
Friday, April 23, 2010

El-Kasass Vs. Gamila

Earlier this week there was an on air confrontation and debate between Gamila Ismail and infamous NDP MP Nashat El-Kasass who suggested the use of live ammunition against on Dream TV's 10 PM in a episode that is a must watch to see the real difference between the NDP MPs who unfortunately represent illegally the Egyptian people and a woman like Gamila Ismail.
You can watch the segment below , it was only one hour and it was enough.

Ismail was the star of the episode with her wise and quick answers against the stupidity of El-Kasass , the man was so pathatic that you would sorry for him and his humiliation especially when show allowed the viewers' phone calls !!
But do not get me wrong , the man deserves this on air public humiliation for many reasons starting with his stupid suggestion to the neglect of North Sinai's people demands and problems to the fact that he was hitting on Gamila on air !!! oh yes he told her not to get angry despite "she is pretty when she gets angry !!!!!!!!!"
Gamila is back and she is more than ready for the big fight against the regime.


  1. Nashat should go immediately on a drastic speech and food diet!

  2. unfortunately we are living in a world of stupidity. i personally believe that MP El Kassas is a very respectful man and he was very polite with this woman and that he doesn't deserve what all of you are doing now. You should look at the bigger picture


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