
Sunday, May 2, 2010

The New Crusade

The regime needs something to make people busy at something especially that the President who is celebrating his 82nd birthday after 3 days seems to be staying at Sharm El-Sheikh forever and is avoiding any public appearances longer than 20 minutes !! Already according to official leaks the President will not say his annual labor day speech in front of Egypt laborers because he can’t say it while sitting and they have to wait till when he is fully recovered !!??1

The regime needs something to make people busy at something especially they need to raise prices and create new crises to make them even more busier before the elections. The regime needs something to divert people’s attention from the growing anger and desire in change especially that ElBaradei is in his way back home to start another round of visits across the country.

Al Ahly has won the league , the people are bored from Suzanne Tamim’s murder trial and the Mortada Vs. Shobeir thing. The world cup is still in June

Fear no more my dear Egyptian citizens because our regime has found something to make people busy at : The lynching of Egyptian murderer in Lebanon. It began to develop in to media sensation , Youm 7 is feeding the people’s anger along with Al Ahram , TV shows speaking about the matter as if the Lebanese did not say they were sorry not to mention the guy was proven to be the murderer !! Already I can’t believe Al Ahram was trying to beautify the profile of Mosallam2 .

In the first page we find a box with the details about the miserable life of Mosallam including being violent because some sort of head injury while his childhood not to mention he used to take drugs !!

Already I do not know what we expect more from Lebanon when everyone there has expressed his sorrow including the president himself !! Yes President Michel Soliman has expressed his sorrow for the murder of Mosallam in this way , can you remember the last time president Mubarak has expressed his sorrow for the murder of African refugees not to mention if he had expressed his sorrow his sorrow for the 1000 Egyptian who were drowned in the red sea !!??

I am afraid what happened in Ketermaya could have happened in any Egyptian village in Upper Egypt for God sake.

To all Lebanese I am really sorry for any insult to Lebanon you will find online and on TV from mad people.

1. When will he exactly be fully recovered !?
2. The name of the murderer who was lynched.


  1. egyptians in upper egypt what have done the same?? what dream world are you living in?

    they are known for vendetta killing but they don't torture and beat to death and drag the body around town and hang him on a hook like a slaughtered animal infront of children while cheering laughing and taking pics with their mobile like they are on a picnic, you really think egyptians would do the same thing?

    are you comparing a 7,000 years of unified country without a single civil war in that entire history with a country that doesn't know peace that lasts more than a year??

    if you really think that egyptians can do the same thing, i personally find it insulting to think you are an egyptian.


    please tell me, do you really believe upper egyptians will do the same thing, really???

    if you think egyptians can do something like that, then it's really time you move to another country say, lebanon

  3. and stop saying murderer it makes you look stupid..have you ever heard of "innocent till proven guilty" huh?

    only on arab sites he's already been labelled murderer, criminal WITHOUT A TRIAL every other site he is a suspect



    he confessed? well..where is the police report with his signature under the confession?no to mention that arab police NEVER torture suspects into confession. DNA? according to the genome institution of the usa, it take several weeks to produce a valid DNA result from a contaminated specimen

    do you know what a valid DNA result means? it means it can stand in court of law without reasonable doubt and contaminated specimen means dna collected from a crime scene.

    the experts of DNA say it takes several weeks for a valid result.. yet the geniuses at lebanon were able to produce a positive analysis in less than 12 hours!!
    those same geniuses who sent out DNA to france after assassination because they didn't(in their own words)have proper facilities to test contaminated DNA.
    and we're not even gonna say how can a murderer not hide the murder weaponand clothing related to the scene like any murderer would do when he was free for 24 hours..yet they easily found them in his house..was he really that stupid?? and can we please see pics of that alleged murder weapon?

    the same police who could not make one arrest in more than 12 politically motivated murders and more than 300 common murders in the last decade alone was miraculously able to point a finger in less than 24 hours

    don't you see the police are simply presenting a quick scapegoat to cover their arses before elections in an enraged village. don't you see this is crime is clearly a textbook CRIME OF PASSION that can only be committed by someone close to the family.

    don\t you see they are trying to profile him
    butcher=killer NO IT DOESN'T
    raped a girl, no attempted ,we're not sure
    she was 12, she was 15, she was 16..invisible girl he tried to rape, does she have a name? does she even have a birth certificate so everyone can know for sure how old was she??

    he committed several crimes before in egypt? and how many exactly..what kind of crimes, you know not paying a debt can be called a crime was he sentenced? WHERE IS HIS CRIMINAL RECORDS IN THE EGYPTIAN INTERIOR MINISTRY?

    can't anyone see he was a scapegoat..there is no MOTIVE, no EVIDENCE, he was profiled to be the scapegoat

    and now idiots have ruled that he was a criminal on HEARSAY!! where is everybody's brain..doesn't anyone think anymore

  4. in all honesty i lost a lot of respect for calling him a murder...why entitled you a judge to call him a murderer when he was never convicted or trialled.

    i truly lost a lot of respect for you zeinobia and it makes me very sad

    "The tests also proved that that some of the sweat and blood on the knife's handle were of the suspect," the statement read on Friday. Forensic science expert and Lebanese American University professor Omar Nashabeh criticised the ISF statement, and accused the authorities of mishandling the situation.

    "The match between the two [blood] samples does not automatically mean conviction, because such a verdict must be issued by an independent court. Regardless of the available evidence, no authority but the court has the right to issue a verdict. What happened means that there is no justice in Lebanon," he told Al-Shorfa.

    replace murderer by suspect!
    he isn't a murderer until proven in court of law and your blog is not a court of law

  6. "in all honesty i lost a lot of respect for you.."

    " i truly lost a lot of respect for you zeinobia "

    apart from fully agreeing with every single word she wrote , I believe the simple fact that she published all your attacking comments is enough to respect her more than ever.

    " egyptians in upper egypt what have done the same?? what dream world are you living in?

    they are known for vendetta killing but they don't torture and beat to death and drag the body around town and hang him on a hook like a slaughtered animal infront of children while cheering laughing and taking pics with their mobile like they are on a picnic, you really think egyptians would do the same thing? "

    Egyptians do much more for more trivial reasons my fellow citizen not you read our local newspapers?? and evern through out the history , we have done much much more to each other,and to the others. It is enough to mention Hypatia.

  7. Sudanese Observer5/02/2010 10:05:00 PM

    Interesting and encouraging to note your recognition of the African (Sudanese) refugees who were brutalised in Mustafa Mahmoud square some years ago, as well as the African (including many Sudanese) refugees who get shot whilst trying to cross the Egyptian-Israeli border.

    You apologised to the Lebanese in advance of any insults that might be coming their way from the Egyptian media which is at its classiest when being patriotic (I am being sarcastic) - yet you did not apologise to the Sudanese public for the insults hurled their way primarily by Amr Adib (whose wikipedia bio has disappeared) and Ibrahim Hijazi.
    Why the double standard?

  8. Sudanese observer ...

    I do not know if you are commenting on my comment or on Zeinobia's post itself.Anyway , the names you mentioned are worthless are giving them more than what they deserve.

    As an Egyptian ,I apologize for every single insult uttered by our media against any Arab or African country.

  9. آخر أيام الخريف said...
    It is enough to mention Hypatia

    Yes, that's really the same and validates your point comparing something that happened 2000 years ago to something that happened in the 21st century.

    You know there's a reason why people advance with time and I don't believe the Egyptians collectively (an entire village) will execute and maim someone.

    So your comparison is bollocks.

  10. Ahmed...

    May be I did not choose the suitable example when I mentioned Hypatia,but if you have a random quick look at our own local newspapers,you will find that Egyptians do much much more to each other for the sake of a few pounds,not even for revenge...!!!!

    We need to be honest with ourselves,blind chauvinism and crying upon the dignity of the elder sister is becoming a sort of silly sarcsm.

    Thanks .

  11. @ Ahmed

    what I had exactly said in my first comment was :

    " Egyptians do much more for more trivial reasons my fellow citizen not you read our local newspapers?? and evern through out the history , we have done much much more to each other,and to the others. It is enough to mention Hypatia."

    So please read carefully before attacking on no basis ...!!!

  12. Sudanese Observer5/05/2010 11:18:00 AM

    آخر أيام الخريف
    My comment was directed at Zeinobia.

    Higazy apologised but Adib refused to do so, he still refuses to be contacted by any Sudanese journalist. I'm sure you know the mini diplomatic crisis that emanated from the Egyptian media's reaction to the final World Cup qualifier in Khartoum.

    I maintain that there is still a problem in the superficial and stereotypical way Egyptian media portrays anything Sudanese or black African.

    And everything is connected as can be read in this article:

    Sudan’s policy of selling land is more dangerous than building dams

  13. I get your point Zeinobia,

    BUT , would he have been murdered in Upper Egypt? maybe (probably yes)
    Would he have been 'lynched'? No, post-mortem mutilation is NOT part of our culture. Egyptians simply don't do that sort of thing


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