
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Now You Know How It Feels

Bullies are in every school in every country whether it is poor or rich , whether it is a public school or high society school , it is a life fact that no one knows an exact explanation for : Why kids bully other kids in their age !!??

Anyhow according to Mohamed Abdel Kodus  in Sawt El-Oma weekly, the latest bullying victims in Egyptian schools is none other than : Sherif Habib El-Adly !!!!

Sherif Habib El-Adly , the youngest son of Habib El-Adly , the minister of interior from his second wife was bullied and beaten in the last day of school by 3 other kids from his class. He was not injured seriously but as a child he cried to his mom and dad and as a caring parent Habib El-Adly picked up the telephone on the owner of the school telling that he sent his son to his school to get educated not to get beaten

Sherif is a student in the British International school which is owned by Ahmed Ezz1 , yes Ezz of steel and NDP recently known as MR.Ez !! MR.Ez ordered that those little three bullies to be kicked off his school without realizing that their dads are from the NDP A+ Class in Egypt creating a problem in the NDP.

Now I believe after this little incident El-Adly knew what it means to see his son beaten by someone else , I do not know if he understand the morale lesson from that incident or not but I know surely he felt even for a few minutes like those parents whose activist siblings go to the street demanding basic rights to find only official thugs with ranks waiting for them.

Akhmim’s locals are angry again after the death of a young boy during the clashes between the security forces and the people last Wednesday , the boy was suffocated by the tear gas bombs used by the security forces.Despite the two incidents are not related still I hope El-Adly realizes there are many parents angry from him and despite they can’t pick up the phone on Mubarak , they can pray to God Almighty.

1. Ezz’s elder daughter is teacher , a man with his mentality will not let his daughter work away from his empire.


  1. Wow..!!!!Ezz does not look old enough to have a daughter of that age....!!!!

  2. Z, could u post the original link to the story plz. Who are the other 2 PMs? I didnt knw Ezz owns this school my cousin was in it my uncle who talks day and night about the democracy of the West and the bad conditions of Egypt sent him there to make sure his son is connected to the kids of the important names in our country. He makes jokes about how the school is filled with grand kids of former socialist figures who hated the US and Britain before.


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