
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Anger Day Follow Up : A Step Towards Real Anger

Tonight at 7 PM Egyptian activists and youth hold the Anger Day only for 30 minutes across the country.
There were gatherings across the country in Alexandria , Giza , Sharkia , Bani Sawif , Port Said ,Gharbia,  Qalubiya, Mounfia and Mansoura.
Some honked their cars , some stood in their balconies with their pots and some walked in the streets in small groups making noise to express their anger.

In her balcony with a cooking pot 
There were several marches and stands in Alex in different area across the main city like in Sidi Gaber and Sidi Bashr. In Sidi Bashr the citizens honked their cars with the activists.

Here is a video from ElBaradei candidacy supporting campaign from Alex.

and another video from the Alex Photo News

A group of protesters in Alexandria went to Youssef Shaban’s house to protest his forced disappearance, Youssef has not returned back to his home despite his release as he suddenly disappeared.
At Youssef's house
In Qalibuya the activists changed the location of their march after knowing that the security would sabotage it and yet their march succeeded in generating a good public reaction and interest in the cause.
In Tanta , Gharbia the activists chose a populated labor area in Mahla where the people joined for half an hour screaming "ah" from their balconies and windows without any clash with the security. You can check the photos from Tanta's march here. Here is a video clip from the protest last night

The biggest movement and gatherings were in Imbaba were the security arrested 3 activists and Al Masry Al Youm photographer before setting them free. Activist and TV hostess Bothiana Kamal was threatened  with a gun by a state security officer !!

The Imbaba protest was already covered by local and foreign reporters.The Daily News Egypt wonderful trio "Jon , Ian and Mohamed" made a great video report about the Imbaba's protest.

Here is a video showing the march in Imbaba where you can see Abdel Rahman Youssef with a whistle and cooking pots !!
Angry Friday
Here is another video from the ElBaradei Supporting campaign

I received  tweets that there are activists who were arrested in Zagzig, Sharkia. I am not sure of this news.There were about 100 protesters in the march in Zagzig. Here are couple of photos from there from the 6 April Youth-Sharkia group. Drivers honked their cars with the activists by the way. " The photos were taken by the mobile phone I suppose"

Here is a photo from Mansoura. In Mansoura the boys and girls caught the attention of the people in the street during their march saying nothing except "Ah" to express their pain and frustration. The youth distributed flyers according to news reports on large number of people.
In Bani Sawif there was a lot of interaction with the people as they suffer from the abuse of police day and night according to press reports that the people chanted from their balconies. 
In Port Said the activists fired fireworks to create noise and people interacted with them..
This post depended mainly on twitter , DNE , Masrawy
I think today’s anger day was successful one regardless of how small to it , it is just one step towards the real anger and it was a successful step.Already I like the technique and the fact it was short protest that did not exceed 1/2 hour yet it was an effective and delivered important message to both the regime and the people. 

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