
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Follow Up : Ahmed Shabaan’s Family Needs You

Shaaban in his childhood
Ahmed Shaaban’s family needs our support more than any time , already just from few minutes ago the police officers came to the neighborhood and harassed his family and friends. Earlier everything was fine but it has just changed and it is something expected. There is no doubt that the Police and MOI are angry that the Shaabans are talking to the media. Now I fear on Ahmed Shaaban’s uncle who slammed Mubarak in video.
There was going to be a march from his house to the Police station at 12 PM Alexandria local time but the security presence cracked it in no time before turning its anger on the late boy’s family and friends. I read through twitter that there is a current curfew on the area of Mohram Bek where he lives.
Here is a video clip from Ahmed Shaaban’s funeral thanks to journalist Mohamed Abdel Fatah. The MOI wanted it to be secret but it failed and I bet they praying that the Shaaban murder will be forgotten in the Eid but insh Allah it will not.
Ahmed Shaaban’s funeral
Ahmed Shaaban’s family is poor and they got nobody except God and us now. Here is a Facebook page dedicated to Ahmed Shaaban and honestly since knowing the incident the Khaled Said groups have been following the case and spreading it through out the FB.
I am so angry from our newspapers that are still waiting the permission from the MOI to publish the news !! Only Online El-Badil was following the matter since yesterday !!
The Online El-Badil revealed very shocking details about the incident , about how Shaaban’s mother knew her young son was being torture in the police station. The poor lady went to Sidi Gabr police station and bribed someone there who told her that her son was alive but was badly tortured !! Can you imagine how she felt or how she is feeling right now !!??
The only witness in the case will face a drug case if he dares and testifies against the police or in other more realistic words and says the truth !!
You must know that the family of Ahmed Shaaban did not identity him his body except from his finger as his body was badly damaged from both torture and water !!!
Update :
Daily News Egypt has published a report about Ahmed. The report of DNE contained a very important critical detail , Ahmed Shaaban had a verbal fight with officer of Ahmed Othman of Sidi Gaber police station and was detained before being acquitted by the court last year.
Mona Tammam, Ahmed's mom (DNE)
This can be a motive for the case. Ahmed Othman is currently being accused of being the man who ordered those agents of beating Khaled Said to death. Ahmed Othman was the officer who appeared in that video believed to be behind Khaled Said case. Strangely I thought that Othman would be transfered after Khaled Said case but I was wrong.
Ahmed Shaaban's sister Naglaa has reported to the prosecution office which is currently investigating the case. You should watch the video report made by the DNE crew. "it was filmed by a Flip"

The MOI has started to fire back in the Youm 7 and by claiming that he was a mobile phone thief and he tried to steal some girl's possession according to his friend "who is currently detained". Ok he is a thief , why did he end up as a dead body in the Mahmoudia canal !? Why were there traces of torture on his body !!?

1 comment:

  1. We all see that Ahmed Othman is running a hash ring.


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