
Friday, April 23, 2010

The Sudden Visit

I do not know why I believe that the visit of King Abdullah II of Jordan to Mubarak has to do more to what happened today in the Gulf of Aqaba more than congratulating him on his safe return. Today morning  two or one rocket hit Eilat or rather Jordan as later announced and we did not know from where it was launched before Jordan admits that it came from the city of Aqaba .It was total chaos considering the facts that Israel first claimed that there was a rocket launched from Sinai to Eilat.

Abdullah II and Mubarak
It was strange thing to be believed actually considering the peaceful official relations between Egypt and Israel and the security measures in Sinai on the borders whether in Rafah or in South Sinai where the President is currently resting after a dangerous surgery !!
Of course in Tel Aviv things were different , this incident happened right after that warning Israel issued from couple of days before to its citizens to evacuate Sinai because something bad is going to happen especially with the bad memory of the Dahab blast. Now the Israelis believe their government knows everything !!
People are alarmed somehow in Cairo because many people are heading to Sinai this weekend as Sunday is an official holiday in our calendar under the name of Sinai Liberation day !! It is ironic , is not it !!?
On the National TV the Egyptian authorities have denied that the Israeli claims saying that it came from Jordan and the governor of South Sinai is insisting that technically any rocket can't be launched from Sinai to that location in Eilat and I believe the governor because he is a military man in the first place.
Of course according to Camp David Sinai is classified in to three zones where the army can't exist at the third zone which is on Aqaba Zone.
I do not have any idea actually and I will not accept the terrorism theories in Sinai.
FYI we have exactly 31 days and the emergency law will have to be extended again if Mubarak wants to continue ruling !!


  1. Zeino look at the man's left hand, it's posed like that in all the photos that weve had till now, do u think what am thinking ?

  2. Yes I do but of course I am not a doctor to be sure of anything

  3. The Egyptians can try and cover up their crimes as much as they want (and Jordan can cover up for them) but the fact is that eyewitnesses in Eilat saw the rockets coming from Sinai and the Israeli navy found 1 of them in the water near Taba. Also, Israel's Channel 2 news has exposed that Eypt asked Israel to let Egyptian troops into Sinai. It seems than that Egypt has no control of Sinai and that Israel knows more than Egypt what goes on there.

    Can you imagine what would've happened if Israel "happened" to shoot 2 rockets at Egypt or Jordan? They would start a war with Israel over this cos they are dying to attack her.


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