
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Regarding Case 4405/2010

At the same time Maikal Nabil Sanad has been arrested and his news were spreading their Egypt’s social networks yesterday , another internet user was arrested by the army and yet there is not much attention to him despite what he has happened to him can happen with anyone.

That internet user is Ahmed Hassan Bassiouny and unlike Maikal Nabil Sanad you can consider him that he was a pro-military mandatory service to the level of creating a Facebook group called “ The department of recruitment and mobilization, the Arab republic of Egypt”. Despite identifying the group as a volunteering , Bassiouny should have motioned that this group is not affiliated the army from near or far explicitly in this group ; this is the first thing that caught my attention. Bassiouny did not mean any harm on the contrary that he published his full contacts including his phone number and address.

Bassiouny discussed the procedures and steps the  young men should follow when they apply for their military services. According to human rights organizations in Egypt the military prosecution wants to persecute Bassiouny according  to to laws 80 1/2 and 85/3 of the Penal Code and law 5/B of the Military Justice Code.

I hope that the army understands that Bassiouny did not want any harm and for sure did not want to spread military secrets , he did not understand nor know the law because if he did , I am sure that he would be careful in what he published.

I do not know why the army was so aggressive when it had a great opportunity to use this group to market itself through it , instead  of arresting Bassiouny and make him stand in front of martial court.

Unlike Sanad Bassiouny presented the other side of the coin , he respects the law but he does not know the law and he broke it unintentionally. I hope our army men understand this.


  1. The army is very uneasy about individuals publishing any kind of information regarding the military..even if it's no secret. The conscription guide is already available for all in several brochure prints at Hikestep. bassiouy has good intentions but he's a fool to tread on very sensitive issues. The army is probably not concerned about his group but rather what else he may know and publish so according to their 'extra cautious' procedures he had tobe brought in for questionning and a slap on the hand..he will be released.
    I'm not defending what the army did but Bassiouy is very naive, especially in revealing his identity and not publishing incognito.. even if he wasn't living in Egypt- like an expat, his name will have been added to the 'special list' at ports and a welcome wagon will be awaiting him as soon as he arrives

  2. Impersonating a person or entity is against Facebook rules and the law. I dnt knw that guy or his page but for God's sake Z, are u arguing that he didnt knw this very basic legal rule?!!!


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