
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Now The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Is Speaking !!

In a first reaction since the story found its way to mainstream international media , the ministry of foreign affairs and the Ambassador of Egypt  in Nigeria denied any knowledge with that Nigerian senator who may have married a 13 years old Egyptian girl breaking the laws of both Egypt and Nigeria !!  Our Ambassador stated that the embassy did not involve in that matter because that was an internal political issue in Nigeria and that this was the elections season there and that could be a rumor against the senate !!!

If you think that this is bad then you must hear what Dr.Mohammed Saber , the press and information officer at our embassy in Aubja said to Nigerian This Day Online :

We cannot take the girl away from where she is because no one has reported anything to us

Reactive as usual , so the embassy is not interested except if someone reports to them !! The senator and the girl's family could have broken the Egyptian law and they will stand still !! come on could not do they send the wife of the ambassador to meet the bride to know the truth !!??

As expected Egyptians should wonder if their ministry of foreign affairs and our ambassador should have kept silent in this tempest !! 

From his side the Nigerian senator has denied that he married a 13 years old girl yet he did not reveal any more details about his Egyptian wife whether her age or how they were married.

Suzanne Mubarak , the first lady of Egypt has expressed her refusal for underage marriage and I believe that she worked hard along with minister Moshira Khateb to pass a law in the parliament against underage marriage.

Another thing I hate to say it but I believe I was the first one to brought up this issue in the Egyptian blogosphere thanks to a blogger friend in Germany still no one spoke about it except when BBC thankfully reported the matter , I do not say that Egyptian bloggers and journalists should follow my blog heavens forbid but I am speaking about a matter we should be keen about.

I do not care if he is a senator who claims to be the defender of Sharia where as he divorces women as he wants or not , I care for our law , I care for our people and for our girls.

Despite my disgust and hate to the Nasserite era , I wonder if this can happen during that era !!

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the reasons for which I favour your blog dear, because you are active and broad -minded enough to always have something exclusive.

    This is not the first time we ignore an issue of our own until somebody else provokes the subject.Egypt has always known about the 1967 POWs but nobody mentioned it until an Israeli writer did...!!!!!Why should we bother ourselves if we can simply hide our heads in the sand??


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