
Friday, April 23, 2010

Saving The Bacha Boys

Honestly I did not plan to start my day watching a very disturbing clip from a documentary about the Bacha Bazi or the dancing boys in Afghanistan. As you can see in the Wikipedia entry the Bacha boys are  underage male sex workers in central Asia. It is disgusting and sad by all measures , I do not know where the UNCEF is from all this , the education of Afghani girls is not enough I am afraid. Already I searched at the UNCEF website and all I found was a thoughtful wish that this ugly system would end from 2008 !!??

Warning : the content is graphic and disturbing.

A Clip from the dancing boys of Afghanistan

You can watch the complete PBS documentary here if you are in the States

Where is the OIC from this !!?? This is a huge insult to Islam and Muslims not to mention humans everywhere !!?? Now you can find video clips and articles about the Muslim sex slaves for God sake !!??

I will not speak about the American and other foreign forces because they do not give a damn for the Afghan people for real. But I have to ask : Is this among the price the Afghans will pay for not having the Taliban regime that banned this practice !!?? Already I believe this practice was there during the Taliban regime but in secrecy.  Reading the original uncensored 1001 nights I know that the Bacha boys have been there from long time in central Asia and India but to see it live in the 20th century is beyond imagination.  The segregation of sexes for sure plays an important role here.

The Afghani parliament should issue an immediate law to ban this practice and the international world should work on this , this is not less than drugs

That disgusting pimp who is praying at morning and is pimping at night is going to hell for what he has done to all those boys he is bragging to work with or rather to have interest at. Oh God and they call him ex-Mujhad , this man does not know the meaning of Jihad from near or far , in fact he and other warlords are a disgrace to be associated with the real Jihad or Islam in the first place.

I do not know why the PBS documentary makers did not report this criminal to the UN forces there !!?? Anyhow I should thank PBS and the documentary makers for doing this and tolerating what they have seen during shooting. Hopefully this documentary will create much buzz to let the world try to save the Bacha boys.

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