
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Follow Up : Maikel Has Been Exempted

There is a big update in the Maikel Sanad case folks , the army has set him free forever yesterday !! Are you surprised !!?? Are you shocked !!? Well do not be because I will tell you why !!

First of all the army did not “won’t” give damn to the noise Sanad made about his cause along with his supporters and surely they will not set him free because he sent an email to the UN or that human rights organization. Second of all it turned out that Mr. Sanad has a heart condition that would set him free from the mandatory services naturally but he did not announce this because he is the man of his cause and he wanted to make a point !!

The army exempted him as simple as that because he does not fit medically. Maikel is back as a free man again and of course what is the first thing he does when he is a free man !!?? An interview to his favorite Israel’s rightwing newspaper Yediot Ahronot where he described how he was abducted by Egyptian intelligence agents from his house despite he respected the law !!??Original Hebrew text

Maikel wondered why no Egyptian newspaper covered his so-called abduction by the Egyptian intelligence praising the Israeli free press !! It is worth to mention that the last time Al Shorouk tried to cover his story , he accused the newspaper and reporter of changing his interview in Yediot Ahronot despite Yediot was the one that changed his words !!

The army scores without any fuss , without any noise.

Now this is the end of Maikel’s file , yes the military service is an important issue but it is secondary besides other more important issues. If anyone wants to discuss it then he must discuss it with total respect to Egypt , Egyptians and their army.


  1. With my total support of Michael's right to discuss ANY subject including compulsory military service in Egypt. I definitively disagree on how he dealt in expressing his ideas. Its about time that we are able and allowed to discuss any issue related to the Egyptian political system, that includes definitively the Army and its affairs.This taboo about discussing and/or criticizing the Egyptian army have to be lifted. So i strongly disagree that the issue is secondary as you mentioned in your article for a very simple reason: The Army is the source and the ideological base of the current Egyptian despotic regime since 1952. Not allowing criticizing the Army will make our quest for democracy a theoretical and academic useless exercise...

  2. I still think the guy was looking for fame not really standing up for a principle. Having said that, I do pray that our generation gets rid of the "some are above discussion", we have the right to discuss military affairs, as long as its done respectfully and w/o revealing info, just as its done in other countries and Ive seen how in the US and in EU, the men of the military are respected. We also and more importantly have the right to discuss the judiciary, which for some reason have a bunch of them thinking they are above questioning and review, not their rulings!!! not their appointments and not their corruption!! NO one should be spared the critical opinions of the ppl. That should be the rule and must be defended by our generation.

  3. @Z: Sorry to post here but there is no other place. Kol sana we enti tayieba, Adha Mubarak to u and to all others celebrating it.


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