
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Occupation Delegalizes Israel

The whole world knew  how Young Jew activists interrupt Stinky Bibi’s speech full of lies at the Jewish general assembly held in New Orleans , now you watch what happened there after the break.

Young Jews Disrupt Netanyahu at Jewish General Assembly from stefanie fox on Vimeo.

Occupation delegalizes Israel.

Disrespecting international laws delegalizes Israel.

Disrespecting human rights law delegalizes Israel.

Disrespecting security council resolutions delegalizes Israel.

The loyalty oath delegalizes Israel.

These are facts no one can deny.


  1. Yealing is not a civilized way to express his discomfort.
    Within the Jewish People there are place to dialogue, to build peacfully and non violently their opinion. The fact they don't use it is a demonstration of their lack of honesty.

  2. ..common sense delegalises isreal.

  3. A growing number of American and Western Jews (specially the young)disagree with ultra and conservative Israeli politician's policies that is driving world opinion against Israel. It seems that Jews of Russian decent have hijacked Israel's policies.
    This is a demonstration of people practicing their democratic rights to speak out.
    I wish to see a similar denunciation of terrorism and hate from the Arab world, because there is a significant number of free thinking Jews and Arabs who are for peace.
    The Canadian.

  4. A recent Poll indicates that American Jews (79%) want a two state solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
    Also, according to this recent poll; 83% of American Jews want the US leadership to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.
    Over 500 respondents participated in this poll/survey conducted by Gerstein/Agne Strategic polling company, with results released in the last 3-4 days.
    The Canadian.

  5. @Yaov , and what is the results of decades of dialogue ??

  6. oh and sorry Bibi , isreal doesn't represent the jews as u said ,

    criticizing israel =/= attacking the jews or antisemitism.

  7. I was quite disappointing of your incitement. there are ways to criticise people and actions, and you chose the least decent one.
    to Kareem -
    how about suggesting the final solution to the Israeli problem? maybe some labour camps would do so, thus freeing Palestine to the alleged Palestinians.


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