!!

  11. Well following the recent updates, he was mentally ill, following his father that this man had an accident at 4 years old and affected him, I remember such case happened in the US and the person accused with the crime had to be operated on his brain so it stop his violent actions and so it did after he killed already someone, this was 25 years ago.

    The Egyptian man committed a crime, in the 21 century, civilisation mean improve our way of understanding... the reaction of the village shows... no need to add really

    This double crime is a tragedy... he didn’t receive a real help when he needed the result was unavoidable.

    Criminals are people with problems that are left psychologically neglected in early ages.

  12. To the person who wrote this article:
    firstly,i have to say that this incidence doesn't interfere with being an Egyptian or Lebanese... but the fact that this person whatever his nationality being killed brutally... this way.. a way that the humanity regret..and telling us that he deserve it (even if he is guilty) shameless no religion says that u strip a person naked and brutally killing him then hanging him!!! what is this! this is not el kasas in islam.. this is called barbarism... this is a jungle life.. so when i see bunch of people controlling the city and the police couldn't protect the other.. wow hell of a chaos!!!
    i sympathize with the murdered family.. but what i believe the act of the civilians ruined everything..
    so plz don't be like them and say he deserve so...... go and have a look in the photos and see if these people are different from the killer!

  13. Well do i feel sorry for the guy? No i dont. Do i think thats the way to do it? No. but lets not forget the killing of 4 innocent people two of them are helpless elderly and the other two are helpless kids..put aside all the rules and civilisation, law and justice, when the heart is hurting anyone of us will probably be on that street waiting to ease the pain of losing a mom, a dad, or a child that you give your life to.

  14. allah est grand !!!!
    pauvre arriérés , pauvre cons. Surtout restez chez vous et ne venez pas nous imposer vos coutumes barbares qui consiste à couper des mains , des têtes , des pieds et à voiler vos femmes.
    Un français

  15. this is how murederes should be treated ,but what would you eygotians know about this ,afterall you are the ones killing Palestenians these days ,not the Isrealis.Such a person is not a stranger to such a government

  16. I'm not with this barbaric act WTF a mentally ill person had done, what the hell is this way of some ignorant people who gives the Islam a bad name and reputation. Over here in USA every one is talking about WHAT THE MUSLIMS HAD DONE IN THAT VILLAGE...THAT IS IT...SO THEES PEOPLE ARE JUST PUNCH OF IGNORANT SOB's THAT THEY JUST GOT THEIR FRUSTRATION OUT ON A SUSPECT OR EVEN A CRIMINAL IN A COUNTRY WITH NO LAW OR HUMAN RIGHTS. I'M VERY DISGUST WITH THIS BS THEY HAVE DONE.

  17. Cher Francais..
    je suis une jeune fille, libanaise, musulmane, pas voilee.... g entrepris mes etudes dans un etablissement g presente un bac francais... comme vous je suppose... je ne suis pas ma famille... et si vous faites un peu plus d effort vous serez certainement capables de comprendre que l image diffusee de l islam n a rien a voir avec l islam... couper les mains, les pieds, la tete, les operations kamikazez... sont tous des actes criminels que l islam comdamne... et j aimerais bien vous inviter a voir les horreurs commises par les israeliens quotidiennement, en palestine, ainsi que je vous invite a voir les images que vous pourrez certainement voir sur internet et google, les images des corps dechires d'enfants et des vieillards lors des assauts israeliens au liban en 2006, ainsi que les images des dernieres attaques a gaza... et je vous rappelle cher francais, que les criminels ici ne sont certainement pas musulmans, mais plutot des allies strategiques pour l europe... et si c cette civilisation que vous defendez cher bien... je me trouve sideree...

    et enfin, vous etes invitez a rendre visite au Liban, c un pays agreable a visiter... connu par son agreable climat, et merveilleux paysages... par sa population hospitaliere... et des femmes considerees parmis les plus coquettes et elegantes dans le monde entier... ainsi que ce petit pays au bord de la mediterannee est compose de 19 confessions differentes partagees entre chretiens et musulmans.... et en ce qui concerne ce bien des crimes pareils sont des actes peuvent arriver partout dans le monde...

  18. I think the criminal desrved what happen to him, there is no justice in lebanon, no law, so we must revenge, it doesnt matter if he was christians or muslims or lebanese or egyptian he killed innocents people he deserved more then this

  19. ok from what i see that these people murdered him.. just seeking revenge... not caring about justice.. what if there were others involved.. what if he didn't do it at this means every person should seek his own revenge and becoming like animals in the i do not agree.. and i totally feel the sorrow of the lost family.. my heart is broken for what happened but at the same time i didn't agree with the double mistake the villagers done( they crave for blood not revenge)... u don't ever correct the wrong with another mistake.. it's fatal !!
    so the image of arab is like this... bunch of killers, terrorist.. when u oppose them..the will slather your blood..and u know the rest of what the western think of us..
    Also,is it right to humanity by making him naked.. NAKED for God's sake!!! and strangely they r suppose to be muslims!! which Muslims know greatly that this is forbidden...if they really wanted to seek justice at least they should have opened a book and read how to do it properly without giving a false and bad image on islam
    in islam.. what they have done will be asked about it on the day of judgment...
    i am not with the guy totally, not supporting him at at nor forgotten the blood of innocent but i know that justice was taken in a wrong way at all.. i repeat as before no religion.. NO RELIGION says u do what they have done like this...this is not justice.. this is blood and aggression and violence in the inner of dangerous people.. yes one day they will become dangerous from wwhat they have done ( releasing the devil inside them) i mean the evil that a human being has.
    From: a person who seeks a better world.

  20. I am in shock i cant imagine that so many people in a crowd can accept seeing such a thing even seeing this clip has affected me deeply. I dont know the whole story and dont need to because there is no way that taking a soul is justified like this dragging a dead mans body in the street,, people recording on mobiles, what the hell is wrong with people! For murdering a family he deserves hell but so do those who killed him in a unlawful way.
    I dont care what nationality, religion or anything any of the people involved are in all of them are people with souls. I really feel so hurt and upset to see people doing this lets see if the people who did this have mercy at the time of their death or after.
    What a vulgar crowd with blood on their hands and streets!

  21. he deserved it

  22. Kiliing 2 elderly and 2 kids, is way way more brutal than taking a revenge from a fellow egytpians..i am against what happened, but hello?..

  23. Reem et Joelle5/10/2010 10:56:00 AM

    Bonjour,j'aimerai dire qu'avec tout mon respect pour ce que je viens de lire personne ne ressent les douleurs de la famille et surtout de la mere qui vient de perdre 4 membres de sa famille,je trouve ca tres douloureux..Si ce crime avait touché un de vos proches vous auriez accepter que le meurtrier soit traiter de la meme facon parceque c'est un truc choquant..vous doutez que ce ne soit pas le vrai meurtrier?deja qu'il a une mauvaise reputation au village ketermaya et qui sait dans son pays les crimes qu'il a du faire?je suis tout a fait avec ce que le peuple a merite plus que ca..dailleurs c'est la meme souffrance que Dieu allait lui faire face..mettez vous a la place de cette miserable mere et pensez..oui Nous sommes en 2010 et nous sommes fiers etant libanais de punir avec nos mains celui ki a le courage de tuer nos enfants..personne na droit de parler de la l'origine de la civilisation nait en nous . Merci ..

  24. a person who seeks a better world5/13/2010 07:26:00 PM

    dear reem...what i saw of that civilization u wrote about is an act of "slaughtering a pig" wow what a civilization !! look i hate perverts if he was so and i wish all of them to be punished... u know what if these villagers just took judgment in a decent way i wouldn't mind(p.s: to takes one person is a hell of a punishment..cuz our soul is precious) but the slathered and did awful stuff!! no this is wrong..and i'm not talking here about Egyptian and Lebanese.. even this despicable person (if he was the guilty or abuser then he is despicable) was a Lebanese and the villager done this i will also have my opinions on saying villagers were savage and not human being!!
    and i sympathize again with the mother who lost her precious family which i pry for them..yet judge of God should have been more respected than this course i repeat if the government of Lebanese after investigation cleared he is the guilty then death to him no matter he is Egyptian nor Lebanese nor whatsoever.. we r mo slims and God made punishment in earth and in afterlife..
    p.s: i am Egyptian and i don't support the man cuz he's my nationality... on the contrary i despise him for lots of things.. as hearing they say he was abuser..killer...but remember it maybe is a rumor so i'm not 100% sure this is real facts yet even though i will not be doing this act of savage
    From: a person who seeks a better world

  25. Why are u so surprised by this lynch. Remember what happened in Ramalla ? Aram mob can easily turned to animals.

  26. in these cases its not really about muslims or sunni or she3e or non muslims,if he really the one who killed these people and only god know that,he deserve everything that happened to him and more.And if we r waiting for justice and law to take its place sorry to say(3ish ya kdish).

  27. i think something happened,its not just about the crime something more happened.and if some1 mom dad and 2children was killed like that,at least the mum should cry or cant even talk,but if we look,she only cried 2 tears,i know maybe she is being tough,but no its not normal,sorry to say that.

  28. How do you know she did not cry !!!?? Do not tell me from Wael Al-Abrashi's TV show because crying in front of the cameras means nothing
    You do not know what she is suffering

  29. everyone who kill someone should be killed,and it seems in our country if we want the truth and law to take its place so we will not see it in 100 if this man was really guilty and all the evidence seems that he is the one,so beyestahel and allah la yereddo.

  30. horrifying...when i heard wat this man did i was disgusted but seeing these ppl kill him makes them just as aweful. i am lebanese and i was ashamed of wat i saw this angry mob do. yes this man should be punished, but by god. we as human beings have no right to take away his life.

  31. aha this man halal for him to kill 4people,and haram for the people to kill him,god said alkatel yoktal and they didnt do anything wrong.

  32. I disagree with punishing this guy !!! WHO ARE WE to decide to go in the streets and kill a man like that ??? Do you think that what these people did in the street does not equal the ugliness he did?? Why do we have a GOD ??? isn't it because everything in the end is in his decision ?? so today when someone kills my family do I go and kill him ? what do I get from killing him?? No let him get tortured in prison for the rest of his life is better than killing him. Unfortunately, in Lebanon, there is nothing but looks. Absolutely no government, no laws, no police, no security !! what country allows its citizens to kill people in the street ??? I am ashamed to say I am lebanese because this country only deals with beauty and politics and that is it !! I feel so bad for the mother because I do not even believe any proof they got against this guy!! who knows if he was the actually killer ?? do you think DNA exams cannot be modified in lebanon ?? ahhaa anything can be changed in this country if there is money and politics behind it. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. Now the whole debate changed from the ugliness of this guy's crime to the ugliness of his death in the street. I can only feel bad for this beautiful country with ridiculous government, politics, laws, and population.


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