
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ElBarardi Supporting Campaign Website Is Hacked

ElBaradei Supporting campaign announced in its official facebook page that its official website which was launched by Dr. ElBaradei has been hacked today.

The campaign is no longer controlling the website which is already down and that they hold no responsibility for whatever is published in it.

This comes days after the discovery of a spying bug in the campaign HQ. The last update in this scandal was that the campaign reported the matter to the general attorney.


  1. The Campaign cant just say that and we will make a new website. We, those who left their data their have the right to see them taking legal action against this hacking, they need to take this all the way to the courts and force the police to reveal the ips of those launching the hacking. Also, we deserve a statement regarding the safety of the data of those who signed. This could throw off the very basic idea of leaving ur data and signing the demands.

  2. This is not the demands website thank God

  3. Thanks god it's not the demands website..otherwise we would really be doomed.the website is our only hope for change..if that goes down all bets are off.praise Allah!

  4. So, which website is it Z? I was going to write back and say I tried the website for the demands and its working.


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